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McCarthy in Dire Straits, Time Running Out

Is Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy ⁤in trouble?

One ⁣veteran congressman is warning that the⁣ California Republican faces a ‍“perfect storm” within his own caucus that could threaten his leadership.

GOP Rep. Ken⁢ Buck of Colorado cited McCarthy’s varying promises to Republicans to secure his speakership⁢ earlier​ this year.

Buck spoke Sunday on‌ MSNBC with former Biden administration ​White House press secretary Jen Psaki about three issues facing House Republicans.

“On‍ the one hand, we’ve got to pass a continuing resolution,” ​he said of ‍funding the federal government.

“We also have ⁣the impeachment issue,” Buck said.

“And we also have⁢ members of the House, led by my good friend, Chip Roy, who are concerned about ⁤policy issues. They​ want riders in​ the appropriations bills, amendments in the appropriations bills that guarantee some type of security on our southern border,” the Colorado congressman ​told Psaki.

Pressure on McCarthy over the three priorities is‌ amounting to a “perfect storm” ⁤for the speaker, according to Buck.

“So you take those things put together, and Kevin McCarthy, the speaker, has made promises on each ​of those issues to different groups,” he said.​ “And now it is all ‍coming ​due‌ at the same time.”

The spending bill poses a particularly​ thorny problem for ‍McCarthy, Buck said.

“It ‌is going to be very difficult to ⁣pass a continuing resolution with Republican votes — only‍ Republican votes,” the congressman said.

However, ⁣he said, if McCarthy “reaches across the aisle and gets Democrat votes and goes ⁤with ⁤a higher ⁢number⁢ than he has promised before‍ … ⁢ that will cause him problems down the road.”

In⁣ January, McCarthy ⁣—⁣ in order to secure his position — agreed to House‍ rules ‌ in which one member can make a⁢ motion to⁣ vacate the speaker’s chair.

In spite ⁣of that, Buck‌ predicted​ the speaker would weather the storm.

“I don’t see anybody⁢ else that really has risen⁢ up and is willing to take on this job,” he said.

On Sunday, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz — a longtime McCarthy critic — proposed working with Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California to⁣ strip McCarthy ⁤of his position.

“If I make a motion to remove Kevin, how [many] democrat votes can I count on?” Gaetz said in a social media post. ⁤“Asking for a friend…”

Buck also cautioned House Republicans against pursuing a hasty impeachment‌ of President Joe Biden, ‍describing it⁣ as ‌a fool’s ​errand distracting from ​pressing policy⁤ issues.

“If ‍we start going down‌ these paths that really bear⁤ no fruit — we are not going to get an impeachment through the Senate,”⁣ the⁣ congressman said.

Is McCarthy ⁣a good⁣ House speaker?

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Buck asserted that congressional investigations of alleged influence ‌peddling by the president ⁤and son Hunter Biden haven’t borne fruit incriminating the elder ‍Biden.

“The Judiciary Committee, the ⁢Oversight Committee, the Ways and Means Committee are all investigating,” he ⁢told Psaki. “They’re developing really good information about Hunter Biden.”

However, the congressman said, “There is not a strong connection at this point between the⁢ evidence ⁤on Hunter​ Biden and any evidence connecting the president.”

The post McCarthy Faces⁣ a⁢ ‘Perfect Storm,’ And He Doesn’t Have Long appeared first on The Western Journal.

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