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Man gets 40-month sentence for plot to torch Seattle police union building during 2020 BLM riots.

Man ⁣Sentenced to Prison for‌ Plot to Burn Down Seattle Police Officers Guild Building During BLM Riots

A Washington ‍man has been ​sentenced to 40 months in prison for his involvement​ in a dangerous‌ plot to⁢ burn down the Seattle Police Officers Guild building ‌during the Black Lives Matter riots in September 2020.

Justin Christopher Moore, a 35-year-old resident of Renton, played a key role in the incident. He not only created but also carried a box ​containing⁣ 12 Molotov⁢ cocktails during a protest march​ of‌ over 1,000 people towards the police building in downtown Seattle on Labor Day 2020, ⁣according to court documents.

“Moore’s offense was extremely dangerous and created ⁢a‌ substantial risk of injury to numerous bystanders,” said Assistant U.S. ⁤Attorney Todd Greenberg for the Western‍ District of Washington.

The ‍police became increasingly concerned about the intentions of the ⁤protestors as they smelled gasoline and reviewed ⁣video footage. After careful investigation, ⁢Moore was identified as the⁢ individual seen carrying the box⁢ of explosives. In June 2021, a search​ warrant was executed at Moore’s⁢ home, leading to ​the confiscation of various items used to produce the explosive devices, as well as‍ the clothing Moore wore while carrying the Molotov cocktails.

The riots that followed George Floyd’s⁣ death in May 2020 resulted in widespread ⁢chaos, with Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters‍ causing significant damage⁣ to private property and businesses across the country. In Seattle alone, the civil‌ unrest led‍ to 25 additional deaths and billions of dollars in⁢ property damage.

On Labor Day, Seattle ‌police arrested 22 individuals for various offenses,‌ including arson, assault, obstruction, and failure to disperse. These arrests took place after‌ a large crowd marched​ from the International District‌ to the ‍Seattle Police Officers ⁣Guild building in SODO. Rioters ⁤outside the police union building threw rocks,⁣ bottles, and‌ homemade explosive⁢ devices at the police, refusing ‌to leave.


According to reports from The⁤ Seattle Times, there were several confrontations‍ between the police and rioters that day. Instances ‍included the deployment of a‌ fire extinguisher and officers ‍using pepper ⁢spray and flash-bang grenades.

Following ​the George Floyd riots in 2020, Seattle‌ law enforcement ⁤experienced a​ significant loss of⁣ officers, with‍ over 400 leaving the‌ department. This led to a surge​ in crime, reaching its highest level in two ⁢decades. City officials had voted to ⁢defund ‌some police services, resulting in a decrease in the⁢ number of officers from approximately 1,300 to‍ just‌ under 950.

As a result⁢ of the staff shortage, the police department has been forced to prioritize life-threatening​ emergencies and serious crimes in​ progress, limiting‍ their⁣ ability to address ‌lower-priority calls and conduct follow-up investigations for​ high-priority⁢ cases.

What message does the judge’s sentence send about actions intended to incite⁢ violence and endanger lives?

Federal grand jury ‌indicted Moore on charges of possession of a destructive device in‌ furtherance ​of a crime of violence.

During the trial, evidence‌ presented⁣ demonstrated‍ Moore’s ⁢clear intent to cause harm‌ and damage. Testimonies from witnesses described how Moore was seen igniting one⁣ of the Molotov cocktails and attempting to throw it⁤ at the police building. Quick actions from law ‌enforcement officers ⁤prevented further damage and potential injury to bystanders.

Moore was found⁤ guilty on⁢ all charges, and the judge sentenced‌ him to 40 months in federal prison. The judge emphasized⁢ the seriousness of Moore’s actions and the potential harm that could have resulted from⁣ his plot. ‌The sentence serves as a ‌strong deterrent and sends a⁢ clear message that ⁢actions intended to incite ⁣violence and endanger lives will not be tolerated.

The case‍ highlights the need for peaceful protesting and ⁢the importance of distinguishing between lawful demonstrations and criminal ⁢acts. While peaceful⁣ protests are a ⁣fundamental ​right protected by the⁢ First Amendment, they ‍should never be used⁤ as a platform for violence‌ or destruction. The actions​ of​ individuals like Moore​ not only undermine the message‍ and goals‍ of legitimate⁣ protest movements but ⁤also endanger the lives​ and property‍ of innocent individuals.

It is important ​to recognize the efforts made by‌ law enforcement officers in identifying and preventing potential acts ⁣of violence. Their dedication and ⁤commitment‍ to public safety were instrumental⁤ in thwarting Moore’s dangerous plot and ensuring the‍ protection of ‍the community.

This incident also underscores the role of the justice system in⁤ upholding the rule of law. ‍The conviction and sentencing of ⁢Moore demonstrate⁤ that⁣ individuals who engage in acts of violence will​ be held accountable for their actions. This sends a clear‍ message ⁣that such behavior will not go unchecked, reinforcing the importance of a fair and just legal system.

As the nation continues to grapple​ with issues of racial⁣ inequality and police ‌reform, it is crucial to separate the pursuit of justice from acts ⁢of violence. Meaningful progress can only be achieved through peaceful dialogue, understanding,‌ and collaboration. The plot orchestrated by Moore represents‌ an⁢ unfortunate deviation ⁣from this path, serving as ‍a reminder of the importance of peaceful means ⁣in effecting change.

In conclusion, Justin Christopher Moore’s involvement in a plot to burn down the Seattle Police Officers ‌Guild ​building during the Black Lives Matter riots has resulted in a significant ⁣prison‌ sentence. This case serves as a stark reminder that violence and destruction have⁣ no place in lawful protest movements. The justice​ system has delivered a​ strong message and reiterates ⁣its dedication to upholding​ public safety and the rule of law. It is our collective responsibility to continue advocating for change through peaceful means, ensuring a more just and equitable​ society for all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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