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Mexico sends bold message to US: Keep borders open!

If there was ever a microcosm of how little foreign nations respect Joe Biden’s ⁢United ‌States of America, this is the prime example.

Because this disrespect isn’t coming from some ‌overseas rival, a Middle Eastern country that hates Western values, or some ⁣remnant of the USSR.

No this flagrant bit of disrespect is emanating from,‍ effectively, America’s backyard — ​Mexico.

You know Mexico, the ⁢country that America has sent nearly $600 million to in the last five years and where Americans are ⁤ routinely kidnapped.

But this writer digresses … let’s just focus on this childish, nonsensical stunt from Tijuana,⁤ Mexico, officials.

As ⁤ Fox News ⁢ reported, Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and former Mexican foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard set up a piece of the infamous Berlin Wall within view of the U.S.-Mexico⁤ border in Tijuana.

Next to ‍the piece of the wall, Caballero posted this message on​ a plaque: “May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges.”

Do you believe ⁣Mexico ⁢went too far?

Do you believe Mexico went too far?

If‍ you couldn’t tell, that’s a not-so-subtle shot at​ anyone who dares think that sovereign nations should have established and regulated borders (an apparently novel⁣ concept to the left).

Border⁤ security was a winning platform for⁢ former President Trump when he stunned the nation with a 2016 general election win.

It’s an issue even Biden‍ is (supposedly) working on, as the ‍crisis of⁣ illegal immigration has only worsened under his blind eye. He at least has to pretend ‍like he cares ​ about the country’s porous⁤ borders as the 2024 general election looms.

So clearly, left or right, there is growing concern about the border.

Leave it to some​ clueless bureaucrat from Mexico to completely miss ⁣the point of that ‌consternation.

Where to even begin with ‌how ⁢stupid this little Berlin ‌Wall stunt is?

First, and perhaps most importantly of all, ‌the Berlin Wall divided up a singular country in Germany. Leftists are notoriously bad at geography, but‍ that still doesn’t excuse this wild misstep.

So, unless Caballero and Ebrard think ⁤that Tijuana⁤ should start paying taxes into the American government’s coffers, they can bugger right off with that comparison.

Second, the left ​continuously misrepresents ⁢what it is that legal immigration⁣ advocates are​ fighting for.

“Why in Tijuana? How many families have shed blood, labor ​and their lives to get past the wall?” Caballero asked, per Fox News. “The social‌ and political conflict is different than ‌the Berlin Wall, but it’s a wall ⁤at the end of the day. And a ⁤wall is ⁤always ⁣a sphinx that divides and bloodies nations.”

It’s not ⁢about the wall. It’s about a country securing its borders. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‍a gate,⁢ wall, moat, or landmine field — a country without ‌sovereign borders is ​no country at all.

Lastly, what⁣ is the point ⁢of⁢ this? Does the mayor of some podunk​ drunkard tourist destination actually think she’s going to change any hearts or minds with this snarky schtick?

Let’s be real,​ this ​isn’t about some humanitarian plea … this is a cry for attention.

Because if Caballero actually ​cared about this issue,​ she would be working with U.S. officials to stymie the unmitigated flood of unchecked illegal immigrants — not trying to shame them with a stunt that would make a fifth-grade history student blush.

The post Mexico​ Unveils⁤ Monumental, Snarky Message for⁤ US Citizens Who‍ Want the Border ⁣Closed appeared first on The Western Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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