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Manchin calls Biden ‘hypocritical’ over debt limit demands.

Senator Manchin Criticizes Biden’s “Hypocritical” Position on Debt Limit


The United States is currently facing a potential default on its debt obligations as early as June if an agreement isn’t reached. The Republican-majority House of Representatives passed the “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023,” which would allow the United States to take on up to $1.5 trillion in new debt through March 31, 2024, in exchange for spending cuts and reforms that are estimated to reduce spending by about $4.8 trillion over the next decade. However, the debt limit demands.”>bill faces tougher odds of passing in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and President Biden has vowed to veto the bill if it does come to his desk.

The Debate

Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has criticized President Biden’s position on how to raise the U.S. debt limit, calling it “hypocritical.” Biden has repeatedly called for a “clean bill” to raise the debt limit without any additional conditions on matters such as spending reforms. However, Manchin argues that it’s “not reasonable” to insist that there be no spending cuts or conditions attached to a debt-limit increase.

The Solution

Manchin has said he does not agree with every aspect of the Republican-led “Limit, Save, Grow Act,” but credited House Republicans with offering a solution. He called on Biden to negotiate with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to find a compromise. On Saturday, 43 of the 49 Republicans in the Senate signed a letter vowing to oppose a debt-limit increase without “substantive spending and budget reforms.”


As the United States approaches its debt limit, the debate over how to raise it continues. Both parties have their own solutions, but finding a compromise will be key to avoiding a potential default on the nation’s debt obligations.

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