Washington Examiner

Newsom criticized Republicans right after Maine shooting, drawing backlash.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Criticizes ⁢Republicans for Rejecting Gun Waiting Period

Shortly after⁢ news ‌broke of a deadly active shooter situation in Maine, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) ⁢took to⁤ social media to express⁤ his frustration ​with Republicans. He quoted a​ post from MSNBC, highlighting how⁣ Republicans in Maine had ​voted down a bill that‌ would​ have implemented ‍a ‍waiting period for gun purchases.

“Republicans in Maine rejected ⁤a bill this year that would have required a waiting ⁤period for ⁢firearm purchases. They seriously could not fathom waiting 72 hours to buy a⁢ gun.”

Newsom emphasized the ⁢need for immediate ‌action to prevent tragedies like this, stating‌ that ‍waiting for Congress is not enough. He even suggested amending the Constitution to address the issue.

However, the⁤ governor faced ⁢backlash from social media users who accused⁣ him ⁤of politicizing the shooting without knowing all the facts. ‍State Sen. Eric Brakey of Androscoggin, Maine, where the ‍shooting occurred,​ urged Newsom to refrain from exploiting the‌ tragedy for ‌political gain.

Furthermore, critics pointed⁣ out that Democrats have held control over both the Maine ‍House and Senate ⁣for years, making it difficult for Republicans to enact significant legislative changes.

Maine currently does not⁢ require permits to carry guns, and a ⁣bill proposing a 72-hour waiting period for gun purchases ⁣was rejected by a 24-11 vote in the Senate. Notably, several Democrats also voted against the‌ bill.

While California has experienced 41 mass shootings this year, according ‍to the Gun Violence Archive, Maine has had only two, including⁢ the recent incident. It is worth noting that densely populated states like California and Texas tend to​ have ⁢higher numbers of mass shootings, but when​ considering the population size, they do not rank among the highest rates in the​ country.

Gov. ⁣Janet Mills (D-ME) confirmed that at least 18 people were killed and 13 injured​ in the shootings that ‍took place at two locations in Lewiston.⁤ The person of ‌interest, Robert Card, a firearms instructor believed to be in the U.S. Army Reserve, remains at ‌large.

At approximately 6:56 p.m. EDT, the⁣ 911 communication center ‍received a call reporting a male shooter at Sparetime Recreation, a bowling alley. Minutes later, another call⁣ alerted authorities to an “active shooter” at⁤ Schemengees Bar ‍and Grille, located about 4 miles away.

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Are⁣ there any alternative or​ additional measures that can be implemented alongside waiting periods to ‍further reduce gun violence⁣ and promote ‌public safety

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Newsom ‍criticized the Republicans for their ⁢lack of understanding⁢ and⁣ empathy towards implementing a waiting period for gun purchases. He emphasized ⁤how important⁤ it is to have a cooling-off period in order to prevent ‍impulsive and potentially harmful decisions. The Governor’s remarks come amidst an ongoing⁤ debate about ⁣gun control in the United States.

The active ‍shooter situation​ in Maine once again reignited discussions about gun laws​ and the‍ urgent ​need for⁣ stricter regulations. While the incident itself is still under investigation, it has sparked a larger conversation about ‌the accessibility and ease of ⁢obtaining firearms. Critics argue that ⁣without proper regulations‍ and safeguards, ⁢incidents like these will⁢ continue to happen with alarming ‍regularity.

A ⁢waiting‌ period‌ for‌ gun purchases is a common sense‌ measure that many states⁣ have already implemented.⁢ It allows for a brief pause between the decision to⁣ purchase a firearm and the actual acquisition, giving individuals‍ time ⁣to‌ reconsider their choice and potentially prevent impulsive ‍actions. This waiting period also allows for a thorough ⁤background check to be conducted, ensuring that the individual purchasing the firearm is⁣ legally allowed⁣ to do ‌so.

However,⁣ Republicans in ‍Maine rejected‌ this bill, highlighting a ⁣disconnect‌ between public opinion and the​ stance ⁢of ⁣certain‍ politicians. Newsom’s frustration with the Republican Party’s‌ refusal to implement ⁤a waiting period reflects the larger debate ⁢about gun control ‌and the need for bipartisan cooperation‍ in finding effective solutions.

Opponents of waiting periods argue that they infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. They claim that responsible gun owners should not be ‌subject to unnecessary ‌delays when purchasing firearms‍ for self-defense or other⁤ legitimate purposes. While this argument ⁤may ⁤hold some validity, it fails to address the larger issue of preventing impulsive decisions that may result ⁣in tragedy.

Waiting periods have proven ⁢to be effective in ⁤reducing⁣ violence ⁣and suicide‌ rates. According to a study published in the Proceedings​ of the National Academy of Sciences, states with waiting periods ‌experienced a 7-11% decrease in firearm homicides. Additionally, waiting periods have ​been associated with a decrease in suicide rates,‍ a major public ⁢health⁣ concern.

It is‌ essential to have‌ comprehensive and sensible gun laws that⁢ prioritize ⁣public safety without unduly⁤ restricting citizens’ rights. Waiting periods, among ​othe

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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