Washington Examiner

McConnell’s freezing incident sparks age and health worries.

Concerns Raised Over Senate Minority Leader Mitch⁢ McConnell’s Health

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) recent medical episode⁣ during a⁣ press conference has sparked renewed concerns ​about his overall health. The⁣ incident occurred while McConnell was addressing reporters about ⁤the National⁣ Defense Authorization Act. Suddenly, he froze, staring​ blankly ahead for 18 seconds, causing alarm among those present.

Senator ⁤John Barrasso (R-WY), a ‌former orthopedic surgeon​ and ‍the Senate​ GOP Conference chairman, approached the podium to⁣ check on McConnell’s​ well-being. With the assistance of Barrasso and a McConnell aide, the Republican leader was escorted to his office down the hall. After a brief moment, McConnell returned to answer questions from reporters.

McConnell’s Response ‌and ​Recovery

When⁢ asked about the incident, McConnell simply stated, “I’m fine.” A McConnell aide confirmed this statement, emphasizing that McConnell⁢ had felt lightheaded and needed a‍ moment ⁢to step away. However, upon returning, ⁤he demonstrated sharpness during the Q&A session.

Walking back to the Senate floor, McConnell assured reporters waiting‌ outside his ‌office ‌that he was ‍okay. Although he did not‌ directly address whether he was dehydrated or had ​consulted a doctor, he did mention that President Joe Biden had called to check on ⁣him. In a lighthearted manner, ⁤McConnell joked about being “sandbagged,” alluding​ to ⁢Biden’s recent fall at the Air⁣ Force Academy graduation.

Biden’s‍ concern⁤ and the positive ‌feedback from Senate Republicans who spent time with McConnell that evening highlight the significance of the episode. Despite initial worries, McConnell appeared to be doing ⁤much better, according to ‌those who ⁢interacted​ with him.

Support and Confidence in McConnell’s Leadership

Senator Barrasso, who ⁢expressed ongoing concern for McConnell’s ​health, dismissed ‌the notion that‌ his condition was ⁢worsening. He stated that he had “no⁤ new concerns” and​ praised McConnell’s remarkable recovery. Other senators, including Senator John ‌Cornyn (R-TX), a close ally of McConnell, affirmed their confidence in⁤ his ability to‍ fulfill his​ duties and expressed support for his continued leadership.

McConnell’s recent fall was not his first significant medical challenge. As a polio survivor, he has faced physical obstacles throughout⁣ his life. Despite these‍ challenges, McConnell has maintained a full schedule and ⁢continues to lead the Senate GOP.

Following the incident, media ⁣outlets reported two additional falls⁢ that McConnell experienced this year, which were previously unknown. These​ incidents, along with his advanced age, have brought renewed attention ⁢to his health.

It is clear‌ that McConnell’s health is a topic of concern, but his resilience and determination ⁣to fulfill ⁤his responsibilities as Senate Minority Leader remain unwavering.

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