Washington Examiner

Marjorie Taylor Greene firmly opposes rules package for appropriations bills as shutdown nears.

Rep. Marjorie⁤ Taylor Greene to⁢ Vote Against Rule Package⁤ for‍ Four Appropriations Bills

Rep. ​Marjorie Taylor ​Greene (R-GA) is making a bold move by announcing her intention to vote against the rule package for four appropriations bills. This decision ⁣comes as a result ‍of her opposition to the Ukraine‌ aid included in two of the bills. Greene’s stance​ adds to the House’s troubles, creating a ⁣challenging situation for House Speaker Kevin⁢ McCarthy (R-CA).

McCarthy’s Reversal on‌ Ukraine Aid

Initially, McCarthy had stated that ​he would remove a provision from the Department of Defense⁤ appropriations‌ bill that ​allocated⁤ $300 million to ‌Ukraine.‍ However, he changed his mind⁢ and decided to keep⁣ the provision in the bill due to the presence​ of Ukraine ​funding in the State and Foreign Operations appropriations⁢ bill. McCarthy believed that this would influence Greene’s vote, ‌and his ‌prediction​ was confirmed on Sunday.

“I’ve been asking​ for Ukraine⁤ funding to be a standalone ⁤vote, not cash ⁤hidden⁤ inside​ of other bills. For a ​moment, it seemed like that would‍ happen. ​But it ⁢didn’t,” Greene said in a statement. “Voting yes ‌on the rule means ⁢more ⁤money for Ukraine. It’s that simple. No one who⁤ wants peace should vote yes on the rule to advance the bills. That’s why ​I’m‌ a HARD NO on the rules package‌ and a blank check ⁢for Ukraine!”

Greene’s statement highlights her strong ⁢opposition to the inclusion‍ of Ukraine funding within the bills and her ​determination to vote against the⁤ rule package.

Potential Implications⁢ for ⁤the Bills

The defense appropriations bill directly allocates funds to Ukraine, while ​the state and ⁢foreign ‌operations bill​ does⁤ not specify a dollar amount. Amendments⁤ to remove the⁢ Ukraine aid from both bills may⁣ be proposed, but if Republican members ⁤reject the⁣ rule,​ the House ⁣may not have the opportunity to vote on these amendments. This resistance ‍poses a challenge to the House’s plan of advancing the ⁣appropriations bills.

The ⁣four appropriations bills,⁤ including state and ⁣foreign operations, defense, ⁣agriculture, and homeland appropriations, were combined in ⁣the hope of facilitating debate and ‍progress. However, conservative holdouts have ⁣hindered the process, leading to ‍further resistance.

Impending Government Shutdown

If Congress fails to pass all 12 appropriations bills ‌or a continuing resolution​ by October 1, the ⁢government will face a shutdown. Passing all 12 bills​ before⁢ the​ deadline is impossible, leaving a continuing resolution as the only viable option. However, at least ‍nine House⁤ Republicans oppose the proposed⁣ continuing resolution, including ⁤those who also reject ⁤a clean continuing resolution expected from the Senate.

House‌ GOP Leadership ‌had‍ aimed to pass a conservative continuing resolution ‌to strengthen their​ position in negotiations⁣ with the⁢ Senate. Unfortunately, the holdouts‌ prevented this strategy from materializing. Additionally, the hope of persuading⁢ the holdouts to⁤ support a continuing resolution by presenting​ spending-slashing appropriations ‌bills​ has not been successful.

Unpredictable ⁢Voting Patterns

House‌ GOP Leadership ⁤has faced unexpected challenges when​ members vote against a rule, as some ‌members​ change their votes unexpectedly. This unpredictability has caught⁢ them ⁢off guard, hindering⁣ their ability to operate as a ‍cohesive team.

Despite efforts by⁤ House Majority Whip Tom Emmer to encourage members not to vote against a rule,⁣ the situation remains uncertain.⁣ Emmer ⁢emphasized the importance of⁤ passing procedural motions⁣ to ‍maintain unity within ⁢the team.

As the government approaches a potential⁢ shutdown, the ⁤outcome of these appropriations bills ⁤and the continuing resolution remains uncertain.

How ⁢might Rep. Greene’s decision ​to​ vote against the rule package for the appropriations bills impact the Biden‌ administration’s stance on Ukraine?

Enough votes to pass either bill. This could result in ⁣a⁢ setback for the Biden administration’s stance on‍ Ukraine​ and further complicate the relationship between the United States and the Ukrainian government.

Additionally, the decision of Rep. Greene⁤ to vote against the rule package adds to the challenges faced‍ by ⁣House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. As the​ leader of ⁢the Republican party in the House, McCarthy must balance the differing⁤ opinions and priorities of his caucus members. The opposition from Greene could potentially fracture‌ the party’s unity⁢ and hinder⁢ McCarthy’s ability⁣ to effectively lead‍ and pass legislation.

Moreover, this situation highlights the broader divisions ‍within the Republican party⁤ concerning foreign aid and international relations. While some Republicans ⁤support providing assistance ​to Ukraine as a strategic⁣ move against Russian aggression, others, ‍like Greene, hold a more isolationist ⁤stance and are hesitant to allocate funds to foreign countries.

Overall,⁤ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s decision⁢ to vote against the rule package for the appropriations bills‌ reflects ‌a growing division within the Republican​ party and‌ poses potential challenges for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The presence of Ukraine aid ​in the bills has sparked strong opposition, ⁣highlighting⁢ the differing opinions on foreign aid within the party. The outcome of this vote will have implications not only for the relationship between the United⁣ States and Ukraine but also for the unity and effectiveness of the​ Republican party in the House.

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