Washington Examiner

Liberal Media Scream: ‘CNN’ has become a laugh line – Washington Examiner

The recent ​segment of “Liberal Media ‌Scream” features comedian Bill Maher criticizing⁢ CNN⁤ for its perceived bias during coverage⁣ of Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential nomination acceptance speech. ⁢Maher claims there is a disproportionate emphasis on liberal ‍perspectives, citing​ an example where there was ​extensive praise for Harris’s ⁣speech before any ⁢conservative commentary was presented. Notably, Maher‌ compared CNN’s format to​ that of “The View,” suggesting it may be more honest‍ to not include a ​conservative voice at all rather than making it appear⁢ tokenistic. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins attempted to defend the network’s impartiality, asserting ​that it features voices from‌ both political sides. However, Maher’s remarks underscore a broader skepticism about CNN’s objectivity, particularly among conservative‌ viewers. The discussion emphasizes​ the ongoing debate around media bias​ and representation in news coverage.

Liberal Media Scream: ‘CNN’ has become a laugh line

This week’s Liberal Media Scream features talker Bill Maher mocking CNN and its hosts for viewing the lefty cable network as politically centrist, citing unending “gushing” over Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential nomination acceptance speech the night before.

“I watched from 8:09 to 8:23. There was just gushing about how great a speech it was,” the talk show host and comedian told CNN host Kaitlan Collins. He said it wasn’t for 15 minutes until “Lonely Scott” Jennings, one of the few conservatives paid by CNN, got a word in.

“It was like 5-to-1. It always looks like 5-to-1,” Maher said of how CNN stacks liberals against conservatives.

Collins, who a week ago faced laughter from Stephen Colbert’s audience when he called CNN fair, tried to defend the network, but Maher wasn’t hearing it. “It’s, kind of, like, the same as The View. It’s like, it’s almost better to have nobody there like MSNBC,” he dissed.

From Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO on Friday:

BILL MAHER: You made press because you were on Stephen Colbert’s show, and he said something like you guys at CNN just report the news straight, and the crowd burst into laughter.

That tells you a lot, doesn’t it? How do you guys think you are doing in that arena of, like, this is a terribly divided country. We are not only politicized, a lot of people hate the other side. And CNN, in my view, should be the place where both sides can watch. How do you think you’re doing with that?

COLLINS: CNN is the place where both sides can watch. And I think, you know, my show is evidence of that. We have lawmakers on from both parties.

MAHER: I’m talking about the people on CNN, and I know what the conservative side of America thinks, and I don’t blame them. I watched Kamala’s speech last night. It ended at 8:09, or, I guess, 11:09 in the East. It wasn’t until 11:23 ‘till the one conservative guy, what’s his name?

COLLINS: Scott Jennings.

MAHER: ‘Lonely Scott,’ I call him.

COLLINS: David Urban was there too.

MAHER: Wait a second. Wait a second. I watched from 8:09 to 8:23. There was just gushing about how great a speech it was — and I think she did fine. I didn’t think it was as good as they were making it out to be, but if I’m a conservative in America, and I’m watching CNN, just for the straight middle-of-the-road, that’s what I hear for 15 minutes is “it’s great” and then Lonely Scott. When you see — it does look like tokenism. It’s, kind of, like, the same as The View, it’s like, it’s almost better to have nobody there like MSNBC.


COLLINS: I think it was a Democratic convention. They turned to Democrats, people like David Axelrod, who ran successful presidential Democratic campaigns first, for their analysis of this, and I don’t think that you can say that CNN is anything but fair.

I mean, look at, we covered President Biden’s exit from the race very closely, the pressure on him to get out, and I feel like I could speak with authority on this — I’m from Alabama. I’m from a very red state. I have very conservative family, a lot of them are Trump voters. They watch my show every night, and I think they know that they can trust me, that we call bulls*** on every side, not just whatever leaning our audience may be, and I think that’s something that people want more of is to hear from that.

I think Scott’s voice is really important, but I think other voices are important to hear from, and everyone who was speaking last night, it’s not like they were all Democrats. I mean, Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, Abby Philip, all my amazing colleagues giving analysis.


MAHER: They come across that way. They came across that way in a moment like that. It was like 5-to-1. It always looks like 5-to-1.

Brent Baker, the vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, explained our weekly pick: “It’s hard to believe Kaitlan Collins is really that clueless about the ingrained left-wing, anti-conservative agenda of CNN. That a traditionally left-of-center comedian recognizes that reality, to say nothing of an audience in Manhattan laughing at calling CNN objective, should give Collins pause. The fact that it doesn’t shows just how ideologically blind are Collins and her CNN colleagues are. To them, nothing is more important than keeping Donald Trump out of the White House.”

Rating: FIVE out of FIVE Screams

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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