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Key points about the Liberal Media’s Kansas City Chiefs Blackface Hoax

Deadspin Faces Backlash⁣ for False Article Targeting Young Kansas City Chiefs Fan

The ​far-left sports and culture outlet⁢ Deadspin is under fire this week after publishing a ⁣misleading article that falsely portrayed a young fan of the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs as wearing blackface and offending Native ‍Americans. The article, written by Carron J. Phillips,‍ quickly garnered⁤ attention for its deceptive⁢ nature.

However, it‌ didn’t take long for several glaring issues to emerge, exposing the‍ article as a hoax. These issues could have been easily⁣ addressed if Deadspin​ had expected to be held accountable by the public.

Firstly,⁢ the child in question was ‌not​ wearing blackface but had‌ his face painted with the Chiefs’ team colors of red and black. Deadspin’s Phillips⁤ intentionally shared a ⁢screenshot that⁤ only showed the ‍black-painted side of⁣ the child’s face,‌ omitting the⁢ red side.

Secondly,​ Phillips criticized ⁢the 9-year-old for wearing a Native American headdress without realizing ⁤that the⁤ boy is a member of a federally recognized American Indian⁣ tribe, and his grandfather is part of the tribe’s elected government.

It is no secret that many activist reporters often prioritize their political ‌or social agenda over ‍accurate reporting. In⁤ this‌ case, Phillips used his platform at Deadspin to‍ launch a misguided attack on a child⁢ at ‍a ⁣football game, resulting in a major backlash.

Despite the mounting evidence against‍ the article,‌ Deadspin stubbornly refused to​ update Phillips’ report with‍ the correct information until several ⁣days later.

Deadspin ⁢Slandered an Elementary School Child Who Attended an⁣ NFL Game

Holden Armenta, ⁢a 9-year-old fan, attended ‍the Kansas‌ City Chiefs’ game against the​ Las Vegas Raiders wearing red and black face paint, a‌ headdress,‍ and a Travis Kelce jersey. The CBS camera‌ captured his enthusiastic ‍support for the team.

The next day, Phillips published‌ his ⁢post with the ‌deceptive photo and a ⁤headline that falsely accused ‍the child of wearing blackface and⁤ a Native⁤ headdress.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups⁢ of people at once,” Phillips wrote. “But on Sunday⁤ afternoon ⁣in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a ‍way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time. It was as if Jon Gruden’s ⁢emails had come to life. The image of a Chiefs ‍fan ⁢in Black face⁤ wearing⁢ a Native headdress⁤ during a road game leads to so ⁣many unanswered questions.”

Phillips went on to‌ criticize the NFL and society as ⁣a whole,​ calling for the Chiefs to change their name like the Washington ​Commanders (formerly the Redskins).

However, the backlash against Phillips and Deadspin was swift. It⁢ was quickly revealed that the other ​side of Holden’s face was painted red, making it clear that he ‍was not ⁣portraying himself as a black​ person.

The backlash continued to grow as more people realized the false accusations made against the ⁣young fan.

Native​ American Child‌ Falsely⁣ Accused of Racism for Supporting Kansas City Chiefs

A young Native American boy wearing a headdress and face ‍paint to cheer on the Kansas City Chiefs has been wrongly accused of racism by Deadspin writer Carron J. Phillips. The story has caused a major controversy, with⁤ many coming to the ⁤defense of the child.

People⁣ are outraged by the false accusations made against the child. Marc Thiessen ⁤tweeted, “You people are such a disgrace. You purposely show ‌one side of his face. He’s not ⁣in⁢ blackface,‍ he’s wearing ‌Chiefs⁢ colors and ​he’s Native ‌American. AND HE’S‌ A LITTLE KID. I hope his family sues you and puts you out of ⁢business.”

What the Armenta Family Is Saying ⁣About Phillips’ Article

Holden ‌and his father, Bubba Armenta, ⁢are members of California’s⁤ Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians, according to the ⁣Washington Examiner. Holden’s ‍grandfather, Raul Armenta, is also involved in tribal affairs. The ⁣family is deeply offended by the false accusations made by ⁤Deadspin and ⁣Phillips.

Holden’s​ mother, Shannon Armenta, took to Facebook to ⁤defend her son, accusing Deadspin of intentionally⁢ misrepresenting his game attire to create division. Bubba‌ Armenta also spoke​ out, describing ​the devastating ⁢impact the⁣ false accusations ‍had on his son.

Despite ‌the false accusations, Holden appeared to be in good​ spirits during an interview with Jesse Watters. Bubba Armenta explained⁤ that they never‌ intended to disrespect any Native Americans and that the headdress worn by Holden was a novelty piece, not traditional regalia.

