The Western Journal

Megyn Kelly Torches Debate Moderators for Doing ‘Exactly What Their Bosses Wanted’ to Trump

Podcaster Megyn Kelly‍ has publicly criticized the moderators of​ the recent ABC News debate between former President ‌Donald Trump and Vice‍ President Kamala Harris, claiming ⁢they unfairly ganged up on Trump. In⁢ a ​blog post and accompanying video, Kelly expressed her disgust with⁣ the bias displayed by ABC’s moderators, ‌David Muir and Linsey Davis, alleging that they‌ conducted “fact checks” against Trump while allowing Harris to make false statements unchallenged.

Kelly ⁣pointed out⁤ that ⁣the head of ABC‌ News, Dana ⁣Walden, has personal ‍ties to Kamala Harris, questioning ‍the impartiality of the debate. She described the dynamic as a “three-against-one” scenario, where Trump had to ‌face both moderators’ scrutiny ⁤as well as Harris’s attacks. Kelly argued that the moderators seemed to place the ⁣burden of fact-checking solely on Trump, which she found infuriating.

Despite her anger toward the ‌media’s handling of the debate, Kelly ​believes that ⁣the overt bias⁣ exhibited may ultimately backfire, leading the public to sympathize with Trump. She concluded her remarks by warning that the⁢ legacy media is attempting to manipulate the election process to​ favor Harris and expressed her disapproval ⁤of the media’s behavior, ​asserting that they are actively working against Trump.

Podcaster Megyn Kelly unleashed a volcanic tirade against ABC News moderators, saying they shamelessly ganged up on former President Donald Trump during his debate against Vice President Kamala Harris.

And can you blame her?

“I am disgusted,” Kelly wrote in a scathing blog post Tuesday following the debate, which was held in Philadelphia.

She also posted a video expressing her repulsion at the overt bias of the liberal media shills.

“I am ashamed of those moderators at ABC News,” the former Fox News host said. “David Muir and Linsey Davis did exactly what their bosses wanted them to do.”

Kelly explained: “The head of ABC News, Dana Walden, is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris, who is responsible for Kamala Harris and her husband, Doug Emhoff, meeting. They did Dana Walden’s bidding.”

The podcaster said the debate devolved into a “three-against-one” pile-on, as Muir and Davis repeatedly conducted contrived “fact checks” on Trump while blithely allowing Harris to lie.

“Trump did the best he could under the circumstances, but it really was like three fighters in the ring pummeled one opponent,” she observed. “Trump tried to take them all on. He did as best as he could.”

Kelly said it “was a mistake to trust ABC News with this debate” because the pro-Harris moderators repeatedly “tried to sink Donald Trump.”

She said she got more and more enraged as the debate went on because of the moderators’ egregious partisanship.

“There were numerous fact checks on what he said and none on what she said,” Kelly wrote. “She lied, and she got away with it.”

“In the moderators’ eyes, it was Donald Trump’s job to fact-check her,” she continued.

Kelly further pointed out: “That is correct, except they didn’t employ that same tactic when it came to Trump. They accused him of lying – even when it was his opinion that he lied.”

The former Fox News host ended her essay by saying she’s furious at the legacy media because “they’re trying to steal this election.”

“I am angry at the moderators. I am angry at ABC News,” she said. “I am angry at my industry that I want nothing to do with and could not be happier to be outside of.”

She added: “They are trying to steal this election. They are openly working to sink Donald Trump.”

However, Kelly believes the left-wing media’s outrageous anti-Trump prejudice will ultimately boomerang.

“I think their bias against him and toward her was so bad that it is going to backfire,” she said.

“I actually think the American public is going to see through this, and there is probably going to be some empathy for Trump,” Kelly explained. “No fair minded person could think anything other than that.”

By now, countless Americans realize that the establishment media are little more than left-wing activists masquerading as objective “journalists.”

The manufactured hysteria over the Russia “collusion” hoax, the warped lionization of the race-hustling Black Lives Matter movement and the soul-crushing coronavirus tyranny are a few notable examples of the media’s catastrophic recent failures.

When you couple that with the crushing inflation, terrifying crime and daily border invasions that have become the hallmark of Harris’ vice presidency, it becomes glaringly obvious that Trump is the only choice in November.

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