Washington Examiner

Morris claims Trump impeachment led to his payment of Hunter Biden’s taxes in 2020

Entertainment Lawyer ​Testifies: Biden Campaign Unrelated to Loaning Hunter Biden Money

Kevin Morris, a prominent entertainment lawyer, made a captivating statement before Congress last week. He asserted that his decision to loan‌ money to Hunter⁤ Biden‌ in 2020 to settle his outstanding taxes had nothing to do with Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Instead, Morris ⁣pointed to the impeachment proceedings against former President‍ Donald Trump ​as⁤ the true political “risk” he had alluded‍ to in a controversial email sent on February 7, 2020.

The impeachment proceedings, however, had effectively concluded two days before Morris sent the email, as Trump was acquitted on February 5, 2020.

“I believe that, you know, remember that the ⁤Trump impeachment process was going on at this time. And, ⁣you know, they were waiving around the possibility‌ of ⁢calling Hunter, you know, right until the⁣ very end. I believe that it wrapped up. I believe that was the emergen — I believe that, you know, that was the thing prompting us‌ — you know, this is about preparing his tax returns,” Morris explained.

The email in question, sent from Morris to an accountant working for Hunter Biden,⁢ read, “We are under considerable risk personally and politically to get the returns in.

During the interview, a committee aide​ pressed Morris on how Trump’s impeachment proceedings could have created an urgent need to address Hunter Biden’s unpaid ‍taxes. Morris responded, “I’m guessing. I’m speculating ⁣that that’s ‍what I was talking about. It’s 4 years ago​ I looked at the calendar; what was going on there.”

The aide continued to question Morris, seeking clarification on what he meant by “personally and politically” in the 2020 email. Morris replied, “Look, this is ⁣a general description⁤ of things. You know, I’m happy to — personally — you know, again, there’s no cardinality between these ‌two things. We shouldn’t try to establish it differently. They work together. It’s a quick email from an‌ attorney, asking his accountants to hustle up. And, you know, personally, he hadn’t filed his taxes. Okay? That’s his personal problem. And then, politically,‌ could — you know — look, there was an impeachment proceeding going on. His name was and face was everywhere in the world.”

According to⁢ Morris’s⁣ testimony,‍ he loaned Hunter Biden millions of dollars starting in 2020. The‍ funds ​were used to cover various expenses, including taxes, housing, Porsche payments, security, and legal fees.

Morris revealed that he first⁢ met Hunter Biden at a fundraiser for Joe Biden in Brentwood, California, ⁢towards the end of 2019. Less than two months after their initial meeting, Morris began providing financial⁣ assistance to Hunter Biden. Notably, Morris had also donated thousands of dollars to support Joe Biden’s​ election campaign ⁤in ⁣2020.

IRS criminal investigators, who had been working ​on the federal government’s case against Hunter Biden for years, raised concerns about whether Morris’s financial support could be considered a campaign donation. They‌ believed that the payments may have helped Joe​ Biden avoid a significant public relations problem during an election year.

If Morris’s assistance were ‍deemed a campaign donation, it would far⁣ exceed the legal ‌limit. The IRS ⁤whistleblowers expressed their interest in investigating ​the matter as a potential campaign finance violation.

Handwritten notes from one of the whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, suggested that a top prosecutor on the case, Lesley Wolf, may have hindered ⁤investigators from looking into the⁤ allegation. Shapley ⁣claimed that Wolf had stated she was not‌ “personally” interested in pursuing the investigation.

Wolf, in her recent testimony before Congress, did not directly address the allegation​ of brushing off the investigation. She maintained that she had always followed department policies while working on the government’s case against Hunter⁤ Biden, although she stated‍ that the Justice Department had not authorized her to speak on the matter.

Special counsel David Weiss, who is overseeing the case, is expected to release a ‍comprehensive report detailing his prosecutorial decisions once his investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden conclude.


Why did Morris believe it was necessary to address Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes promptly, considering Trump’s impeachment proceedings

Expenses,⁣ including legal fees ⁤and‍ outstanding taxes. Morris stressed⁤ that the‌ decision to provide the loan was solely based on⁣ his professional ‌relationship with Hunter Biden as his entertainment lawyer ‌and had⁣ no connection to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Morris’s testimony sheds light on the controversial email that surfaced earlier this year and fueled speculation⁤ regarding the potential political motivations behind the loan. The email expressed​ concern⁢ over the risks involved in obtaining Hunter ​Biden’s tax returns,⁤ using the terms “personally and politically.” ‍During the‍ committee hearing, Morris clarified that the term “personally” referred to Hunter Biden’s personal problem of not having filed his taxes, while “politically” alluded to ‌the intense⁣ media‌ scrutiny surrounding his name ⁤due to the ongoing ‍impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Morris ⁤emphasized that the email was a simple request⁣ to expedite the tax return process‍ and should not be misconstrued as evidence of any political interference or impropriety.⁣ He remarked that it was⁢ a quick communication from an‌ attorney to his accountants, urging them to prioritize ⁤the matter.

The committee aide persistently questioned Morris,‌ seeking clarification on why Trump’s impeachment ‌proceedings would have any bearing on the urgency of‍ addressing Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes. Morris admitted that⁣ he could only speculate on ‍his thought‍ process at the time, given that four‍ years had passed⁢ since ‍the email was sent. However,⁣ he reiterated that the impeachment proceedings, coupled ⁣with the intense media attention​ on Hunter Biden, contributed to ⁢the need to resolve⁣ his tax-related issues promptly.

Morris’s testimony⁢ paints a ⁢picture ⁣of a loan transaction that ‍was ⁤conducted within⁣ the boundaries of legal and⁤ professional ethics. As⁣ an⁢ entertainment lawyer with no involvement ⁣in political matters, Morris ​provided financial assistance to his⁢ client when needed, irrespective of⁣ any⁣ political implications. He defended his‌ decision to testify and shed light on the context behind the email, aiming ⁤to dispel any ⁢misconceptions ​or erroneous⁢ assumptions.

The hearing offered valuable insights into​ the ‌loan transaction between Morris‌ and ‌Hunter Biden, revealing that ⁣political motivations were not at play. Morris’s testimony ⁤emphasized the importance of understanding the⁢ context‍ before drawing conclusions and reinforced his commitment to his client’s best ⁤interests, both personally and professionally.

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