Nike’s James Rehwald: Israeli claims of Hamas atrocities are ‘pure projection’
James Rehwald (James Rehwald/Facebook)
A top marketing specialist at Nike has sparked controversy by responding to the recent atrocities committed by Iran-backed terror group Hamas. Instead of condemning the brutal attack on innocent Israeli women and children, James Rehwald, a digital media marketing specialist at Nike, accused Israel of “massacring civilians.”
Rehwald, who has been working at Nike since 2021, posted a video on his Patreon account titled ”Why Israel Deliberately Targets Civilians.” In the video, he claims to expose the “brutal military and settler colonial occupation” imposed by Israel on Palestinians. Rehwald downplays the atrocities committed by Hamas and argues that Israel is guilty of the same acts “on a much greater scale.”
Rehwald’s dismissal of Hamas’s barbaric attack, which included the beheading of a civilian’s corpse, is reminiscent of other young employees who faced consequences for supporting the terror group. However, many corporations, including Nike, have remained silent or offered muted responses to Hamas’s terrorism.
Despite requests for comment, neither Rehwald nor Nike have responded. Rehwald, who gained popularity for his leftist comedy and education videos, claims that his views are his own and not representative of his employer.
The anti-Israel video shared by Rehwald comes from a YouTube channel known as GDF, which has a history of making controversial claims. The channel has accused the United States of creating ISIS and has attacked socialist senator Bernie Sanders. Rehwald endorsed the channel’s blame on Israel for Hamas’s attack just days after it occurred.
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Can you provide examples of specific initiatives or projects undertaken by the PAA to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration
The Public Administration Association (PAA) has undertaken several initiatives and projects to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration. Here are a few examples:
1. Knowledge-sharing platforms: The PAA has developed online platforms that enable public administrators to share knowledge and best practices. These platforms provide a space for professionals to exchange ideas and learn from one another, ultimately increasing the overall effectiveness of public administration.
2. Training and capacity-building programs: The PAA organizes training programs and workshops to enhance the skills and capabilities of public administrators. These programs focus on areas such as leadership, strategic planning, financial management, and project management. By equipping public administrators with relevant skills, the PAA aims to improve the efficiency of public administration.
3. Research and policy recommendations: The PAA conducts research on current issues and challenges in public administration. Based on this research, the association provides policy recommendations to governments and public institutions. These recommendations aim to streamline processes, reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies, and improve decision-making in public administration.
4. Collaboration with academic institutions: The PAA collaborates with academic institutions to promote research and education in the field of public administration. By fostering partnerships with universities and colleges, the association contributes to the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce for public administration.
5. Advocacy for transparency and accountability: The PAA advocates for transparency and accountability in public administration. The association works with governments and civil society organizations to develop and implement measures that promote transparency, such as open data initiatives and whistleblower protection laws. By ensuring transparency and accountability, the PAA aims to enhance the overall effectiveness of public administration.
These initiatives and projects undertaken by the PAA are aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration, ultimately leading to better governance and service delivery to the public.
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