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Mark Lewis: Some Despicable Aspects of the Left

Books—many of them—have been written by people far smarter than I about the worst aspects of modern Leftism. So, in this article, I can only barely touch on a few of the depravities that irk me the most and are extremely damaging to all of mankind. Remember, this list could be extended almost indefinitely.

1. The Left judges previous generations by their current moral vision. As a historian, I find this to be particularly repulsive. I believe there do exist moral absolutes by which people of all generations can be assessed; some things are wrong, always have been wrong everywhere, and always will be wrong. But culture, tradition, and societal immaturity dictate behavior, too. History has shown what works and what doesn’t. But that isn’t the Left’s standard. Their moral values alter, repeatedly and constantly, and everybody alive today or dead for 1,000 years is judged by those subjective, constantly shifting criteria.

The Left is changing history and re-writing it to fit their norms simply because thousands of years of experience, wisdom, tradition, and truth disprove everything they hold dear. “Christopher Columbus was a mass murderer!” There is no attempt to understand the culture, history, and background of Renaissance Europe. He is just damned. Period. And this mindset justifies the Left’s total rejection of freedom and Western Civilization, to bring in socialism and godless totalitarianism. But that’s the point of all of it anyway. Destroy Western values to introduce those the Left wants to, subjectively, replace them with.  

2. They judge people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. They scream “racism” to high heaven at every imagined affront, but it is they who believe that black people, for example, cannot succeed unless borne along by the Left’s ideology. Put 50 brown illegals in Martha’s Vineyard, and they’ve got to go—NOW! They can stay in Florida and “pick crops.” The Left does nothing about the horrible black-on-black violence except incessantly crying “racism” when somebody points to it, simply because they believe that only they can help an inferior race anyway. Inferior to the liberals, at least. Blacks need affirmative action because of intrinsic societal “racism” and “white supremacy”. Black people can’t make it without the liberals’ carrying them along. If I were black, I would be insulted to the nth degree by this philosophy. It is also a lie, as millions of successful non-affirmative action blacks in the country and world have proven.

3. They deny true human nature, believing only in a naturalistic, materialistic universe without spirit. This is crucial, and I will elucidate further in a future article. But, because they are materialists in presupposition, they must logically deny free will. Molecules in motion have no will. Humans, because they thus have no true freedom of will, can be “programmed” to behave in certain pre-planned and “beneficial” ways. Hence, liberals are socialists, which denies human economic freedom. Without the Left’s guidance and central planning, the wasteful market economy

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