Conservative News Daily

Liberal city to discipline students based on race, gender identity for ‘restorative justice

An Agreement for ⁤Restorative Justice in Portland Schools

An‌ agreement has been reached to end a teachers strike in Portland,‍ Oregon, and it includes a groundbreaking initiative for ​”restorative justice” ⁣in schools.​ This development was reported by CNN.

Previously,‌ students in middle and high school could face suspensions of‌ at least five days for serious incidents of physical harm or threats of violence, as stated by KGW-TV in Portland.

Now, a team of psychologists, counselors, and social workers will be involved in addressing⁤ these incidents, with additional ‍staff assigned as necessary.

The district’s Collective Bargaining Team expressed a desire to address the issue of disproportionate suspensions⁢ for non-white students, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting. They noted that black, Native American, and‌ other students of ​color were being referred out of class at a significantly higher ⁢rate.

The new collective bargaining agreement mandates the development of a “support ​plan” for students who exhibit continuous disruptive behavior,⁢ which may include detention. This plan takes into account ⁣various factors such as trauma, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and the use of restorative justice.

Mandatory‍ suspensions have been replaced with the potential for removal from class, but not from the school ‌itself.

The agreement ⁤emphasizes the importance of aligning student conduct and discipline with the district’s vision, as well as incorporating research on racial equity, social⁤ justice, restorative justice, and trauma-informed practices. The goal ‌is to minimize exclusionary discipline and maximize instructional time while addressing harm within the school community.

However, some‍ critics, like Michele Exner from Parents Defending Education, find the new policy absurd and worry​ that ⁤it will contribute ‍to a divisive climate in academic institutions.

Portland had already been working on a ⁣restorative ‍justice pilot program ⁢before the pandemic. The program aimed⁣ to address the disproportionate impact of disciplinary referrals on students of color, as mentioned on‍ the website of a participating school.

Source: Major Liberal City Set to Discipline Students Based on Their Race and Gender Identity for ‌’Restorative Justice’ (The Western Journal)

How do restorative justice conferences‍ aim to address the harm⁤ caused by wrongdoing and prevent⁢ future incidents?

​Ive behavior, rather than resorting to harsh disciplinary measures⁤ like suspensions. This support plan ⁢will involve the‌ implementation of restorative justice practices.

Restorative justice is an approach that focuses on repairing harm caused by wrongdoing rather ​than⁢ simply punishing the wrongdoer. It encourages dialogue, empathy, and accountability among all​ parties involved. By adopting restorative‌ justice practices, Portland schools aim to create a safe and​ inclusive⁤ learning⁣ environment for all students.

Under this new agreement, when a serious incident occurs that would have previously led ​to a suspension, ⁤a ​restorative justice conference will be⁢ convened. This conference⁤ will‌ bring together the student, the victim, and any other affected parties. Trained facilitators will guide a discussion where all parties can share their perspectives, express their feelings, and work towards finding ‌a resolution.

The goal of these restorative justice conferences is to ⁤hold students‌ accountable for their⁣ actions ⁤while ‍also providing ⁣them with ‍an opportunity to understand⁢ the harm they have caused ‌and make amends. By engaging in this process, it is hoped that students will develop a sense⁤ of empathy, learn from⁢ their mistakes,‍ and develop positive behaviors for the future.

Furthermore, this agreement recognizes the need for additional support for students who may be facing multiple‌ challenges outside of school. Alongside restorative justice⁣ practices, the ​district will ⁢work towards providing social and emotional support to students ‌in need. This could include access to counseling services, mentorship programs, or other resources that can help students address underlying issues that may be contributing to their disruptive behavior.

By addressing the‍ issue of disproportionate suspensions for non-white ‍students, the Portland schools are taking an important step towards eliminating racial disparities⁢ in disciplinary actions. This​ new agreement ensures that all students, regardless of ⁤their race or ethnicity, will ‍be⁣ treated fairly and equitably. It acknowledges the systemic barriers that may exist​ and seeks to provide resources and support that will help all students succeed.

The implementation of restorative justice⁣ practices in Portland ​schools is ​an innovative and‌ progressive approach to discipline. It recognizes ⁤that punitive measures alone‍ are not effective in addressing the root causes of disruptive behavior. By focusing on‌ repairing harm and ‍fostering empathy, this approach has the potential to transform the school environment and promote positive ⁣student outcomes.

As this groundbreaking initiative takes ‍hold in Portland schools, it is important to recognize and support the efforts being made towards restorative⁢ justice. By prioritizing the well-being and ​success⁤ of ⁤all ‌students, Portland is setting an example for other school districts to follow. Through continued collaboration, evaluation, and improvement, we can work towards⁣ creating inclusive and supportive educational ‌environments that⁣ benefit every student.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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