Washington Examiner

Most voters feel income isn’t keeping up with inflation despite White House promoting Bidenomics.

Americans Not Feeling the Benefits of Bidenomics

A majority of Americans ⁢are not feeling the‍ touted benefits of the Biden administration’s economic agenda,​ as most voters say their incomes are not keeping up with inflation.

President Joe Biden has‍ made “Bidenomics” a⁤ staple of his reelection campaign as inflation continues to decrease and the administration touts⁤ record-low employment rates across the⁣ country. However, ‌Americans do not appear to be‍ feeling the effects of these statistics in their individual lives.

Voters Concerned​ About Inflation and Financial Stability

A recent poll from CBS News shows that ⁣70%⁣ of voters ‌do not ⁣believe ⁢their work income​ is keeping up with inflation, and 52% believe that financially, they are staying in place.

Sixty-five percent of respondents ‍said they would rate the U.S. economy as “bad” compared ⁣to the 29% who said⁢ it was “good.” More respondents, 46%, said the job market was⁤ “good.”

Inflation dropped to 3% in June, a major boost ⁢for Bidenomics. While inflation is still high,‍ it is cooling in response to the ⁢Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes.

However, 69% of voters said they believe prices have been going up in the last ‍few weeks, and 45% still ‍say that ‌the Biden​ administration is increasing inflation.

There was a 2 percentage point​ increase when voters were asked if the condition of the⁣ U.S. economy was bad ⁢compared ⁢to ​June and July. Sixty-three percent said the economy was bad in June, and ​65% ‍said the economy was ​bad⁣ in July.

When ⁣asked if Republicans’ actions impact the⁤ economy, 63% of voters said no impact or “not sure what they ⁤have done.”

Nearly 60% of people have heard “not much” or “not at‌ all”‍ of Bidenomics — despite Biden’s concerted effort to pitch and promote his economic agenda, as ⁣he ⁣heads into a primary and general election where the state‍ of the U.S. ​economy is likely to be one of the top issues ‌for voters.

When asked what voters think of when ⁣hearing about Bidenomics, 50% said “higher inflation” comes to mind, followed by 49% of voters thinking “tax increases.” A minority of voters thought of “investment of infrastructure”‌ and “job creation” — two actual tenets​ of Bidenomics that ⁢the Biden administration is focused on when​ promoting the ⁢plan.

Biden’s overall approval rating sits at 40%, with his approval rating on the‌ economy hitting a low of 34%, which he ⁣hit ⁤back in⁣ June 2022. He is ‍substantially leading Democratic presidential candidates Marianne⁣ Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in most⁣ polls.


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