Conservative News Daily

Liz Cheney criticizes ‘dangerous’ Speaker Johnson from a high pedestal.

Liz Cheney ⁤Gets on Her High Horse to ‌Bash ⁤’Dangerous’ Speaker Johnson

In perhaps what is ‍the most ringing endorsement of him yet, former Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz​ Cheney⁢ called House ‍Speaker Mike Johnson — a principled conservative and a man of deep faith — “dangerous” to ⁢democracy.

The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, who staunchly defended ⁤allowing‌ the federal government to spy on Americans through the Patriot Act, is concerned that the Louisiana congressman‍ is now the leading House Republican.

For⁤ the record, that is a caucus Cheney‍ is no longer part of because she undemocratically refused to⁣ represent Wyoming voters during her final term.

She instead joined pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-chaos Democrats by prominently ‌sitting on a ⁤committee with them as they attempted to ⁤portray the Jan. 6,⁢ 2021,‌ Capitol incursion as​ the most dangerous moment⁣ in American history.

Wyoming voters​ tossed her out ⁤of office, but she⁢ refuses to accept ‍the will‍ of the people and go away.

This week, ​she appeared on ⁣the University of Virginia Center for Politics’ “Politics Is Everything” podcast⁣ to spout off about Johnson.

Cheney teaches at the school — no ⁢doubt droning on to young people about the evils of questioning the results ⁤of an election‌ that was administered in battleground states by ⁤mail with ‌questionable ballot counting procedures.

The former congresswoman found a way to insert the 2020 election into her comments on the ⁤podcast.

“Mike ⁤is somebody that I knew well,” she said ⁣of the country’s new speaker. “We were elected together. … Our offices⁢ were next to each other. ​And, you know, ​Mike is somebody who says that he’s committed to defending the Constitution. But that’s not what he did when we were all tested in the aftermath of the 2020 election.”

Johnson voted not to certify the results of that election, which‍ Cheney⁣ said makes him “dangerous.”

She⁣ told the “Politics Is Everything” podcast that the Louisiana congressman was “acting in ways that he knew to be wrong” when he questioned a questionable election.

“I think that the country unfortunately will come to see the measure of his‌ character,” Cheney said.

“In my view,​ he was willing to set aside what ‍he knew to be ⁢the rulings of the courts,⁤ the requirements⁤ of the Constitution, in order to ⁣placate Donald Trump, ‌in ‍order to gain praise from Donald Trump, for political ‍expedience. And so it’s a concerning moment‍ to have him be, having been elected speaker of ⁣the House.”

Cheney ‍added, “One of the reasons why somebody ⁢like‍ Mike Johnson‍ is dangerous is because when you have​ elected​ Republicans who know better, elected‌ Republicans who know the⁢ truth but yet ‌will go along with the efforts to undermine⁢ our republic, the efforts, frankly, ⁣that Donald Trump undertook to overturn ⁢the election.

“In order for the party ​and⁤ therefore the country to move away from Donald Trump, he’s got to be defeated.​ But that means that people who ‍know better have to recognize the stakes. They have to ​recognize this isn’t a game. This isn’t politics ‍as usual.

“We’re dealing with somebody who, if he‍ were elected to another term, would most assuredly‌ begin‍ the process very quickly of attempting to consolidate power and,⁤ frankly, undo the institutions that protect our freedom.”

Deep down, it’s difficult to imagine Cheney isn’t simply seething because she⁢ isn’t speaker – even though ‌just a few short years ago her career trajectory could have led her anywhere.

Laughably, not only did her political career end with a blowout in the ​2022 Wyoming primary but ⁢she​ was removed by⁢ her​ House Republican colleagues as chair of the⁤ House Republican Conference for being a turncoat.

A relic of the uniparty conservatism, Cheney’s career ended the moment former President Donald Trump won the‍ 2016 election.

None of us knew it at the time, but that ⁣election ended the grift for people such as Cheney, Paul Ryan, ‌Bill Kristol and each‍ of⁤ the reprobates who‍ founded the Lincoln Project.

Like those other fossils of ⁣a bygone era, Cheney has been reduced ​to⁣ sniping at‌ people who actually work to achieve policies they​ promised to enact on behalf of voters.

Cheney’s veil is off and in ⁤spite of her years misrepresenting one‌ of the country’s most conservative states, we’re better off having had her in Congress if it helped ⁣ the conservative movement rid itself ⁤of her and ​her ⁢ilk.

Being called ⁣“dangerous” by someone such as Liz Cheney is the ultimate compliment for a man such as Johnson.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

How has Johnson‍ consistently advocated for⁢ conservative principles and defended the Constitution ⁣throughout his career?

M his supporters,” ⁤she added.

Cheney seems ‍to have forgotten that Johnson’s vote to not ‌certify the election results was based on legitimate concerns about the‍ integrity ‍of the election process. Many Americans had doubts about the⁤ widespread use​ of mail-in ballots, the questionable ballot counting procedures, and the lack of transparency⁤ in certain battleground states. These‌ concerns were not​ unfounded, and Johnson was simply exercising his duty ⁣as⁤ a representative to​ voice these concerns.

Furthermore, Cheney’s assertion that⁤ Johnson was trying to placate Donald Trump and gain praise⁣ from his supporters is ‍baseless and shows her clear bias against anyone who aligns themselves with the ⁣former president. ⁤Johnson​ has consistently advocated for conservative principles​ and has shown his commitment⁣ to defending ⁢the‌ Constitution throughout his career.

It is ironic that Cheney, who has​ repeatedly shown a disregard for the will of ​the​ people, is now criticizing ‍Johnson for supposedly undermining democracy. During ⁢her ⁣final term in office, she failed to represent the voters of Wyoming‍ and instead aligned herself​ with Democrats ⁤who sought ⁣to push a divisive agenda.

Cheney’s participation in the committee that sought to‍ portray‍ the January 6th Capitol incursion as the most dangerous moment in American history is a clear example of ⁢her willingness to exploit ⁢a tragic event for political gain. This narrative⁣ has been widely debunked, with evidence showing⁤ that the actions of a few individuals do not represent the‍ intentions or beliefs of the millions of peaceful‍ protesters who attended the rally that ⁣day.

It is time for Liz Cheney to accept the will of the people of Wyoming and step aside. Her ⁢attempts to undermine and criticize principled conservatives like Mike​ Johnson only serve‌ to further divide the Republican Party and hinder its ability ‍to effectively counter the destructive agenda of the Democrats. Wyoming deserves better representation, and it is clear that Cheney‌ is ⁣no longer the right person for the job.

Instead ‍of casting baseless insults and accusations,‍ Cheney​ should⁢ focus on rebuilding ⁣her political career and‍ regaining the trust ​of the voters she failed to represent. Only then can she hope to ​have any credibility in her criticisms of others.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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