Conservative News Daily

Melania Trump seen at National Archives in rare public appearance

Melania Trump: A First Lady Who Believes in Legal Immigration

Leave it‌ to Melania Trump to remind us all what a first lady who believes ‍in legal immigration looks like.

In a rare post-White House appearance, the wife of the former president spoke at length about ​her personal journey to American citizenship, calling the pathway “arduous” during‌ remarks at a National Archives naturalization ceremony in ⁤Washington, D.C.

According to CNN, 25 immigrants were sworn in as U.S.⁢ citizens at the event attended by the Slovenian-born former‌ first lady.

“My personal experience of traversing the challenges of the immigration process ‌opened my eyes to the harsh realities‍ people face, including you,‌ who try to become U.S. ‌citizens,” Trump said.

CNN said ⁤that Melania, who married the future president in 2005 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, “described the difficulties of trying to familiarize herself with‍ immigration law, conducting research and painstakingly gathering information and paperwork.”

“The pathway ⁢to citizenship is ‌arduous,”‍ she said during her remarks “My life turned into ​labyrinth of organizing paperwork.”

However, she added that the work was worth it, saying she⁤ felt a​ “tremendous sense of⁢ pride and belonging” after the swearing-in⁢ was done.

“For⁢ me, reaching the milestone of American citizenship marked the sunrise of certainty,” she said, according⁤ to⁢ The Hill.

“At that exact moment, I forever⁢ discarded the layer of burden connected with whether I would be able to ‌live in the United States. I hope⁣ you’re blanketed with similar feelings of comfort right now.

“Becoming an‌ American citizen comes‌ with responsibility, it means actively participating in the democratic process and‍ guarding our freedom,” she ⁢told the newly minted American citizens.

“It also means leading by example and contributing to our society.⁣ It is a life-altering experience that takes time, determination​ and sometimes, even tremendous‍ strength.

“Be proud⁤ of yourself, stand your ground, and embrace opportunities that lie ahead,” Melania added, imploring them:​ “You are American! Be a beacon of‍ inspiration for your children and those who follow in your⁤ footsteps.”

A Contrast in Approaches

Now, let’s leave aside the ‌fact that ​Melania is appearing at the National Archives while former President Trump — the current front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination‌ — is fighting a court case based, in part, over his contretemps ‌with the National Archives regarding the retaining of classified documents. The former ⁣president faces ⁤37 charges related to that ⁤kerfuffle, ⁢making⁣ it an odd place for Melania to show up.

Instead, consider the message this sends compared⁣ with what the ⁣current first lady ​Jill Biden (Sorry, ⁣ Dr. Jill Biden. Wherever are my manners?) has been sending on immigration.

In 2021, the Washington Free Beacon reported, Dr. ‌Jill “promoted a private school run by a Democratic⁢ donor that advises⁤ illegal immigrants ‌on how to avoid ​arrest.”

The first lady, also a teacher, paid a visit to El Centro Academy in Kansas City, Kansas, an institution that “has published a series of videos that instruct illegal immigrants on how to avoid arrest from U.S. Immigration‍ and Customs Enforcement.”

“One video, ⁤for ⁤example, advises viewers to ignore ICE agents altogether during an interaction and contact ‘a member of the community who does have status,’” the report​ noted, adding the president of the school “also worked with the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce to create ‘safe spaces’ for immigrants by prohibiting local cooperation with ⁤ICE to ‘protect residents ​from deportation.’”

Earlier this year, meanwhile, Dr. Jill invited so-called “dreamer” activist Mitzi Colin Lopez to be her guest at the ​State​ of the Union address.

The Philadelphia⁣ Inquirer reported that, after Colin Lopez “received ⁤protection from deportation​ under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program” and graduated ‌from college, she ​became an immigration activist.

The contrast couldn’t be starker ​and highlights⁣ an important difference between Republicans and Democrats:‍ The GOP isn’t anti-immigrant, it’s anti-lawlessness.

The reason we ​have a border crisis under the‌ Biden administration is hardly an‌ accident. At every turn, the ‍people ⁢associated with it have praised illegal immigration, saying there’s hardly a difference between those who undergo the ​“arduous” process to obtain citizenship and those who skip the line by breaking America’s laws and subsequently get rewarded by Democrats for nakedly cynical ⁤reasons.

It’s a contrast that⁤ takes a visit by‍ the‍

What ⁣message does Jill Biden’s visit to ‍a school⁣ advising illegal‍ immigrants on avoiding arrest send​ about the administration’s stance on immigration and the rule of law?

Immigrants to not open doors to ICE without a warrant and to not answer any questions without an attorney present,”​ the Washington Free⁢ Beacon reported.

This stark difference in approach to immigration is indicative of the broader contrast between Melania Trump and Jill Biden. While Melania has consistently emphasized the importance of legal immigration and the ‍arduous ​process ⁣she ⁤went through to become a U.S. citizen, Jill Biden has taken actions that can be seen as promoting illegal immigration and ​providing guidance on‍ how to evade⁢ law enforcement.

Melania’s speech at the naturalization ceremony reminds us of the significance of​ American citizenship and the‍ responsibilities that come with it. She encouraged the newly minted citizens to be‌ proud of themselves, stand their ground, and embrace‌ the opportunities that lie ahead. Her message was one of⁣ inspiration and optimism, urging them to⁤ be beacons of‌ inspiration ‍for their children and future generations.

In‍ contrast, Jill Biden’s ⁢visit to a‌ school that advises illegal immigrants on how to avoid arrest sends a conflicting message. It ⁢raises questions about the administration’s stance on immigration and ⁢the rule of law. By ​promoting an institution that provides guidance on ‌evading ⁤law ‍enforcement, it undermines the integrity of legal processes and sends a message that breaking ‌the law can⁣ be justified.

Melania’s belief in the importance of legal immigration ⁢is rooted⁢ in her personal experience. She understands the challenges and complexities of the immigration process, and she has embraced her⁤ American citizenship with a sense of pride and belonging. Her journey ‌serves⁣ as a reminder that legal immigration is not just a ⁢bureaucratic process, but a​ life-altering experience that requires time, determination, and strength.

As ⁢the wife of a⁤ former president, Melania Trump continues to use her‌ platform to advocate for legal immigration and support initiatives that uphold the rule of law. Her presence at the National Archives and her ⁢powerful‌ speech at the naturalization ceremony reaffirm her commitment​ to the⁢ principles of legal immigration and the values ​of the United States.

In a time when immigration issues ⁢are ‌at the forefront ⁢of⁢ political debates, Melania⁣ Trump stands as a symbol of the importance⁤ of ‌following the law and respecting the sovereignty ‌of ‌a nation. Her message resonates with those ‌who believe in the power of legal immigration to enrich societies and promote cultural diversity.

As we reflect on ⁤Melania’s speech, let us remember‌ the words she spoke: “Be proud of yourself, stand your ground, and embrace opportunities that lie ahead. You are American! Be a ⁢beacon of ⁣inspiration for your children and those who follow in your footsteps.” These words encapsulate her belief in⁣ the American dream and the value of legal‍ immigration. Let us heed her message and strive to create a⁣ society ⁤that upholds the ideals of liberty, justice, and legal immigration.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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