Michigan AG Dana Nessel Calls For ‘A Drag Queen For Every School’ During Woke Conference

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel called for “a drag queen for every school” during a Wednesday conference in which attendees “look[ed] at discrimination through a systems lens.”

“Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,” Nessel said at the 2022 Michigan Civil Rights Summit, according to audio obtained by The Detroit News. The summit, hosted by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, featured several top Michigan state officials, as well as Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge, who addressed the crowd virtually.

“Drag queens are entertainment. And you know what I’ll say that was totally not poll tested, I’d say this, ‘A drag queen for every school,’” Nessel added.

In her speech, Nessel spoke out against “fake issues” being used to divide people. “I am so tired of having prominent members of our state government create wedge issues that don’t help, that don’t heal us but divide us. And that’s all they do,” Nessel also said.

The Michigan Civil Rights Summit’s 2022 conference is dedicated to “analyz[ing] equity in education, housing, health care, voting rights, and economics,” according to a press release from the Department of Civil Rights. In addition to Nessel and Fudge, Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist and Secretary of State Joscelyn Benson made appearances.

Nessel’s comments were an apparent tongue-in-cheek reference to former President Herbert Hoover, who apocryphally promised a chicken in every pot during the 1928 election cycle. The promise was widely mocked after the U.S. fell into the Great Depression in 1929. (RELATED: State AG Comes Clean, Says She Got Too Drunk Before College Football Game And Required Assistance Leaving Stadium)

Nessel, a former criminal defense attorney, is the first openly LGBTQ person elected to statewide office in Michigan. She has argued in state court that Michigan law prohibits discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation, and was lauded by Democrats after she banned then-President Donald Trump from the state after he refused to wear a mask during a tour of a Ford auto plant.

A spokesperson for Nessel did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

In contrast, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon has pledged criminal penalties for “adults who involve children in drag shows,” describing it as “sexually abusive activity.”

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