The epoch times

Manchin reveals fundraising figures amid 3rd-party White House bid rumors.

Sen. Joe ​Manchin Raises ⁢$1.2⁣ Million ⁣in ‍Second ‍Quarter of 2023

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Sen. ⁣Joe⁢ Manchin‍ (D-W.Va.), who ⁤is⁤ considering his ⁤options for the‍ future,⁤ has‌ raised ⁢an ‍impressive $1.2 million in ⁢the second quarter of ⁤2023.

The Epoch Times‌ obtained‍ these‌ fundraising ⁤figures,​ revealing ‌that⁤ the​ Manchin campaign⁤ currently has ⁢$10.7 ‍million ⁣cash⁤ on hand. ‌Additionally, Mr. Manchin’s ‌leadership PAC, Country​ Roads, ⁢has ⁤$2.2 million ‌available, ⁢with⁣ the ‌PAC bringing in ​close to $400,000⁣ in ​the ‍second quarter of‌ this year.

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Republican Rivals​ Fall ‍Short in Fundraising

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Two Republican ‌candidates⁤ have ⁣already announced ⁣their run for⁤ the West⁢ Virginia race that ‍Mr.⁣ Manchin currently ‌holds. However, the money ⁢raised ⁢by Mr. Manchin surpasses⁤ the fundraising efforts of​ both ​his​ potential rivals‍ during‍ the ‌same period.

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  • West ​Virginia Gov. ‍Jim​ Justice reported raising ⁣close to $1 million in ⁣the⁤ two‍ months following the​ announcement ‌of‌ his​ candidacy​ in ⁢April.‍ He also ​has⁤ a personal⁤ bank ‍account⁢ he ​can ⁣tap into, ⁤with⁤ Forbes estimating ‍his ⁣net⁤ worth​ in⁢ 2021​ to ‌be‍ about $440 ⁤million.
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  • Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), ⁣one ‍of ⁣the state’s​ U.S. representatives, ​raised‌ $550,000 in‌ the second quarter ​of ⁣2023. He also‍ benefits​ from ​significant ​conservative PAC ⁤support,⁢ with ⁤the​ Club for‍ Growth and Protect Freedom PAC jointly announcing⁢ that they⁣ have​ raised $13.55 million‍ to help get Mr.⁤ Mooney​ elected ⁤to‍ the U.S. Senate.

Manchin’s Political Future

Mr. Manchin ⁤has not yet made​ a decision about his political future.⁤ He plans to‌ announce his next move ‌in December.

An⁢ East Carolina University⁢ (ECU)⁤ Center for‍ Survey​ Research poll ‍released in late ​May shows⁤ Mr. Justice⁤ leading⁤ Mr. Manchin ⁣in the 2024 Senate ​race, with 54 ‍percent to 32 percent,​ and ⁢13 ‌percent undecided. In ⁣the Republican ‌nomination⁣ matchup, Mr. Justice ⁢is also ahead with 53 ​percent.

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⁣ ⁤ ​(L-R)‌ Sen. ‌Joe‍ Manchin ⁣(D-W.Va.) and ​West Virginia ​Gov. Jim Justice in⁢ file ​photos. ‍(Getty‍ Images)

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