The Western Journal

Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Rip Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech to Shreds

The text discusses Kamala Harris’s ⁤keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, criticizing her performance and claims. During her speech, she was accused of‌ making misleading statements about former President Donald Trump regarding issues such ⁤as abortion, foreign policy, ⁤and tax policy. Various news outlets, including liberal‍ ones, noted that Harris’s claims were factually⁢ incorrect.⁢ For instance, she ⁤misrepresented Trump’s supposed plans to appoint a‍ national anti-abortion coordinator and falsely stated that he encouraged Russian aggression. The article highlights a perceived pattern of dishonesty from⁣ Harris and emphasizes⁤ that even traditional media allies had difficulty defending her remarks. It concludes by suggesting that Harris’s attempt⁢ to reintroduce‌ herself was not well received, and it urges voters to‌ be cautious about her campaign’s integrity in⁤ the upcoming election.

For a candidate whose campaign is based entirely on surface impressions, Kamala Harris managed to make a terrible one on Thursday night — even to her biggest cheerleaders.

The Democratic nominee for president, a woman who has never received a single vote outside the state of California in any election, took the stage for the keynote address of the Democratic National Convention at Chicago’s United Center.

And amid faking friendship with her audience of the faithful, she managed to spit out lies so blatant even the “fact-checkers” of the establishment media couldn’t ignore them.

From former President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion to foreign policy to tariffs and taxation, Harris reeled off a series of falsehoods about her Republican opponent, analysis by even reliably liberal news outlets like The Washington Post, The New York Times and USA Today noted.

And while they didn’t speculate on Harris’ potential motivation, even an American with the mental capacity of Joe Biden could figure it out: To give the viewers a deliberately distorted view of Trump’s plans.

As USA Today pointed out, Harris lied about an alleged Trump plan to establish a national “anti-abortion coordinator.”

The outlet noted Harris was distorting an idea put forward by the conservative Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” a Democratic bugaboo Trump hasn’t at all endorsed.

At The Washington Post, “fact checker” Glenn Kessler (who’s too often too willing to go easy when it comes to the Biden-Harris administration) also found Harris had strayed from the truth describing Trump’s vision for NATO, Russian aggression and the impact of the Trump tax cuts of 2017.

The bit about dealing with Russia was particularly egregious, since she claimed Trump “encouraged” Russian President Vladimir Putin to “invade our allies.”

Trump never encouraged Putin to “invade” any country. And there are plenty of Americans old enough to remember that Putin did not, in fact, invade anyone while Trump was president. It was actually Joe Biden who “encouraged” Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Trump wants the country’s quasi-socialist European allies to pay their fair for a defense now being shouldered largely by the American taxpayer — only Democrats would have a problem with that idea.

Harris, of course, wasn’t the only Democratic liar taking the stage in Chicago.

The New York Times — again, no hot-bed of conservative thinking — managed to put together a list of other Democratic speakers at the convention with their own lies about Trump’s past.

What’s important here isn’t so much that Harris lied about Trump. Democrats and their establishment media allies have been doing that since he announced for the presidency in 2015.

What matters is that, for a change, some outlets have broken from their Praetorian guard posture when it comes to Harris and publicized, if only temporarily, exactly how deceptive her campaign actually is.

Harris is a cut-out candidate — a cardboard concoction whose attraction is based solely on the impression she makes in contrast to the feeble meanderings of the octogenarian Biden. (Even that low bar is apparently too high sometimes.)

After almost four utterly unimpressive years as vice president, Harris had been given a chance to re-introduce herself to the American public by a mainstream media almost entirely devoted to defeating Trump in November.

In other words, she got a chance to make a second first impression on American voters.

But on Thursday night, not even her supporters in the establishment media were entirely buying it.

American voters in November should know better, too.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

One Comment

  1. Tax money taken from our poor and minorities for the illegals.
    The lefts dream of victory is quickly turning into medicated hallucinations, backing two people that at large are not liked or trusted by the American public. Throwing fuel on this nightmare of choices are things like Bernie is backing Harris, like it means something as much as AOC backing Bernie. Democrats are trying to upstart and elevate two normally throw away type candidates, by testing just how much the voting public is or is not paying attention to their radical take over of the party. They know these two will not be voted in but hope to find out where party stands when Trump’s retakes the Presidency. They want to hold either the House or The Senate to try and stop Trump. Their plan remains the same get as many illegals into the United State and get them into voting systems to save the future of their party. Democrat Marxism playing the long game since they know they will loss this time around. When they nothing to stand for, have accomplished nothing for American voters, except debt, two tier legal system, personal corruption of office, inflation, and loss of world respect. Who has authorized all this illegal spending on illegal people coming into our Country unvetted with total disregard for federal immigration laws taking money from the poor and minorities? The Democrats.

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