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Lol: John Bolton Announces 2024 Presidential Run

John Bolton Wants to make foreign policy great once again. And He really, really, really wants the challenge Donald Trump In the 2024 Republican presidential primary. Welcome to 2023, y’all. This This is how the new year will look. Republicans Without a chance in the universe of becoming the Republican Nominees will announce to the media that they will run for President. It’s going to be 2015 all over again.

In This is the case John Bolton Telled Good Morning BritainHe will challenge you, out of all places. Donald Trump Vote for the GOP nomination. Bolton is 74 years old now and shouting from high places America You must interact with the world. SpecificallyHe said that he would be more difficult on. Russia And China. During His time in the Trump Administration as his national security advisor Trump dubbed Bolton As Mr. Tough Guy. Like There are many old-school methods. Republican hawks, he talks a big game and never met a potential foreign conflict he wasn’t itching to jump right into.

He Thinks Trump’s MAGA policies is in ‘terminal decline’. That’s where I think he misreads the room. Support For Trump Although the popularity of the candidate is declining, his policies are still very popular. He He was undoubtedly the most conservative president of my lifetime, except for his tendency to approve big spending bills. Republicans Recent years. Much He was unable to control his large spending. The The coronavirus pandemic was a costly national (and international!) health crisis. Bolton You want to challenge isolationism.

‘I think it’s important that it’s understood not just in Moscow, but it’s understood in places like BeijingUnprovoked aggression against your neighbours is not something you should do. United States and its allies will tolerate.’

He Made news in Great Britain by showing your support for former Prime Minister Liz Truss. He She thought she was on the right track. He’s not wrong about that.

He The question was then posed to me about the UK’s political turmoil of 2022, which resulted in three prime ministers. Liz Truss’s infamous 44 days of chaos in Downing Street.

Bolton sympathized with the ex-leader over her pro-growth and low-tax budget which sparked financial pandemonium, saying: ‘I think it was very, very sad, very, very unfortunate for the United Kingdom.

‘The policy she and her Chancellor of the Exchequer were recommending seemed to me to be perfectly sensible.’

Bolton Also, a political comeback was predicted. Boris Johnson.

Yesterday in an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker On Meet The Press Now, Bolton It sounded more assertive than it does today Good Morning Britain. My impression is that he is growing more aggressive in insisting he’ll be a serious candidate. His NBC was the focus Trump’s disregard for the ConstitutionAs shown when Trump He suggested that he be made president last month. Bolton Wants “Shermanesque statements” From all GOP candidates It isn’t enough to say they support the Constitution. They They must speak out and declare that they will fight for it against anyone who would subvert it. Bolton He stated that he would jump in any race that was offered to him. Republicans didn’t step up and condemn Trump For trying to get rid Constitution. Last month, Bolton teased a presidential run The same reason.

Good Morning Britain Was all excited about Bolton’s interview and what he said. They It was advertised as an exclusive.

In A report introducing a Friday Interview with BoltonThe show stated: “John Bolton has exclusively told ‘Good Morning Britain’ he wants to become the next president of the United States.”

In The show tweeted the video clip. Bolton Is asked by “Good Morning Britain” What is a John Bolton America Imagine what it would look like if the commander in chief was there.

“I would get in to win the nomination,” He said. “And I would do it primarily on the basis that we need a much stronger foreign policy. And I think it is important that it is understood, not just in Moscow, but is understood in places like Beijing — that unprovoked aggression against your neighbors is not something the United States and its allies would tolerate.”

Commenting On Trump’s influence in the Republican Party, Bolton said: “I think Trump support within the party itself is in terminal decline.”

He He continued to state that it would not be a vanity candidacy. If he didn’t think he could run a serious campaign, he wouldn’t get in the race. It However, it sounds like a vanity candidacy. He’s bitter about Trump After a year as national security advisor, he was fired. However, he claims that he resigned. He’s angry he was passed over for Secretary This is State, too. Word That was it Trump didn’t like Bolton’s mustache. That’s a strange reason but it made for some interesting banter. I had no idea! Bolton This was a good match for Team Trump. Trump He never started any war, which makes him a unique president today. Bolton It is proud to be a hawk.

Bolton doesn’t understand that for a large amount of RepublicanThe old GOP is dead for -leaning voters. The GOPe doesn’t interest them in the least. Trump Voted for working class voters, who used to vote Democrat. He Added minority voters to the GOP also. Look What is happening in South TexasFor example, And In Florida, too. Abbott Solid foundations can be found in DeSantis and DeSantis Republican Governors Trump A greater number of people are now interested in it. Hispanic Both states have voters He They are focused on the issues that interest them. Bolton doesn’t realize that foreign policy isn’t tops on most voters list of concerns. Americans Are you a war weary? Bolton Is a sabre-rattler.

Will Bolton Continue with his talk about running Maybe. I believe that the GOP field will again be crowded, just like it was in 2015. Potential Candidates are waiting to be selected and then they will wait for the first candidate to join them. Trump. Who Will they be the first? I don’t look for DeSantis to do it until after the Florida The legislative session has ended for this year. If My fear is right, and it will be 2015 again. Too many people jump in. Trump Will win the nomination. Probably. It’s too early to tell. I think so. Trump’s viability is waning. People We are open to change and new faces. For We will wait and see.

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