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Lindsey Graham expresses heightened concern over Biden’s border crisis, fearing a potential 9/11 attack

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Border Conditions Raise Concerns of ⁢Another 9/11

During a⁣ recent interview, Senator Lindsey Graham expressed deep worry about the current conditions on ‍the U.S. southern border. He believes ⁢that the potential for terrorist attacks, similar to the tragic events of 9/11, is higher now⁤ than at any other point in the past two decades.

Graham made these remarks while discussing U.S. Senate negotiations on a border package during an interview with Kristen Welker on NBC’s “Meet The ‌Press” last Sunday.

Expressing skepticism about reaching a deal‌ by the end of​ the year, Graham stated that he expects talks to continue into the new year. He criticized the ⁢White ⁢House for only recently getting ​involved‍ in the discussions, despite ongoing conversations ‌since September.

Highlighting the urgency to address​ border issues, Graham referred to FBI Director Christopher ⁣Wray’s testimony earlier this month. Wray warned that there ‍were alarming warning signs of a potential terrorist attack due ‌to the exploitation of the southern border by⁢ terrorists.


Graham emphasized the severity ⁤of the situation, stating, “The border has been obliterated since January ’21 until now. We’ve had 6 ⁣million people⁢ come to date, with 3.6 ‌million scheduled to arrive this year ⁢alone. The policy choices of ⁢the ⁢Biden administration have made the border a dangerous place. America is under threat, as jihadist‍ groups⁢ want to attack‍ us due to our⁣ support for⁣ Israel, according to‌ the FBI ⁢director since October 7th.”

Expressing ⁤his deep concern, Graham declared, “I’ve never been more worried about a 9/11 than I am right now. Our border has been obliterated, and we’re not going to settle for a mere Band-Aid fix.”

Watch the interview below:

​ What specific concerns did Senator Graham raise about the current surge of migrants attempting to cross‍ the​ border ‌illegally?

Lved ⁢in negotiations and urged them to take the issue seriously.

The senator cited the growing ⁣number of migrants attempting ⁣to cross the border​ illegally as a major concern. According to Graham,‌ the current ⁣surge is overwhelming ​Border Patrol agents and making it difficult to properly screen individuals who may pose a security threat. He emphasized that while most migrants are seeking ⁣a better life, there is a ⁣possibility that dangerous ⁢individuals with ill intentions‌ could exploit the porous border.

Graham‌ highlighted the need for​ better infrastructure and increased resources ‍to enhance border security. He proposed investing in technology​ such as drones, sensors, and⁣ surveillance systems to improve situational awareness and deter illegal crossings. Additionally, he called for⁤ hiring more Border Patrol agents and ensuring ⁣their proper training and equipment to effectively handle the influx of migrants.

The senator also expressed concern about the potential for terrorists to exploit the⁢ chaos at the ⁢border. He pointed to reports of individuals on the terror ​watchlist being‌ apprehended and argued that this highlights the urgent need for stricter immigration policies and more robust vetting processes. Graham emphasized that the safety and security of the American people should always be the top priority.

Furthermore, Graham criticized the Biden administration’s approach to immigration, accusing them of sending mixed signals that encourage illegal border crossings. He called for a clear‍ and consistent stance on ‍immigration, including enforcing existing laws and closing loopholes that allow individuals to exploit the system.

Graham’s remarks have sparked a lively ‍debate among policymakers and​ the public. Some argue that his concerns are valid and that immediate​ action⁤ is necessary to address the ⁣border crisis. Others believe that‌ his remarks are exaggerated and that focusing on comprehensive immigration reform and addressing the root causes of migration would be a more effective approach.

Regardless of the differing opinions, it is clear⁣ that the current conditions on the U.S. southern border have raised significant concerns about national security. As negotiations continue and policymakers strive to find a solution, it is‍ crucial to prioritize ‍the safety of ‍the American people‌ and ensure⁢ a secure and orderly immigration system.

In conclusion, Senator ⁤Lindsey​ Graham’s recent comments regarding‍ the ⁤conditions on ​the U.S. ⁤southern border and‍ the potential for another 9/11 highlight the urgent need for enhanced border security and ​stricter immigration policies. With the growing number of migrants attempting ​to cross ‍the border, it is crucial to prioritize ‌the safety and security of the American people. By investing in technology, increasing‌ resources, and enforcing existing immigration laws, the United States can mitigate the risks and ensure a secure and orderly immigration system.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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