Loudoun County Public Schools: Maskless Students Can Be Cited for Trespassing if Suspended

Loudoun County Public Schools has responded to rumors of maskless students facing arrest, saying that no students have been arrested for not following coronavirus-related rules, such as wearing a mask. The county added, however, that it is true students can face suspension for repeated violations of policies implemented in response to the Chinese coronavirus, and if suspended students return to school, they could be cited for trespassing.

School officials say that students who repeatedly refuse to follow coronavirus-related rules, such as wearing a mask, may face suspension, according to a report by WUSA 9. And if a student returns to school property while suspended, that student could be issued a trespassing notice.

“This is standard practice and a warning that appears on all suspension notices,” Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent Scott Ziegler said.

"Dr. Scott A. Ziegler was appointed the Superintendent for Loudoun County Public Schools on June 8, 2021. Ziegler has served as LCPS’ interim superintendent since January 1 when he was appointed to succeed Dr. Eric Williams." (LCPS)

“Dr. Scott A. Ziegler was appointed the Superintendent for Loudoun County Public Schools on June 8, 2021. Ziegler has served as LCPS’ interim superintendent since January 1 when he was appointed to succeed Dr. Eric Williams.” (LCPS)

Ziegler went on to insist that “students suspended for defiance of COVID mitigation protocols will not be charged with trespassing,” despite it stating on a maskless student’s suspension letter that the student can be issued a trespassing notice if he or she returns to school without permission.

Earlier this week, a video containing purported audio from the assistant principal of a Loudoun County elementary school was posted to social media, where it went viral.

In the video, the assistant principal can be heard saying that students can be heard warning parents that their children who violate protocols “will be held in an in-school restriction situation,” until they are picked up, and “will be considered trespassing” if they return to campus.

“Until you arrive, your children will be held in an in-school restriction situation here at school,” the alleged Loudoun County assistant principal said.

“It is important that I point out to you — stated in the letter that you’ll receive that — that they are not allowed on campus or on Loudoun County public school property, starting tomorrow, it will be considered trespassing,” she  added.

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A spokesperson Loudoun County, however, told WUSA 9 that trespassing charges are not common. Ziegler added that no students have been arrested as a result of returning to school while under suspension.

“LCPS does not have the authority to arrest or charge any suspended students or their parents for trespassing,” he said. “Furthermore, LCPS has not requested that local law enforcement charge any student with trespassing in connection with recent suspensions.”

A spokesperson for Loudoun County told WUSA 9 that students who do not wear masks may be suspended for up to ten days, and that the suspension would be for “willful or continued disobedience of school rules.”

He added that while suspended students are not allowed on campus, they can still come back at any time before those ten days are up, as long as they comply with mask rules.

“I want to emphasize that, despite some unverified reports in the media, no students have been arrested for trespassing,” Ziegler said. “Media accounts stating that LCPS is arresting students are not accurate and create fear and potential harm for our students.”

“We want to assure the community that our primary goal is to keep students in school, learning, and safe,” the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent added.

The Loudoun County School Board reportedly voted 8-1 in favor of keeping students in masks, despite an executive order from Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) granting parents authority when deciding whether or not their child must be forced to wear a mask in school.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

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