Phillips and Deadspin Refuse to Retract the Article or‌ Apologize

Deadspin has updated Phillips’‌ article to acknowledge that the Armenta family is ⁣Native American but has failed to apologize for the​ false ‍accusations. The outlet only highlighted part of a statement from the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash ⁣Indians, conveniently leaving out their condemnation of cultural appropriation.

Deadspin’s ⁢refusal ​to retract the article and apologize to the ⁤child​ and his family has sparked further outrage.‌ This is not the first time‍ the outlet has been involved in false reporting regarding skin⁢ color and NFL football.


The false accusations made against the Native American child supporting the Kansas City Chiefs have caused a major controversy. The Armenta family‌ is demanding an‍ apology from Deadspin and Carron J. Phillips for the damage caused by their‌ article.‌ The incident highlights the importance of responsible ⁤journalism and the need⁣ to avoid⁢ jumping to conclusions based on appearances.

Controversial Hiring of‍ Miami Dolphins Coach Sparks Backlash

When‍ Mike McDaniel was appointed as the⁤ head⁣ coach of ‍the Miami Dolphins, it caused quite a stir. Deadspin, a popular sports⁤ outlet, went as far as calling him “not worthy” of the position.

“Please stop and think before you inadvertently dub⁢ another young, ​white guy as the next hot⁤ NFL coaching prospect,” the ⁣outlet’s ​Sean Beckwith wrote.

However, the article had to be amended after it was​ revealed that McDaniel’s father was ‍black. Deadspin⁢ issued an editor’s note acknowledging their mistake.

“We learned after the publication of this article that 49ers ​OC Mike McDaniel, whom we describe as a ‘white ‍guy,’⁣ is in fact biracial,” the editor’s note said. “The article’s original text remains below. We⁤ regret the ⁣error.”

This incident is just one example of Deadspin’s questionable practices. The outlet has a history of‌ attacking individuals and then issuing half-hearted apologies. It’s ⁢no wonder that ‍the American people have‌ lost⁤ trust in media outlets like ‌Deadspin, which are⁢ often staffed by far-left activists.

These activists were also responsible for demanding⁢ the removal of minority representation in popular​ American brands and sports teams during ⁣the racial unrest of 2020. As a‌ result, Native ⁣Americans ​are now largely⁢ absent from professional sports,⁢ except for teams⁣ like ⁣the Atlanta Braves and the ⁤Chiefs, who honor American Indians ​with their mascots rather than ‍caricaturing them.

Interestingly, a 2016 ⁢poll conducted by The Washington Post revealed that‍ nine⁤ out‍ of ten Native ​Americans were​ not offended by ⁤the name “Redskins” when it came to ⁢the controversy surrounding the Washington football team.

It’s clear that the liberal media’s agenda and lack of credibility have led ⁢to a widespread distrust among the American people.

Read More: Liberal Media’s Kansas City Chiefs Blackface Hoax: Everything You⁣ Need to Know

Source: ⁤ The Western Journal


How does the incident involving Deadspin’s false article emphasize the need for thorough research and ​fact-checking in journalism?

‍F this article that Mike McDaniel’s father is Black, and we regret the error. We apologize to ⁢Mr. McDaniel and our readers for any confusion or offense caused by our mistake,” the⁢ editor’s note read.

This incident once again calls attention to the importance of thorough research and fact-checking in journalism. In their haste to criticize and ‍make assumptions, Deadspin neglected to verify their information, leading to a⁤ misleading and potentially damaging article.

It is crucial for media⁤ outlets⁢ to hold themselves accountable for the information they publish and to issue retractions and apologies when necessary. The credibility of the ⁤news industry as a whole relies on the​ integrity and accuracy of its reporting.

The backlash faced by Deadspin⁣ highlights the power of social⁤ media and public opinion in holding media organizations accountable. ⁣In today’s digital‌ age, misinformation can spread rapidly, causing harm to individuals and tarnishing the reputation of news outlets.

The incident surrounding the false article targeting the young Kansas City Chiefs fan serves as ⁤a reminder to always ‍approach information with skepticism and‌ to seek out multiple ⁤sources​ before forming judgments. ⁤Falsehoods and misrepresentations have consequences, especially when they involve innocent individuals,⁤ such as a young child.

Journalists have a responsibility to report the truth objectively and ethically. Their role is to inform the public, not to push their own agendas or perpetuate ‍falsehoods. It is crucial that newsrooms foster an environment of integrity and hold their journalists to the highest standards of accuracy and fairness.

In conclusion, the backlash faced by Deadspin for their false article targeting a young Kansas‌ City Chiefs fan highlights the detrimental effects of irresponsible journalism. The incident serves as a reminder ‌of the ⁣importance of thorough research, fact-checking, and accountability in the media industry. Moving forward, it is vital for media outlets and journalists to prioritize accuracy and integrity in their reporting to regain public trust and credibility.

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