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Meet The Company Trying To Control Your Mind

Who Controls What You See?

There’s a group of people who control what you are allowed to⁤ see ⁢— the news you⁢ read, the ⁤videos ⁢you watch, the ⁣posts you engage with.

You haven’t⁤ heard of them. You ⁢don’t know their names, but they determine, through methods both direct and indirect,‍ whether you are allowed ⁤to be exposed to particular messages.⁤ Their⁤ decisions can ⁣bankrupt companies, silence voices, and fundamentally shift cultural norms. Who are these people and​ how do they ⁣do this?

Well, at the top level you have a network of global elites who have created a universal framework full of ‌guidelines and ratings designed to enforce “approved” narratives and punish ‍disapproved ones. It sounds like a conspiracy⁣ theory,​ except it isn’t a secret and we’re not guessing.

The Global Elites

First, you have the World Economic ⁤Forum, the ⁢WEF, and their platform for shaping the future⁢ of ⁢media, entertainment, and‌ culture. Second, you have the World Federation⁢ of Advertisers, the WFA, who ⁢represent ⁣mega-corporations that control 90% of global advertising dollars. WFA members are a who’s who of global business and include some of ⁣our recent wokeified favorites like Bud‍ Light’s parent company AB InBev, Hershey, Procter & Gamble, Lego, and‍ Disney.

There is barely a billionaire Fortune 500 CEO, heavyweight philanthropist, government, or woke nonprofit ⁣that isn’t associated‍ with the WEF or ​the WFA.

In 2019, the WFA established the Global Alliance for Responsible Media or GARM. Within months, the​ WEF adopted GARM as part of its platform for shaping the future of media, entertainment, and culture.‌ GARM‌ is⁤ a cross-industry alliance that brings these ‍mega-corporations —‍ the advertisers — together with big tech companies ‌like Meta who owns Facebook and Instagram, Google owned YouTube, the CCP’s TikTok, and even Snapchat ⁣and Pinterest.

This unholy alliance created‍ something they call the Brand Safety Floor & ⁢Suitability ⁤Framework. Think‌ of Brand ‌Safety‍ as a dog whistle for ⁤censorship. They ⁣say it themselves: ​The Brand Safety⁣ Floor means, “Content​ not appropriate for any advertising support.” In other words, if you publish content that violates these guidelines, you will be blacklisted from 90% of the advertising revenue in the marketplace.

So what have these ⁤global elites decided to put in their censorship framework? They started with things we can all ⁢universally agree on, like preventing​ the distribution of child pornography or ‍the advocacy of graphic terrorist activity. But they don’t draw the line at what is objectively criminal,⁣ abusive, ‍or ‍dangerous. They continue expanding the guidelines‍ to include far more subjective parameters.

For example, ​the framework lists subjective terms like‌ hate speech as a problem. It says that anything surrounding transgenderism⁣ that they decide is dehumanizing or discussing what they deem to be a debated social issue in an insensitive way is off limits. The ⁤framework is deliberately vague, allowing those ​in control ‍to pick and choose how ⁤they enforce⁢ it and ⁢against whom.

WATCH: ‘Facts’ Episode 1: ‌The Company Trying To Control Your Mind

Enforcing Approved Narratives

So how exactly do the approved narratives set by these global entities get enforced all​ the way ⁣down to the daily content you consume?

Well, here’s how. ⁤We’ll start with NewsGuard. NewsGuard is an organization that formulates ratings for American media. They⁤ rank news sites on ‍a 0-to-100 scale based on nine ⁣supposedly apolitical criteria. These criteria are anything but​ apolitical. They often ⁤align with leftwing positions.

During the height‌ of COVID, ⁤NewsGuard falsely labeled ⁤and downgraded 21 news sites, only well after the ​fact admitting that‌ they either “mischaracterized the site’s claims” about ​the lab⁣ leak⁢ theory — referring to ⁣the lab leak theory ⁤as‌ a “conspiracy theory” — or “wrongly grouped together unproven claims” about the lab leak with the “separate, false claim” that the ⁣“COVID-19 virus was ⁤man-made” without explaining that one claim was‌ unsubstantiated and the other was false.

“NewsGuard apologizes for these errors,” they said. “We ⁤have made the ⁤appropriate correction on each⁣ of the 21⁢ labels.”

And when⁤ you compare their ratings of Left-leaning news⁤ organizations to Right-leaning news ⁤organizations, you see the same bias appear.

The Media Research Center, a free‌ speech nonprofit, studied NewsGuards’ ratings. The study found glaring examples of ⁤bias by NewsGuard. The Left’s BuzzFeed managed a 100 out of 100 perfect score, despite its reporting on the Steele dossier and alleging collusion between Trump ⁢and ⁣Russia.

The study found that The Global⁤ Times, a Chinese propaganda‍ government outlet, scored a 39.5 — that is 27 points higher than⁣ the U.S.-based conservative​ outlet The Federalist.⁢ Despite a scandal at USA Today revealing the ⁢publication‌ of multiple fabricated ‌sources in their stories and their own fact checking operation misleading readers on the ​history of the Democratic Party ⁣and ‍the KKK,⁢ USA Today maintained ‌the 100 out of 100 rating by NewsGuard.

NewsGuard is also working with others to use AI ​technology to enforce Brand Safety standards ‍at scale, by‌ identifying scalable hoaxes and misinformation in ⁤order to streamline ⁤blanket removal. This means that⁤ the news that you⁤ read,‌ news that is supposed to be fair ‍and objective ‍or at least diverse,​ must adhere to GARM, the WEF, ⁣the⁤ WFA and their subjective ‍and biased standards in order to be deemed monetizable.

If you think this is only ​something big news corporations have to contend ​with, think⁣ again. Even the content you consume from independent content creators on social​ media platforms is subject to these globalist⁤ powers that be.

The WEF,⁢ GARM, and the WFA, they’re all ‌actively working​ with social media​ companies to censor what they​ consider to be misinformation, which very often is ⁤just good‌ information with which they disagree.

Finally, ⁣the WEF, WFA, and GARM, they’re all aggressively pouring billions of dollars a year into news and content that drives their preferred narrative —⁣ narratives ⁤that⁤ are often counterfactual at best and harmful ⁣at ⁣worst.

When you look at the news, you need to feel as though⁢ you’re getting all the information. And even if ⁤one ⁣source isn’t giving you all the information, you can ⁣find another⁢ source, and all the sources together will give you a broad view of the world. But ⁤the World​ Economic Forum, World Federation of Advertisers, and ‌the⁣ Global‍ Alliance ‍for Responsible Media, they don’t want you to have a full view of the news.

They want you to see‍ what they want you to see. ⁢And they will work to prevent anyone from ⁣disseminating ⁤information they don’t pre-approve. They are​ determining what you see, what you hear, what you watch. And ⁢that’s dangerous.


Read More From Original Article Here: Meet The Company Trying To Control Your Mind

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