Mandy Moore received meager ‘This Is Us’ checks during SAG-AFTRA strike.

Actress Mandy ‍Moore⁣ Complains⁢ About Tiny‍ Residual Checks⁤ Amid ‌Hollywood Strike

Actress Mandy ⁣Moore‌ recently⁢ voiced her frustration ⁣over ​the minuscule​ residual ‍checks⁣ she ⁣received ⁢for her‌ work on the ‌hit‌ NBC drama ​“This Is ​Us.” ⁤Her ‍complaint comes amidst the ongoing ⁢strike by actors ⁤and writers⁢ in hollywood“>Hollywood.

Mandy⁢ Moore⁤ Stands in ⁢Solidarity on the Picket ‍Line

On⁤ July⁢ 18, the 39-year-old⁢ actress‍ was ⁤seen ​holding a sign on the picket line, showing⁢ her support ⁣for the Screen ⁣Actors ​Guild ‌— ⁤American ‌Federation ‍of Television ⁢and ⁤Radio ⁢Artists (SAG-AFTRA).

In an interview with ⁢The Hollywood Reporter, ⁢Moore⁢ explained ⁣her stance, emphasizing ⁢that‍ talent ‌deserves‍ a ‍larger ⁣share of ‍residual checks. Residuals ‍are the⁣ payments ​actors ‌and ‍other entertainment professionals‍ receive when their‍ projects are replayed.

The Residual⁢ Issue: ​A Major ‍Concern

Moore ‌expressed‍ her concern ‌about ‌residuals,⁤ stating, “The ‍residual issue is a ⁢huge issue. We’re⁣ fortunate ⁢as ⁢working actors​ who have⁢ been part ⁤of successful shows, but​ many ‌actors before us relied on residuals⁣ to‌ make ⁣a living.”

Moore revealed that she received ‍shockingly‍ small⁣ checks, such ‌as ⁣“81 ‍cents,” ⁣from⁣ the‌ streaming ⁣deal⁤ between‌ “This Is‍ Us” and​ Hulu.

Former ​”Scandal”⁤ Star Katie⁢ Lowes Shares ‍Similar⁢ Thoughts

Katie Lowes, ⁤known ⁣for⁢ her ‍role ⁤in⁤ “Scandal,” ⁣echoed‌ Moore’s sentiments,⁤ saying, “If you were lucky enough‍ to be part of⁤ a⁢ successful show ‌with⁤ many ⁤episodes,⁤ those​ residuals could‌ sustain you during lean times⁣ or when ⁢you wanted to pursue other projects.‍ But ‌that’s no ⁤longer⁢ the reality.⁢ The entire model ⁤has changed.”


The ongoing strike ‌by⁢ SAG-AFTRA‍ and‌ the ⁣Writer’s⁤ Guild of ​America (WGA)⁢ has brought⁤ Hollywood ‍productions to ⁢a halt.‌ Apart from residuals,⁤ other⁣ contentious issues include guidelines ⁣regarding artificial intelligence ⁢and the overall⁢ pay‌ structure⁤ for ​members.

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