George Lucas Hits Back at ‘Star Wars’ Critics: ‘Most People Are Aliens!
Ately, it’s those behind Disney’s “Star Wars” imprint who have the most to say. And what they say isn’t pleasant to fans of the original series.
The article discusses the current state of the “Star Wars” franchise and the changes that have occurred since creator George Lucas sold it to Disney in 2012. While Lucas has unofficially retired and profited greatly from the sale, he has also responded to criticism that the franchise is not “woke” enough. The author argues that the original trilogy and prequels had universal themes and a message of hope, while the new projects often focus on diversity and “woke” messaging. The article also mentions the controversy surrounding the firing of actress Gina Carano for her social media activity. The author concludes that the focus on messaging has taken away from the fun and universal appeal of the original “Star Wars” films.
“Star Wars” creator George Lucas has little to complain about these days.
He’s unofficially retired and his signature franchise fattened his wallet to the tune of $4 billion.
Lucas still fought back against those who said his “Star Wars” saga wasn’t woke enough while receiving the Cannes Film Festivals’ honorary Palme d’Or.
They would say, ‘It’s all white men’ …Most of the people are aliens! The idea is you’re supposed to accept people for what they are, whether they’re big and furry or whether they’re green or whatever. The idea is all people are equal.
He needn’t say a syllable.
“Star Wars,” both the original trilogy and its lesser prequel series, gave us a diverse cast of heroes, universal themes and an underlying message of hope.
Rocco Spaziani/Archivio Spaziani/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images
Heck, if a desert planet farmer could free the galaxy from Darth Vader, we all can do something meaningful with our lives.
That’s the point. It’s also one that’s all but forgotten since Disney handed over that $4 billion check to Lucas in 2012.
Blockbusters come and go, but few sagas have inspired audiences quite like “Star Wars.” The films spawned a revolution in toy sales, endless pop culture off-shoots and who knows how many filmmakers careers. More than a few have cited “Star Wars” to this scribe as the spark behind their creative journeys.
The modern “Star Wars” universe, in sharp contrast, is a culture war battlefield. The stories reek of woke messaging. The cast and crew inject diversity talking points into their media interviews, never missing a chance to proclaim the saga’s evolved agenda.
I know for a lot of people it’s so significant that there are so many women in these films, and I think that’s wonderful. If that inspires people that maybe would have said ‘It’s not for me’ or ‘I can’t do that’ and [now] they say ‘I can be that’ and ‘I can do that,’ that’s even better. You want it to be not a time of change, but a time of inclusion.
That’s Dave Filoni, Lucasfilm’s Chief Creative Officer.
The not-so-hidden message? The “Star Wars” franchise you know and love was problematic to the core. And we fixed it.
Except the only recent “Star Wars” project with a fraction of the fan devotion as the original series remains “The Mandalorian.” And that show fired one of its most popular stars, Gina Carano, for sharing the “wrong” views on social media.
Apparently, the former MMA star was too empowering.
We haven’t had a new “Star Wars” movie since 2019’s “The Rise of Skywalker.” Since then, project after “Star Wars” project has been announced and put in dry dock.
Now, Disney’s Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, pushes “The Force is Female” messaging and attacks audiences before new “Star Wars” titles even air.
Operating within these giant franchises now, with social media and the level of expectation — it’s terrifying … I think a lot of the women who step into ‘Star Wars’ struggle with this a bit more. Because of the fan base being so male dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal.
Right on cue, the folks behind “The Acolyte,” the latest Disney+ “Star Wars” series, accepts the label that the show is the “gayest” project yet.
The messaging, both on screen and off, is relentless. So where’s the fun?
“The Acolyte” features a same-sex couple prominently in the story, highlights an all-female coven of witch-like warriors and demonizes the Jedi Knights, purportedly the heroes of the saga.
No one cared about the background of the original “Star Wars” creators. Films weren’t examined and re-examined for “representation” or “diverse” points of view. The Han-Leia romance mattered, but love and identity took a back seat to saving the galaxy.
VALERY HACHE/AFP via Getty Images
Lucas had a vision, one that a small army of artists carried out to the last, painstaking detail.
It worked like a charm, if memory serves.
Lucas took sizable heat following the release of the prequel trilogy. He caught more fire for tinkering with the original films, updating special effects and editing out minor moments considered canon by fans.
The 2010 film “The People vs. George Lucas” by Alexandre O. Philippe captured the mixed feelings fans had for Lucas. They worship his pop culture contributions and have plenty to say about them, too.
He mostly let the work speak for him.
Lucas created his space saga decades before the rise of social media. The modern storytellers aren’t so fortunate. They still seem intent on mocking critics and fans alike, dubbing those who resist some of the new storytelling tics “racist” and/or “sexist.”
Those barbs ricochet around social media, short-circuiting the bond between creator and fan.
“The Acolyte” showrunner Leslie Headland attacked classic “Star Wars” tales to The New York Times.
“As a fan myself, I know how frustrating some ‘Star Wars’ storytelling in the past has been. I’ve felt it myself.”
She’s in the minority. Legions of fans reveled in the original adventures of Han, Luke and Leia. They bought the lunch boxes, slept on “Star Wars” sheets and never worried about the number of minorities in a given scene.
Lucas’ tales sparked their imaginations, then and now. Fans wouldn’t mind a new generation of storytellers who can stop lecturing and start telling amazing stories from “a galaxy far, far away.”
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Christian Toto is an award-winning journalist, movie critic and editor of He previously served as associate editor with Breitbart News’ Big Hollywood. Follow him at @HollywoodInToto.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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