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Media frenzy over Brittney Griner’s epic slam dunk, yet basketball enthusiasts quickly notice a glaring issue.

Is ​Brittney⁤ Griner still catching breaks?

The⁣ WNBA star and ​erstwhile⁣ Russian prisoner,‌ who ⁤was⁣ returned to ‍the ⁢United States in​ a ​swap⁢ that freed a notorious ‌Russian​ arms⁢ dealer,⁣ was ‌being⁤ celebrated this⁣ weekend ‍for a slam dunk during‍ the league’s​ All-Star Game on Saturday ‍in Las Vegas.

But plenty of viewers who saw‌ the ​video ‍are raising ⁣plenty‌ of doubts.

“BG is BACKKKK,” ‌the WNBA ​official Twitter‌ account roared. “Brittney Griner with ⁢the​ early‌ slam on⁢ ABC!”

“SHOWTIME DUNK ⁢FOR ‍BG!”⁢ ESPN ‍declared.

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That alleged dribble takes‌ place about the ⁢2-second​ mark of the ‍WNBA​ video. Look ‌closely‍ at ⁢it. Again ‌and again.⁢ It’s very difficult to ‌see.

If⁢ the ⁤Women’s​ National Basketball⁣ Association ⁤were more popular,‍ it would‍ be ⁤a mystery ⁣worthy ​of the Muhammad Ali “phantom⁣ punch” that‍ knocked ​down Sonny Liston in 1965 and ‌kept Ali boxing’s ⁤heavyweight ​champion.

Unfortunately for the WNBA, ⁢it’s not‌ more⁣ popular and​ is unlikely to ever⁤ be‍ popular, ⁢so this dispute⁤ is likely‌ to be ‌limited⁢ to ⁣the Twitter⁤ world —​ where ⁢an ‌infinitely larger ‍number ⁣of ​viewers saw the video‌ of⁣ the dunk than watched the ‌WNBA⁢ All-Star‍ Game​ itself ⁣— ⁤or ‍knew​ or‍ cared about ⁢its ​results.

Some Griner⁢ defenders​ slammed the ​critics ​as “haters.” Please.⁣ Pointing‍ out what‌ looks like⁣ a fairly ⁢obvious rules‌ violation‍ in ⁣a sport doesn’t qualify as⁣ “hate”‍ — unless⁣ it’s hate of cheating.

But there’s ⁢no ⁣denying there are a⁢ good number‌ of ⁣Americans who ⁣will leap to⁢ criticize⁤ Griner​ on just about ‌any excuse, considering how she ​was one⁤ of​ the​ athletes ‌who ‍took a ​stand‌ against ‌the national ‌anthem during the insanity of‍ the 2020 ⁤riots over the death of ⁤drug-abusing⁣ counterfeiting suspect ‌George Floyd in ⁤Minneapolis ⁤(she ​changed her‍ tune ⁣after getting ⁢out of ​a ‌Russian ‌prison).

There ​are also quite ⁣a few who ⁣question‍ — ⁢or even resent⁢ — Griner being⁢ free while the Biden​ administration ⁣left‍ behind Marine⁣ veteran‌ Paul⁢ Whalen, ‍who remains in⁤ a Russian ⁢prison ⁢on ⁣an ⁤evidently ⁢trumped-up espionage ‍charge.

The ⁣fact that‍ the United ⁢States ​traded an arms‍ dealer ⁤so evil‍ that he’s ⁤nicknamed “the ‌merchant‌ of death”​ simply ‌to ​placate‌ President⁤ Joe ⁤Biden’s leftist‍ base by ‌freeing ​a lesbian ‍woman who has ⁤the advantage of being black —‌ all⁤ while leaving‌ behind a former⁣ Marine to ⁢basically rot in a‌ prison⁤ cell‍ —‌ is ⁢just ⁣one ⁤more‌ mark against the‍ Biden ⁢presidency.

And ⁣it’s going⁣ to ⁢be‌ a⁢ mark⁢ Brittney Griner ⁣carries ⁣for⁢ the rest‍ of her‍ basketball career,⁤ if ⁢not ‌her ‌life.

She⁢ caught‌ a⁢ big⁢ break ​having ⁤a⁢ pliable, ‍senescent ⁤Joe⁣ Biden in the White‍ House⁤ when she got herself in⁤ a jam.

She might have ‍just caught‍ another ‌one when​ refs​ appeared to ⁢look‌ the⁢ other way ⁢in ‍favor​ of ⁢producing a ⁤highlight reel⁣ out of ⁤the⁤ WNBA’s ​All-Star Game.

Americans‌ who respect‌ the⁣ rules — ⁣whether ⁣in ⁤international ‌affairs or ⁤on the WNBA basketball court ‌—​ can ⁤be‍ forgiven⁣ for not automatically‍ applauding.

The‍ post Media Goes Crazy​ for⁤ Brittney⁢ Griner’s⁢ Slam​ Dunk, But Basketball‍ Fans⁤ Spot ‌an​ Immediate Problem ‍appeared first‌ on⁢ The⁢ Western ​Journal.

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