Conservative News Daily

Martial Arts Association alters rules following female athletes’ withdrawal, awarding men’s championship.

Only ‌in ⁣2023

On Oct. 21, at the Cobb Civic Center in ‌Marietta, Georgia, the North American Grappling Association held ‌its Georgia Grappling & BJJ ⁤Championship, a mixed martial arts tournament. The men’s​ welterweight submission grappling division, as you would obviously expect, given the name of ​it, was dominated by men.

The ⁣women’s welterweight submission grappling⁣ division,​ as you might⁢ not expect ⁤— unless you’re thoroughly versed ‌in woke — was also dominated by men.

According⁤ to the website Reduxx — which bills itself as a “pro-woman,”⁤ “pro-child,”⁣ and “anti-bullsh*t” — actual women⁢ declined to compete in the event‍ after two men entered the category.

What’s more, Reduxx reported Friday, none of the women were told ⁣beforehand that‌ they would be facing‌ men “identifying” as women and going by​ the names of Cordelia Gregory or Corissa Griffith.

“The issue first received widespread attention in September after it was learned that a female Brazilian jiu-jitsu athlete had not been informed she would ​be competing against a male,” Reduxx reported. “Taelor ‌Moore posted a clip of her fight‌ against ​James ‘Alice’ McPike on ⁣her Instagram, noting that there was a 65lbs weight difference ‌between them.”

Seems​ like a fair fight, ⁣no?

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When that farce of a bout hit ‌the media, the sanctioning body ​issued a statement saying that it “does not ‌require biological women ⁢to compete against transgender women. Instead, ‍we give ‍the choice⁤ to ‌the biological women and if they ​decline, they compete ⁤in a division only with other‌ biological women.”

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“For those who chose not to compete with the‍ transgender female, we will inquire if they have an interest in entering ‍a separate division which includes the transgender female,” the rules read. “This additional division ‍will be⁤ offered at no cost to those competitors. However, if individuals decline ‍this opportunity, the transgender female will be directed to compete with the‌ males in⁢ their respective weight and skill level category.”

However, NAGA ⁣martial artists Jayden Alexander and Ansleigh Wilk told Reduxx they had‌ continued to be slated against male competitors without​ prior notice. Both women were paired against Cordelia Gregory, a ‍man claiming to be a ‍woman.

“I honestly​ never thought this‌ would ​actually happen in a contact sport, especially not MY contact sport,”⁣ Alexander, ‍a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blue belt. “When I‍ saw​ him, I was so shocked I didn’t know how⁤ to respond.”

“I​ realized very ‍quickly I couldn’t muscle them like most girls,” Wilk, who is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt and⁣ coach, added. “Well​ obviously, because it wasn’t a girl! Then not long after, I ​had to⁣ do a second match of which Cordelia threw a tantrum‌ saying [he] ‘didn’t tap [out].’ I was sincerely scared [he] was going to punch me when I stuck ⁣my hand out to shake [his].”

In this case, the women all pulled out, leaving a two-person podium in the “women’s” welterweight division — Gregory and Griffith. Griffith was ​the more successful⁤ of the two at‌ the tournament, picking up four golds ‍in women’s categories, according to the official results.

One source told Reduxx that, in some women’s categories, there were more men competing than women.

As Marshi Smith, ‌co-founder of ⁤the Independent Council​ on Women’s Sports, noted,⁣ while NAGA said⁤ in September that women ‌wouldn’t be blindsided by male⁢ opponents, there hasn’t been any enforcement of‌ the policy ‍by the organization or an effective outside watchdog — ⁤much less mainstream media coverage.

“A rule is only effective if a federation will‌ follow it and, most importantly, enforce it,” Smith said.

Now,‌ you would think the conclusion one might reach from this outcome is ⁣so ‌antediluvian even a character in ⁢an early season of “Mad Men” ‍wouldn’t ⁢utter it: Men are so good, they’re even⁢ better at being women than women are.

However, not only is this not the zenith of sexism, but to point ‍this quite salient fact out — at ​least as it relates to athletics — runs the risk of mass shunning.

For pointing out ⁣the bleeding​ obvious, that men‍ have biological advantages in certain sports that no⁣ amount of hormones, drugs or surgery‍ can erase, women’s college ​swimmer Riley Gaines ⁣has become a pariah ⁢in ⁤certain circles⁣ (and a target for assault in other circles). In those same circles, the male college swimmer who interloped in female sports — Lia Thomas — is hailed ⁢as​ a hero.

Gaines ​was one of those weighing in on the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu controversy, and she was characteristically blunt.

“In the name of inclusivity⁢ and feminism, males are ​brutally ⁢beating up on women and being awarded for it,” she wrote in a social media post. “Think​ about the message this sends.”

This ​is⁤ 2023. Not only have progressives bent reality⁢ beyond the point ⁣of breaking, but​ for too many leftists,⁢ it’s a badge of honor to deny its existence — particularly when it comes to gender.

“The majority of the women feel scared to even⁢ speak out about this matter. They don’t want to be labeled a bigot or transphobic,” ‌Wilk told ⁣Reduxx.

“There’s so many girls just not signing up now because they are allowing this. Women’s sports will cease⁣ to exist if this keeps up. Medals, belts, records, and money are going to be stripped right away from women.”

Smith agreed.

“I have now spoken to four women who have all fought male fighters in the combat sport of ⁣Jiu Jitsu,” Smith said. “They are extremely upset. They are self-excluding. They​ are emailing federation leadership and being dismissed. These⁢ organizations and teams that are encouraging this dangerous display of violence against women need to be‍ publicly shamed into doing what is right for ‍women or reap the outrage‍ that comes with cowardice.”

Thankfully, there’s a happy ending to this. According to ⁤conservative-leaning sports outlet OutKick, NAGA issued new rules Saturday stating that “[w]e will have divisions for only cisgender females. Transgender⁣ females will not be entered into these divisions.”

“Transgender females must compete in the men’s division. We⁤ hope that the simplicity of this revised policy will help to avoid any​ future occurrences where transgender females enter women​ divisions. If NAGA ⁤staff is informed that a transgender female is ⁣in a women’s division, they will be given the choice to go to the men’s division or given a refund.”

Yes,​ it may be a badge of honor on ‌the‌ left⁣ to pretend reality doesn’t exist. However, reality — bless its dear heart — has the stubborn habit of reasserting itself quite bluntly, even‍ if men can take home women’s gold medals at a martial arts event.

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The post Martial Arts Association Changes Rules After Female Athletes​ Withdraw in Protest, Handing ⁢Women’s Championship to Males appeared first on The Western Journal.

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