the daily wire

Houston Police have revealed that a man who was reported missing for 8 years was never actually missing.

Man Reported Missing for Eight Years Found Alive, Mother Accused of Deception

In a shocking turn of events, Houston police have revealed that Rudolph “Rudy” Farias, who was reported missing by his mother in 2015, was never actually missing. Instead, his mother had been passing him off as her nephew for the past eight years.

At the age of 17, Farias was reported missing by his mother, Janie Santana. However, last week, he was discovered sleeping in front of a church and reunited with his family, capturing the attention of media outlets eager to cover the incredible story of his survival.

However, skeptical neighbors quickly voiced their doubts, asserting that Farias had never been missing at all and had been living with his mother the entire time. Kisha Ross, a neighbor, confirmed that Farias would often visit her garage and spend time with her family, dispelling any notion of his disappearance.

“That boy has never been missing,” Ross told ABC 13.

Following these suspicions, the police launched an investigation into the matter. Houston police Lt. Christopher Zamora revealed that Farias and his mother had consistently provided false information about his identity whenever they encountered law enforcement officers during the alleged eight-year period of his disappearance.

“During these contacts, fictitious names and dates of birth were given, misleading the officers,” Zamora explained. “In fact, both Janie, Rudy’s mother, and Rudy himself gave fictitious names while interacting with various patrol officers.”

As of now, no charges have been filed against Santana, but the police are continuing to look into the situation. The Harris County District Attorney’s Office stated during a press conference that there is currently insufficient evidence to arrest Santana. When asked about potential charges for her inaccurate reporting of her son’s whereabouts, Zamora mentioned that she could face a “class C misdemeanor, which is similar to a traffic citation.”

Santana initially reported Farias as missing on March 7, 2015, but he had actually returned home the following day. Despite this, Santana persisted in deceiving the police, maintaining that Rudy was still missing for the next eight years.

“She alleged her nephew was the person friends and family were seeing coming and going,” Zamora added.

Farias has now been reunited with his aunt, Pauline Sanchez, who expressed her joy at seeing her nephew after such a long time apart. However, Farias has made it clear that he wants no contact with his mother and will be staying with a friend for the time being.

“His mentality, he needs to get well. He’s going to be cautious. I still feel that he’s traumatized and gone through a lot. I still feel action should be taken,” Sanchez said. “He doesn’t want to see his mom and doesn’t want to go back to his mom.”

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