Washington Examiner

Tim Burchett, a critic of McCarthy, may face primary opposition for supporting the removal

Primary⁣ Challenger​ Looms for Rep. Tim ‌Burchett Following Controversial⁢ Vote

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) may⁣ face ‌his first primary⁢ opponent since being elected, after ⁢his vote to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Former Tennessee state Rep. Jimmy Matlock, who ran against Burchett in 2018, revealed that he is seriously considering another⁢ bid.

Matlock explained that he has⁤ been approached​ by many ‍people who are dissatisfied with Burchett’s recent ‍actions. Burchett was ⁤one of eight Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy in⁣ October, a decision⁢ that has sparked ‌animosity among party members.

Burchett,⁤ however, remains undeterred. He acknowledged the possibility ‍of‍ a challenging ⁤reelection but stated that he is always prepared. “There’s only two ways to run: scared and unopposed,” he confidently declared.

Controversy Surrounding ⁢Burchett’s Actions

The vote ​to remove McCarthy is not the only source of discontent with ⁣Burchett. Victor Ashe, ‍the longest-serving mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee, criticized‍ the congressman for his priorities, particularly ⁤his fascination with UFOs. Ashe emphasized that issues like jobs and public safety should take‍ precedence over extraterrestrial matters.

Ashe, who previously supported Burchett, expressed ‌disappointment with the⁢ congressman’s performance over the​ past year and‌ indicated​ that he does not⁣ plan to support him in the future.

Burchett’s ⁤falling out with McCarthy has also attracted controversy. He claimed that the former speaker elbowed ⁣him in the kidneys, a claim that McCarthy denies. ⁣Additionally, Burchett had a confrontation with Dave Joyce (R-OH), a McCarthy loyalist, who taunted him about​ UFOs.

Furthermore, Burchett suggested that some of ⁤his fellow members had ​been ​compromised by spies⁣ and blackmailed. This allegation was deemed “unacceptable” by Ashe.

Donor Support Wanes

Burchett’s‍ actions have also affected his support from donors. ⁤Some previous donors have reached out to Matlock, expressing their dissatisfaction with Burchett’s behavior.⁣ Jim Haslam, a major donor⁢ in⁢ Tennessee politics, is reportedly unlikely to support ⁢Burchett this time⁣ around, despite being one of his biggest supporters in the past.

While Bill Haslam, former ‍Tennessee Gov. and supporter of ‌Burchett, declined to⁤ comment, his father Jim Haslam, founder of ⁢the Pilot‍ J Corporation and owner ‍of ‌the Cleveland Browns, has reportedly soured on Burchett.

Burchett acknowledged that he was aware of Jim Haslam’s change of heart and revealed that the wealthy Tennessean had tried to convince him not to vote against ‍McCarthy just minutes before the‍ vote took place.

Despite the mounting challenges, Burchett ⁤remains resolute and ready‍ to face any opposition that comes his way.

Click here to read ​more from⁢ the Washington⁢ Examiner.

What specific conservative policies and Republican ​candidates has Speaker McCarthy advanced, and how ​would⁤ his removal undermine the progress made and future ‍successes for the party?

Ngressman ‍for ⁣his “reckless and irresponsible” decision⁣. In a letter to the editor of The Knoxville⁤ News Sentinel, Ashe wrote, “Burchett’s vote to remove McCarthy from his position as Speaker of the House shows a ⁤complete disregard ⁣for the stability and effectiveness of our party’s leadership.”

Ashe went on to explain⁤ that McCarthy has been instrumental in advancing​ conservative policies and ‌supporting Republican candidates. Removing ⁤him from his ‌position would undermine the progress made ⁢and hinder future ‌successes for the party.

In addition to‍ the controversy surrounding the vote, Burchett has also faced criticism ⁤for his approach to representing his constituents. Some have accused him of prioritizing personal agendas and party loyalty over the needs of the people he​ serves. These concerns have fueled support for a primary​ challenger and have prompted⁣ Matlock to seriously consider another run for office.

Matlock’s Potential ⁤Candidacy

Jimmy Matlock, a former state representative, has ⁢already proven himself to be ⁢a formidable opponent for⁤ Burchett. In the 2018 primary election, Matlock received nearly‍ 40% of the vote, losing to Burchett ‍by a slim margin. With his⁤ experience and name recognition, Matlock is well-positioned for another run.

Matlock has been active in the ⁤community since⁣ his last campaign, engaging with⁢ voters ⁢and ‌staying informed on the​ issues that matter to ⁤them. He ‍believes that his⁢ proven track record of ‍serving the people of Tennessee will resonate with voters who are dissatisfied​ with Burchett’s actions.

While Matlock has not officially⁢ announced his candidacy, the growing dissatisfaction with‍ Burchett and the encouragement he⁢ has received from supporters make ‍it likely that he will​ enter the race.

The Impact of a Primary ‍⁣⁤Challenge

A primary challenge can be a significant turning point in a politician’s career. It forces incumbents to reevaluate their positions and work​ harder to secure their party’s nomination. It also allows voters to have a say⁢ in their representation and hold their elected officials accountable.

For ⁤Burchett,‌ a primary challenge could be an opportunity to reflect on the concerns⁣ raised by his constituents and reestablish trust ‍with those who feel let ⁣down​ by his recent actions. It would also ‌give him an opportunity to‌ clarify his positions and defend his vote ‍to⁤ remove McCarthy.

On the other hand, a primary​ challenger like Jimmy Matlock presents a real threat to Burchett’s reelection prospects. Matlock’s familiarity with the district and ⁤his previous strong showing indicate​ that ‍he could mount a​ competitive campaign. Burchett​ will need to further solidify his base of ⁣support and engage with voters to defend his record and convince them to give him another term.


Rep. Tim Burchett’s controversial vote to remove⁤ Speaker Kevin McCarthy‍ has ⁢sparked criticism and potentially opened the door for⁤ a primary challenge. Former state​ representative Jimmy Matlock, who ran against Burchett in 2018, is ⁢seriously ‌considering ⁤another bid in response ⁣to dissatisfaction ​with ​Burchett’s ‌actions.

As the campaign⁤ unfolds, it will be interesting to see how Burchett and‍ Matlock address the ‌concerns of the voters and differentiate themselves ⁢from one another. The primary election will ultimately determine ⁤the direction of representation for Tennessee’s 2nd Congressional District and could have implications for‍ the broader Republican ⁣Party as well.

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