Matt Walsh Issues Scathing Response To LGBT Activists ‘Traumatized,’ Given ‘Nightmares’ By His Dr. Phil Appearance

Daily Wire host and author Matt Walsh issued a response to LGBT activists “traumatized” by his appearance on “Dr. Phil.”

Before the episode debuted, “nonbinary” activist Addison posted an Instagram story accusing the “Dr. Phil” team of tricking Addison and fellow “nonbinary” activist Ethan to contribute to the panel under false pretenses. The post also claimed that Walsh’s arguments — such as his request for Addison and Ethan to define the word “woman” — gave them “nightmares” and induced crippling anxiety.

On Thursday’s episode of “The Matt Walsh Show,” the commentator told his fellow panelists: “I think you’re completely wrong about everything you say.”

On the show today I delivered a compassionate response to my fellow Dr Phil panelists who claim to have been traumatized by my presence on the panel

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 20, 2022

“What’s more, I think you’re narcissists and bullies,” Walsh said. “I don’t think you give a damn about anybody or anything but yourselves. I think you advocate for opening up bathrooms and sports teams because, from your perspective, the rape, trauma, and abuse that happens as a result is worth it — as long as your ideology wins the day and your self-perceptions are reinforced. Because that’s all you care about.”

“I think you represent something that is not only anti-scientific and irrational, but evil. And I think you have evil intentions,” he continued. “I think you’re bad people, and I think that you are neither correct nor well-meaning. And if one person in the whole world, in your whole life, saying this to you causes you to spiral into depression and be plagued by nightmares, maybe that should clue you in. It sounds like your conscience is trying to tell you something.”

Walsh noted that he and his family face constant threats and mean comments — but without the benefit of a society willing to accept him without question.

“I encounter more outright hostility in a day than you have in your whole life. … I didn’t have the audience clapping for me. You do,” he added. “And yet I’ve slept like a baby every night since that taping. That’s because I know I’m standing in the truth — not just factually, but morally. You don’t have that same self-assurance.”

“Well, maybe you should look within yourself. That’s all you ever do anyway. You’re constantly staring back into yourself, shouting into the cavern of your own ego, listening to the echo. Well, while you’re in there, maybe try a bit of actual introspection. It might serve you well.”

Beyond his debunking of left-wing gender ideology on “Dr. Phil,” Walsh is a children’s author — penning “Johnny the Walrus,” a bestselling book that challenges the transgender agenda being pushed on children.

“It took me many laborious months to write,” Walsh recently recounted. “Countless nights were spent hunched over my typewriter, honing and crafting this work of literature. In brief, it is a story about a creative and imaginative young child. Like most young children, he likes to play pretend. One day, he pretends to be a walrus. He even has wood spoons in his mouth like tusks and socks on his hands like fins.”

“But unfortunately his mommy is the confused and impressionable sort, and she learns from the internet that if your child identifies as something, then he must actually be that thing,” he continued. “Over time, though (spoiler alert), Johnny’s mommy comes to understand that just because a child pretends to be something, that doesn’t mean he actually is what he’s pretending to be.”

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