Conservative News Daily

Major US Police Department Introduces ‘Pride’ Badges, Unrelated to Law Enforcement Duties

The summary of the text revolves around the Tampa Police​ Department introducing a new commemorative badge‌ design in support of LGBT Pride ‌Month. This badge incorporates the colors and chevron design of⁢ the⁢ Progress Pride flag, which represents people⁢ of color and the transgender ‌community. This​ initiative by the ⁢Tampa Police was intended⁢ to serve as a conversation starter and a symbol of safety, ‍signaling the department’s⁤ commitment‌ to‍ inclusion, safety, and respect for all community members.

However, the article highlights significant public backlash and criticism regarding this initiative.‌ Many individuals responded negatively, questioning whether⁤ government entities⁣ should engage ⁢in ‍endorsing specific ideologies or political groups. Critics argued that the police’s primary focus should⁣ be on maintaining law and order rather than⁤ participating in symbolic‌ gestures that might be perceived as ‌political. There were also ‌questions ‌raised about the appropriateness of ⁤the badge design and whether⁤ it detracts from the professionalism expected ‌of law enforcement officers.

Public reactions on social media were overwhelmingly negative,​ with users ​questioning the necessity of the badges and suggesting that the ‍police should focus solely on their duties rather‍ than on making ‍political statements. Some even suggested that the concept of a collectible badge undermines ​the seriousness ⁢of the​ police’s ⁤role in society.

The ‌article also‍ briefly notes a concern raised⁤ by a former U.S. national security advisor regarding ​the potential‌ instability and⁢ challenges facing ‌future⁤ U.S. elections, reflecting broader societal and political anxieties. ​The text ends ​with a call to action from ​the publication, urging support from ⁢readers to continue ‌their journalistic efforts in face of challenges posed by Big Tech and ‍advertising‍ blacklists.


By Rachel M. Emmanuel June 11, 2024 at 7:27am

Would a police officer sporting a rainbow “pride” badge rather than the official Tampa Police Department badge be more or less likely to be respected by criminals?

The Florida city’s police department has introduced a new commemorative badge design for LGBT “Pride Month” and shared a video highlighting the symbolism behind the updated badge.

The new badge incorporates the colors and chevron design of the “Progress Pride” flag, which was created in 2018. The chevron added to the rainbow design represents “people of color and the transgender community,” according to Patch.

The Tampa Police Department showed off its new fashion statement in a video posted on social media on Thursday.

“Incorporating the Progress Pride Flag, this badge is 1 of 9 that members can choose to collect or wear in June,” the X post said. “Serving as a conversation starter & symbol of safety, we’re here to listen, learn, and ensure all members of our community feel included, safe, and respected.”

Incorporating the Progress Pride Flag, this badge is 1 of 9 that members can choose to collect or wear in June.
Serving as a conversation starter & symbol of safety, we’re here to listen, learn, and ensure all members of our community feel included, safe, and respected.

— Tampa Police Department (@TampaPD) June 6, 2024

The video featured an uncomfortable-looking black man and white woman displaying a colorful badge that looks like something you would find in a cereal box, while a voice-over explained the reasoning behind this bizarre decision.

“We all want to feel safe and respected no matter who we are,” the voiceover said. “The newest commemorative badge, one of nine that members of the department can choose to collect or wear, is a symbol of our department’s commitment to serving members of the LGBTQ+ community with understanding.”

Perhaps the badge might make some individuals feel more comfortable, but I, for one, would feel very uncomfortable putting my life in the hands of a police officer whose badge looks like it was colored in by a 3-year-old.

Should this police department rescind the “pride” badges?

“This badge can be a conversation starter, a way to show that we are allies and a symbol of safety for those who might be hesitant to interact with the police,” the female officer in the video said.

“We’re here to listen, learn, and help you with anything that works towards creating a feeling of a safer, more inclusive community for everyone,” the male officer added.

And you thought police officers were here to protect, defend and keep criminals at bay.

X users did not have kind words for the new “pride” badge.

“Is this a parody?” one person wrote. “The government has no place endorsing religions/ideologies/political groups. Can only officers wearing rainbow badges serve some communities? Do I dare ask about the other ‘collectible’ 8 badges? Do officers collecting all 9 get designated parade grand marshal?”

Is this a parody? The government has no place endorsing religions/ideologies/political groups. Can only officers wearing rainbow badges serve some communities? Do I dare ask about the other “collectible” 8 badges? Do officers collecting all 9 get designated parade grand marshal?

— Snowball (@LeftAnimalFarm) June 7, 2024

“Stop this crap! Do your jobs(in case you forgot while making this crap, LOCK UP CRIMINALS) and get home to your families safely. There should be a single badge that all officers wear… It’s not a collectible. What a waste of my tax dollars and an ideological subversion,” another said.

Stop this crap! Do your jobs(in case you forgot while making this crap, LOCK UP CRIMINALS) and get home to your families safely. There should be a single badge that all officers wear… It’s not a collectible. What a waste of my tax dollars and an ideological subversion.

— Steve (@Steve2d) June 7, 2024

Others expressed similar sentiments.

Do normal officers get reprimanded if they choose not to celebrate deviancy?

— @RealManOfGenius (@realmanofgenius) June 7, 2024

How about you all just do your damn jobs and worry less about political statements. You are supposed to be above all this. Protect and Serve. That is your directive. This doesn’t make anyone feel safe. We should all be concerned. Woke=Crime.

— Zeppenwolf 🇺🇸 (@The_Zeppenwolf) June 7, 2024

How about a badge to honor law-abiding citizens who pay your salaries and who do not demand a special month to bring attention to their bedroom activities?

— Identifier of Demosocialist Donkey Fazoo (@Ionoclast50) June 9, 2024

Why does a sexual preference need to be on a badge ?

— Brittany Rae (@legitbrittFLA) June 7, 2024

Where does “inclusivity” end?

Should female police officers start wearing hijabs to show the Muslim community that they are “allies”?

Maybe police officers should start having crack pipes on their badges to identify with drug addicts.

On the other hand, would the police department ever issue a “Christian” badge? After all, far more people identify as Christian than “LGBTQ+.”

It is not the job of the police department to provide “conversation starters” or to make people “feel” safe. It’s their job to keep people safe.

Stunts like this do nothing to help anyone and, as the comments on social media prove, only make the department look weak and stupid.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.”

That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.

Gen. Flynn’s warning means that the 2024 election is the most important election for every single living American. If we lose this one to the wealthy elites who hate us, hate God, and hate what America stands for, we can only assume that 248 years of American history and the values we hold dear to our hearts may soon vanish.

The end game is here, and as Benjamin Franklin said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

All of this means that without you, it’s over. We have the platform, the journalists, and the experience to fight back hard, but Big Tech is strangling us through advertising blacklists, shadow bans, and algorithms. Did you know that we’ve been blacklisted by 90% of advertisers? Without direct support from you, our readers, we can’t continue the fight.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.

Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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