Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against IBM for Alleged Discrimination Against White and Asian Men

Missouri’s Attorney General‍ Andrew Bailey has initiated a lawsuit against IBM for what he describes as​ discriminatory hiring practices that⁢ favor certain ⁤racial groups and genders over others, specifically⁤ discriminating against white, Asian,‍ and male applicants. The lawsuit claims that IBM has implemented a “diversity modifier” which links‍ executive compensations​ to ⁢meeting ‍identity-based​ quotas. Failure to ⁢meet these⁣ quotas can result in penalties such as loss ⁢of bonuses and even termination.

The lawsuit highlights the seriousness of employing ⁢such discriminatory policies, violating the Missouri Human Rights Act, which ⁣does not tolerate racist employment practices. Statements from IBM’s CEO Arvind Krishna, as allegedly ⁤revealed ​in a ​leaked video by journalist James O’Keefe, suggest that IBM enforced these policies by incentivizing executives ‌with compensation tied to hiring increases in underrepresented groups. Former⁣ CEO ⁣of IBM’s subsidiary Red Hat, Paul Cormier, supported the​ existence ⁢of‍ these DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies, stating that they held⁤ leaders ⁣accountable to ​these standards to the point of termination if not met.

The legal action by⁢ Attorney General Bailey seeks to⁢ address and halt these practices,‌ asserting that employment opportunities should ⁤not be influenced by discriminatory policies based ⁢on gender or skin color.

Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a lawsuit against technology giant International Business Machines (IBM), alleging that the company engaged in discriminatory hiring practices against white, Asian, and male applicants – even compelling employees to go along with discriminatory policies by tying compensation to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) metrics.

Bailey told The Daily Wire that this is “a lawsuit to end corporate racism at IBM,” with the suit alleging that the corporation uses a “diversity modifier” system that ties the compensation of its executives to their willingness to meet various identity-based quotas that discriminate against white, Asian, and male job candidates.

“But if he or she fails to meet it, IBM swings the stick: they lose part of their bonus and, eventually, their job,” the lawsuit says.

“We will not tolerate racist employment policies in the state of Missouri. That’s the plain text of the Missouri Human Rights Act,” Bailey explained.

“It has come to my attention that IBM has adopted an unlawful policy that blatantly favors applicants of a certain gender or skin color over others, and that managers within the company who refuse to comply with said policy face adverse action, including and up to, termination,” Bailey said.

IBM’s CEO Arvind Krishna even reportedly admitted that the company was engaged in race-based hiring in a leaked video posted to X by undercover journalist James O’Keefe. “I expect at the executive level, so that, that is not just my directs, but all executives in the company, have to move forward by 1% on both underrepresented minorities,” the CEO said.

Krishna warned that those who did not increase the number of new hires from various racial groups would lose part of their bonuses.

Paul Cormier, the former CEO of IBM’s subsidiary Red Hat, also boasted about the DEI policies in place at the company. Cormier explained that multiple leaders “weren’t willing to live up to the standards” and were “held accountable” to the point that they were no longer employed with the company.

“We’re going to hold, we are continuing to hold, and going to hold even more of our executives accountable for all of this and they will have metrics around this,” Cormier added.

Bailey’s lawsuit said tying a “quota system to bonus compensations” is “a cudgel against those who do not fall in line.”

The Attorney General went on to point out that IBM’s “discriminatory practices” were not the result of stray mid-level managers, but a conscious initiative from the most powerful people at the company. “What we have in IBM is a culture of racism from the top down. We’re not talking about a mid-level bureaucrat. We’re talking about the CEO of the entire company threatening his corporate executives with sanction if they don’t abide by his racist policies.”


“Missourians deserve answers as to why one of the largest technology and consulting companies in the world, with offices based in Missouri, is discriminating against both prospective and current employees,” he added.

The Daily Wire previously revealed that the tech giant was engaged in anti-white, anti-Asian, and anti-male discrimination, hosting an internship opportunity that was only open to those of certain backgrounds. An internship for “underrepresented minorities” listed off the approved racial and ethnic backgrounds, explaining that applicants had to be “African American, Hispanic, or Indigenous.”

Another IBM internship, called the “Internship for Undergraduate Women,” stipulated that “applicants must be female, including all students who present or identify as women and/or trans women.”

David Bernstein, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia School of Law, told The Daily Wire that these internship programs “clearly violate Title VII,” which bars race and sex-based employment preferences.

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