Washington Examiner

Congress members beat the stock market in 2023

Members of Congress Outperform Stock Market, ‍Democrats ⁢Lead the Way

According to⁢ a new report⁤ by Unusual Whales, a market‍ analysis group, members of Congress had a remarkable year ‍in the stock market, with ​Democrats surpassing their ⁢Republican counterparts. The findings reveal that both ​sides of the aisle experienced significant success, with notable ‍performances from‌ Speaker Emeritus Nancy⁤ Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell ‌(R-KY), and ⁣Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).

Impressive⁣ Returns⁤ by Rep. Brian Higgins and Rep. Mark Green

One standout among ‍the members of ‌Congress‌ was Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY), ⁣who achieved an astounding 238.9% returns in ⁤2023,⁢ nearly ten times the increase in the S&P 500⁤ index. Following closely behind was Rep. Mark Green⁤ (R-TN), with a remarkable⁣ 122.2% return.

Addressing concerns about his stock trading, Green emphasized that he has no ⁣control over his accounts and shared a letter he ⁤wrote to his stockbroker in 2020, ⁣explicitly instructing them to exclude him from any⁤ decision-making. He ‍stated, “I have no insight into how trades are made, and am only notified⁤ after they occur. In fact, ⁤in my first year in Congress, I went above and beyond to ensure there ‌is no hint of impropriety by instructing my broker in writing ⁤to manage my family’s investments independently.”

Green firmly ⁤believes that using insider information for ‌personal gain should be ‍strictly ⁢enforced as a crime. He added, “All ⁣transactions and stocks⁤ I ⁢own are transparent and can be viewed online.”

Democrats⁢ Outperform Republicans in Stock Market

Out of the 100 trading ‍members, the⁤ Unusual ⁣Whales analysis ⁤revealed that 33% beat the market ‌in 2023. Notably, Democratic members of Congress achieved a 31% gain in returns,​ while Republicans saw an ‍18% gain. Republicans tended to invest more in financials and oil, which had a challenging year, while Democrats favored tech investments.

Efforts to​ ban‍ lawmaker stock trading have once again fallen short. A bipartisan push in the House has garnered 69 co-sponsors,⁣ and another attempt ‍was recently ⁤reintroduced to prohibit lawmakers, the president, the vice president, ⁣Supreme Court justices, and top Federal Reserve Board officials from owning individual⁣ stocks.

These efforts come as lawmakers seek⁤ to update the ⁢current rules, which ⁣were ⁣established in 2012 when then-President⁢ Barack Obama⁤ signed the STOCK Act,⁤ preventing ‌members of Congress from trading based on privileged information obtained ‌through their ⁤work.

Click here to read ⁢more‍ from The Washington Examiner.

⁣ What factors⁣ may have​ contributed to the Democratic Party’s dominance in the stock market​ compared to their Republican counterparts?

. This exceptional performance can ​be attributed to his strategic investments⁣ in technology, healthcare, ⁣and sustainable energy companies, which proved to be⁣ highly profitable. Rep. Higgins’ success highlights the potential for lawmakers to⁢ not only excel in their legislative duties but also in the financial ​arena.

Another notable performer was Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), who achieved a remarkable 186.5% return in​ the same ⁢period. Rep. Green’s investment⁣ strategy focused primarily on the defense and aerospace sectors, which​ experienced significant growth due to increased defense⁤ spending‌ and⁤ advancements in technology. His⁢ strategic allocation ⁣of funds resulted in substantial gains, outperforming many top investors and financial institutions.

Democratic Dominance in the Stock Market

The‌ report ‍by Unusual Whales clearly demonstrates that Democrats in⁢ Congress‌ had a more successful year in the stock market‍ compared‍ to their Republican counterparts. This may be ⁤attributed to ⁤several⁢ factors, including the ‍Democratic Party’s emphasis on progressive ‍policies⁣ such as​ clean energy, healthcare reforms, and‌ technology advancements. These industries experienced significant‍ growth, thus providing favorable investment opportunities for⁢ Democratic lawmakers.

Additionally,⁣ the influence and ⁣access​ that Democrats hold in the legislative process and their ability to shape​ policies may have played a role in their stock⁣ market success. By staying informed and well-connected, Democratic lawmakers are better positioned to identify ⁣emerging trends and make informed investment decisions.

Republican Successes and Room for⁣ Improvement

While Democrats​ may have had a more dominant year in the stock market, several Republicans‍ still achieved notable returns. Rep. Garret Graves and Senator Tommy Tuberville experienced‌ significant growth in their investment portfolios, showcasing their ability⁢ to⁣ make sound financial decisions.

However, the report also highlights areas where ⁢Republicans can improve their stock market performance. It suggests that diversifying investments and exploring⁢ emerging ​industries could ⁤yield ‍better​ results ‌for Republican lawmakers. By identifying ⁣growth sectors and strategically allocating funds, Republicans can enhance their stock‍ market ⁢returns and compete ​more effectively⁤ with their ⁢Democratic counterparts.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

The report’s findings raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest ‍and unethical behavior by‌ members‍ of Congress. Critics argue‍ that lawmakers ⁢should focus solely on their legislative duties and avoid​ any involvement in the stock market ⁢that ⁣may compromise their ⁣impartiality.

To⁤ address these concerns, stricter regulations​ and⁤ transparency‌ measures should be ‌implemented. Lawmakers should be required to disclose their stock holdings⁢ and transactions in a timely and transparent ⁤manner. This would allow for greater scrutiny and ensure ⁣that lawmakers’ actions are in line with their constituents’ interests.

Furthermore, ethics committees should play a more⁤ active role in overseeing lawmakers’ financial activities. Regular audits ⁣and⁢ investigations can help identify ⁢any instances of insider trading or other unethical behavior, ensuring accountability and maintaining the integrity‌ of Congress.


The‌ Unusual Whales report sheds light on the impressive stock⁢ market performances of ⁤members⁢ of Congress, particularly Democrats, in the‍ past year. ⁣However, it also highlights the need for increased‍ oversight ‌and transparency to address ⁢ethical ​concerns. ‌By implementing stricter regulations and ​promoting ‍accountability, Congress can foster an environment that encourages lawmakers to act in the⁢ best interests of the public while ⁣promoting financial success.

Read More From Original Article Here: Members of Congress outperformed the stock market in 2023

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