The bongino report

Montana GOP Sen. Daines Demands Briefing From Secretary of Defense About Chinese Spy Balloon

After a Chinese balloon — which the Defense Department called a surveillance balloon — flew over Montana, where intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) fields are located, Montana GOP Senator Steve Daines wrote an urgent letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanding a full security briefing.

After the balloon was found, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley (chair) and Vice Chairman Joint Chief Gen. Christopher Grady (vice chair) recommended that no additional be ordered. “kinetic action” According to defense officials, the reason for this was possible falling debris.

“The fact that this balloon was occupying Montana airspace creates significant concern that Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB) and the United States’ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) fields are the target of this intelligence gathering mission,” Daines Submitted. “Given the serious nature of the event, I am requesting a full security briefing from the administration on this situation. It is vital to establish the flight path of this balloon, any compromised U.S. national security assets, and all telecom or IT infrastructure on the ground within the U.S. that this spy-balloon was utilizing.”

Daines then continued to point out that Montana was home to the nuclear missile silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base. He stated this bluntly. “I am alarmed by the fact that this spy balloon was able to infiltrate the airspace of our country and Montana.”

“There is no higher priority for your administration than the safety and security of the American people and it is imperative that your administration reassure them of that fact at this time,” He concluded.

Several people reported the balloon in Billings Montana on Tuesday. According According to a top defense official, the balloon had flown above the Aleutian Islands, Canada, before reaching Montana and was still flying over America on Thursday.

All flights from Billings Logan International Airport were grounded on Wednesday for approximately two hours.

“You did see reports yesterday of a ground stop at Billings airport, and the mobilization of a number of assets including F 22s…in the event that a decision was made to bring this down while it was over Montana,” The senior defense official agreed. “So we wanted to make sure we were coordinating with civil authorities to empty out the airspace around that potential area…It was the judgment of our military commanders that we didn’t drive the risk down low enough that we didn’t take the shot.”

Montana GOP Gov. Greg Gianforte released a statement stating that “I received an informational briefing yesterday on the situation involving a suspected Chinese spy balloon flying over Montana. From the spy balloon to the Chinese Communist Party spying on Americans through TikTok to CCP-linked companies buying American farmland, I’m deeply troubled by the constant stream of alarming developments for our national security.”

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