Washington Examiner

Maryland governor bets with Kansas governor despite Chiefs playing in Missouri

Gov. Wes Moore Sparks Rivalry with Geographical Blunder

Governor Wes Moore of Maryland attempted to ignite a friendly rivalry with a fellow governor by proposing a bet⁤ on the outcome of ​the Baltimore Ravens-Kansas ⁢City ⁤Chiefs AFC Championship game. However, his social media post quickly backfired when users pointed out his ​geographical mistake.

“Thrilled to welcome Governor Laura Kelly’s Chiefs to Baltimore this weekend. Although, Governor, I really think my Ravens are ⁤going to take this one–want to make a bet? I’ll put up some crab pies⁣ from Crust⁣ by Mack, whatcha got?” Moore said⁢ on social ‌media on‌ Friday.

Governor Laura Kelly, a Kansas City Chiefs⁢ fan, eagerly accepted the bet and offered ‍Creekstone Farms’ ⁣Premium Black Angus steaks as her‍ wager.

However,‌ social media users wasted no time in correcting Governor Moore’s suggestion that the Kansas City Chiefs were from Kansas.

“Bro, the Chiefs are in Missouri.⁢ Lol,” one person responded to Moore’s post.

“Hello governor. The Chiefs⁣ are not located in your state of Kansas. They are in Missouri,” another user pointed out.

“Governor Laura Kelly, you should inform him that he needs to take ⁣some‍ geography lessons, as do⁢ you apparently. ⁣Last I checked, aren’t‍ you ⁢the governor of Kansas? Where the Chiefs don’t​ play⁢ because they are in MISSOURI?”‍ another person⁢ chimed in.

“Uh, you ⁣do know that she’s NOT the governor of the state where‍ Kansas City is located, right??!” commentator John Ziegler added.

The Spectator’s Ben ⁤Domenech ⁢simply replied to Moore, “Geography, Governor.”

Kansas City is situated on the western edge of Missouri, bordering the state of Kansas.

Ultimately, the Baltimore‍ Ravens suffered a 17-10 loss to the Kansas‌ City Chiefs ⁤in the AFC Championship.

Moore is not the first politician to make this geographical mistake. In 2020, former President​ Donald Trump congratulated the Kansas City Chiefs for their Super Bowl victory and mistakenly referred to the “Great State of Kansas.” He quickly⁤ corrected himself and acknowledged the correct location, Missouri.

Click here to read more⁢ from The Washington Examiner.

How⁤ did ‌Governor Wes Moore’s​ geographical blunder affect his online reputation?


In the age of⁤ social media, public officials ‌are finding it⁤ increasingly important​ to maintain ⁤a strong online presence. Governor Wes Moore​ of Maryland seemed to understand this, as he took to Twitter to propose a friendly wager with a fellow governor ⁤on the outcome of the highly⁢ anticipated NFL playoff game between the Baltimore ​Ravens and⁢ the ⁣Kansas City Chiefs. While the idea ⁢itself was light-hearted ‌and meant to drum up excitement, it quickly veered​ off course due to a geographical blunder made by Governor Moore.

In his tweet, Governor Moore mistakenly referred to Kansas City as being in the state of Kansas. This oversight did ⁣not go unnoticed by ⁤astute‍ social media users, who were quick to point out that Kansas City is ⁣actually located ​in Missouri. The backlash was ⁢swift and unforgiving, with ⁤users mocking the governor’s mistake and questioning⁢ his‌ competence.

While it is not uncommon for politicians to⁢ make minor gaffes or mistakes, this particular‍ blunder ​struck a​ chord with ‍some people.‌ Geography ⁢is‍ often seen as a ⁣basic knowledge that any educated individual, let alone a public ‌official, should possess. Given that ⁢Governor Moore’s misstep involved an entire state, it raised concerns about his level of attention ⁢to detail and his familiarity ⁢with the areas he‌ governs.

The incident drew attention not ‍only to⁣ Governor Moore, but also to the importance of​ accurate ​representation and knowledge among public officials. ‍In⁤ an⁢ age where misinformation runs rampant, it is ⁢crucial for those in positions of⁢ power to act as beacons of ⁣truth and reliability. While the governor’s mistake may seem‌ trivial in the grand scheme of things, it highlights a larger issue of the public’s trust in government figures.

Officials have a responsibility ⁢to their constituents to be knowledgeable, informed, and accurate in all areas of their work, including geography. While it is⁤ understandable to make occasional mistakes,⁣ it is important ‍for politicians to demonstrate a commitment ⁢to ‍learning and growth, and to promptly correct any errors made. This promotes transparency and ensures ⁤that citizens ​can⁢ have confidence in their elected representatives.

It remains​ to be seen how Governor Moore will respond to ⁢this incident and what steps he⁢ will take to⁢ rectify it. Perhaps he will issue a public statement acknowledging⁢ his ‌mistake and ​apologizing for any confusion ‌caused. Alternatively, he may use‍ this as an opportunity to⁢ showcase his ability⁢ to learn ​from his errors and improve upon ‍them.

Regardless of the outcome, this incident ⁢serves as a reminder to all‍ public officials of the importance of accuracy and attention to ‍detail. In an era where social ‌media can make or break a reputation, politicians must be diligent in their representation of themselves⁣ and ⁢their constituencies. The lesson here is clear: be mindful​ of what ​you‍ post⁢ online,‍ and ⁤double-check your facts before sharing them with‌ the world.

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