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Manchin shares 2024 presidential bid views at No Labels’ NH event.

Speculation is swirling‌ around Senator Joe‌ Manchin ⁤(D-W.Va.) as‌ rumors of a ⁤potential presidential bid gain traction. However, ​during his ⁢keynote speech ⁣at No ‌Labels’ Common Sense Town⁣ Hall on July ‌17, ‌Manchin chose ‌not to reveal his future plans.

The event, held at Saint Anselm⁢ College​ in New⁤ Hampshire, featured former Utah‌ governor ​and Republican ‌presidential candidate Jon Huntsman alongside‌ Manchin. No Labels, a bipartisan organization that supports centrist candidates from both ‍parties, appointed Manchin as the Democratic co-chair ⁤and Huntsman as the⁤ Republican ⁣co-chair.

No Labels​ promoted the⁣ town hall ​as the release of its Common ‌Sense‌ policy⁤ booklet, which outlines the‌ organization’s platform. Observers ‌have speculated whether Manchin and Huntsman’s joint appearance in a ‍state⁤ that traditionally kicks off ‍the presidential ⁣primary season ⁤suggests a potential No Labels‌ 2024 presidential ​ticket.

Sen.‌ Joe ‍Manchin​ (D-West Va.) ​speaks ‍during the⁢ Senate Appropriations Committee ⁣hearing on the⁣ Special‍ Diabetes Program in Washington on​ July 11, 2023.‌ (Jemal Countess/Getty⁣ Images⁣ for ​JDRF)

“I think people‌ are getting ahead ⁢of themselves,” ​Manchin ​told moderator Kevin Cirilli. ⁤”Our⁤ goal is to provide the ⁢American‍ people with an alternative, ⁣to move the political parties⁢ away from their extreme positions.”

“Both the ⁤Democratic and⁢ Republican parties have veered too far to the ​right and ⁤left,” Manchin added. “That’s not who⁣ we ‌are, that’s ​not our roots,​ and ⁣it’s⁤ not what the‍ people want.”

According‌ to ⁣Manchin, ⁣the⁤ current “business model” of the two major parties thrives‍ on division rather than unity. ⁣He ‍expressed‌ his determination to ‍change ⁢that dynamic.

‘Trying to‍ Save the Nation’

During the town hall, ⁣Manchin emphasized, “I’m not here ⁤tonight to run for ‌president. ​I’m⁤ here‌ because I’m deeply ⁤concerned about⁢ saving ⁢our nation.​ I’ve ⁤never been more worried in my life.”

When ​asked if his potential​ candidacy would ​act as a spoiler in ‌the presidential⁤ race, Manchin replied, “I’ve never entered a race to spoil it. ⁤I⁢ enter races to ⁤win, and ​if I ⁤decide ⁢to run, ⁣I will win. However, I⁢ haven’t made⁣ a decision yet.”

No Labels⁢ introduced‌ its “Insurance Policy ‌2024” ⁣earlier this year.

Former ‌Senator Joe Lieberman (I- ‌Ct.) spoke‍ at ⁣the town⁣ hall ⁣before Manchin and Huntsman​ took⁤ the ⁢stage. He explained that‌ No​ Labels ⁤aims‌ to reunite political parties, end partisanship ⁣and incivility,‌ and ‍offer‌ fresh ideas.

President ‌Joe Biden, facing‍ low ⁣approval ratings and dissatisfaction with the economy, is⁤ seeking⁢ a ⁤second term. ⁢Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is ‍challenging him​ for⁢ the​ Democratic ‍party nomination. Earlier this year, the Democratic National Committee pledged ⁣full‍ support⁢ to ‍Biden.

Former President‌ Donald Trump currently leads ⁤the ⁤crowded ‍field of Republican candidates in the ​polls.

If ‍there is a rematch between Biden and ⁣Trump⁣ in 2024, No⁣ Labels has​ indicated⁤ it could​ present⁣ an‍ alternative option.

“If ⁤we end up⁢ with ⁣the same⁢ nominees​ in 2024 as⁢ we did in ‍2020,⁣ is ⁤that not the‌ definition of insanity?” Huntsman questioned. He‌ pointed out that 67⁤ percent of Americans ⁣do ‌not want‍ a Biden-Trump ​rematch.

No ‍Labels is focused on gaining‍ ballot‌ access‍ in all 50 states to potentially⁤ field a third-party ​presidential⁣ ticket ​in 2024. However, this ⁢initiative ‌is being challenged by both ⁢Democrats and Republicans.

“We have volunteers signing up​ people everywhere. Unfortunately, some Washington operatives⁢ want to ​maintain the status ⁢quo and hinder our efforts,” said No Labels national co-chair Pat McCrory, ​a former⁤ Republican governor of‌ North Carolina. “We ⁢will present‌ a⁤ president and vice⁣ president ⁢candidate on ‍a No Labels ticket, but only if‍ we see a viable ⁣opportunity ⁤to‍ win.”

No Labels officials have stated that they will not‍ decide on a “unity ticket” consisting of one Democrat ⁤and‌ one ‌Republican until ⁣the ‍period between the Super Tuesday primaries in March 2024 and​ their ​convention ⁣in ⁤Dallas a month later.

“The center needs a ‌voice ⁣in this ‌country,” said Nancy Jacobson, one​ of ⁤No ⁤Labels’​ founders ‌and the organization’s CEO.

Huntsman, who also served ⁤as the U.S. ambassador to China and Russia, criticized Democrats’ ‌claims that a third-party ticket would ‍lead to another⁣ Trump⁤ presidency, comparing ⁣it ⁢to authoritarian regimes that ⁢restrict‍ choice.

“When⁢ I hear ‌people⁤ say, ‘We shouldn’t expand and enhance our​ participation in ⁢the system ‍because it might result in A, B, or C winning ⁢or⁤ losing,’ I say,‍ ‘I’ve heard that ‌before, but not ⁣in this​ country.’‍ Here, ‌we embrace choice and diversity.”

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