Washington Examiner

Mark Levin slams Matt Gaetz as a ‘POS’ over House speaker ousting.

Conservative Commentator Slams House ⁢Republicans for Ousting McCarthy as House Speaker

Renowned⁤ conservative commentator Mark Levin has unleashed scathing criticism against House Republicans for their unprecedented move to remove ⁢Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ⁢from the position of House⁤ speaker. This historic event has sent shockwaves through ​the United States.

Levin’s Chief Criticism: Rep. Matt ‍Gaetz

Levin specifically targeted Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), the initiator of McCarthy’s ousting. In a fiery social media post, Levin referred to Gaetz as a “POS demagogue” who has lied ‌to Congress. The commentator further accused Gaetz of collaborating with the Marxists⁤ in the Democrat Party. In response, Gaetz ⁤labeled McCarthy as “the Democrats’ speaker.”

The ⁤Importance ⁢of a House Speaker

“Gaetz is a ‍POS demagogue who repeatedly⁤ lied during ​the House floor debate yesterday,‍ and then, of‌ course, ⁤simultaneously was fundraising and collecting email lists⁣ on behalf of the people,” Levin wrote. “He insisted that the ⁤House failed‍ to bring up 12 separate appropriations bills. The fact⁣ is they could ‍not get them⁢ out of committee because⁤ Democrats wanted to spend a great ​deal more, which would‍ have blown up the ‍budget further, and conservatives opposed the bills. It had ⁢nothing to do with a refusal⁤ by McCarthy to oppose regular order.”

Levin‍ also argued that Gaetz presents‍ himself⁢ as⁣ a heroic figure taking on a formidable opponent, but in reality, he is “the favorite Republican of the Democrat Party and their media.”

The Search for ⁤a New House Speaker

With McCarthy no longer holding the speakership, the quest for​ a new House speaker has​ begun. Some Republican lawmakers have even suggested former President Donald Trump for the role, as he is ⁢currently running for president in the ‍2024 ⁤election. While this idea ⁣has been met with skepticism, fellow‍ 2024⁤ presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ‍stated that⁣ it “isn’t‍ crazy” and that Congress needs a shake-up.

When asked about the possibility‌ of ⁣serving as House speaker, Trump evaded the ​question, emphasizing his focus on ​the presidential race where he claims to be leading by a significant margin.

In a lighthearted twist, ⁣comedian Roseanne Barr jokingly offered to take on the role of House speaker following McCarthy’s removal.

McCarthy’s ousting as House speaker occurred through a historic 216-210 ⁤vote, with eight Republicans joining all present Democrats in the motion to vacate. McCarthy has declared that he will not seek the speakership again.

House Republicans have scheduled a vote for a new House speaker on October 11. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has announced his candidacy for the position, receiving support⁢ from Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Mike Carey (R-OH).


What are the potential long-term consequences of the fracture within the​ Republican Party for its unity​ and ability to advance its agenda?

Half of his personal brand. That’s not ⁤leadership. It’s self-promotion,”⁢ Levin wrote ⁣in⁣ his scathing critique. The role of the House Speaker is crucial in maintaining order and facilitating the legislative process within the House of Representatives.‌ The​ Speaker is responsible for ‌overseeing the running of⁤ the House, representing the institution⁣ to the public, and guiding legislative initiatives. ‍Ousting ‌a House Speaker ‍is an exceptional event, ‍demonstrating ⁢a significant fracture within the political party.

Impact‌ on Republican Party Unity

The‍ removal of McCarthy as House Speaker reflects ‌the deep‌ divisions⁤ within the Republican Party. It indicates a growing divide between the more traditional conservative voices, represented by McCarthy, and the emerging populist faction, led by Gaetz. This fracture could have long-term consequences for the party’s unity⁢ and its ability to effectively⁤ advance its agenda. Division within the party plays into ⁣the hands of the Democratic Party, which can use the ​disarray to its advantage in future elections.

The ​​Accusations ⁣Against Gaetz

Levin’s accusations against ​Gaetz are ⁤severe. The claim‌ that Gaetz⁢ lied ​to Congress is a serious accusation that carries legal implications. If proven true, it could be a ​severe⁤ blow to Gaetz’s political career. Additionally, the accusation that Gaetz collaborated with Marxist Democrats raises concerns about his ideological alignment and loyalty to⁢ the conservative principles he claims to represent. These allegations ‌further contribute to the growing disarray and infighting within the Republican Party.

The Future of the‌ Republican Party

The removal of McCarthy as House Speaker and the⁣ subsequent criticism from conservative figures like Levin highlight ⁤the challenges the⁤ Republican Party faces in reconciling its‍ different factions. The emerging populist movement within the‌ party, represented by figures like ‍Gaetz, presents a real threat to the more traditional conservatism that has dominated the ⁤party for years. The party must find a way ⁤to bridge this divide and unite behind a ⁣cohesive vision and​ strategy to effectively counter the ⁢increasingly influential‌ progressive forces within the Democratic Party.


The ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker, accompanied by the scathing criticism from conservative commentator⁤ Mark Levin, marks a ⁤significant⁤ moment‌ in American politics. The divide within the‍ Republican Party, exemplified by the⁤ clash ⁣between McCarthy and Gaetz, threatens the party’s ⁣unity and its ability to effectively oppose the progressive agenda. As the nation watches, the future of the Republican Party⁤ hangs in the balance, ​and its ability to overcome its divisions and re-establish a united​ front will be crucial in shaping the political landscape moving forward.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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