The epoch times

Mother and daughter to get $100k settlement in groundbreaking gender transition case.

A Victory for ​Parental Rights: California⁣ School District Settles Lawsuit

A⁤ California school district‍ that was sued over allegations teachers and staff at Buena Vista ⁢Middle School in Salinas, Calif., coached an 11-year-old girl to socially transition‌ to a male gender identity settled with the⁤ girl and ​her ​mother for $100,000.

The lawsuit, ‍filed on June‌ 14 last⁤ year, named ⁢Spreckels Union School District, the principal at⁤ the school, ⁢and two teachers as ⁢defendants.

Jessica Konen, the child’s mother, came forward after a leaked audio recording revealed the two teachers telling​ other educators about how they ⁢secretly recruited students into the school’s LGBT club at a California Teachers Association weekend conference in Palm Springs in October 2021. The CTA event ⁢was billed as the “2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference, Beyond the Binary: Identity & Imagining Possibilities.” The⁤ two teachers ‍were later⁢ suspended and no longer work in the district.

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Ms. ​Konen ‍told The Epoch Times she’s relieved‌ that a settlement has finally been ‍reached.

“It’s a massive ‍victory across⁣ America for myself, for my daughter, and for other⁢ parents experiencing similar situations,” she said. “Our voices made a ‍difference.”

While she is grateful to the Center‌ for American Liberty for ‌taking⁣ on the pro-bono case, she said⁤ the battle ⁣for parental rights​ has only begun.

Jessica Konen, the⁤ mother of a child who ‌was ⁢allegedly coached into a transgender identity​ at school in Salinas, California. (Courtesy of ​Trevor Lewis)

“I just ​feel social transitioning ⁢done in secrecy is the real evil. We‌ need to ⁢get rid of it, ⁣period.⁢ So, the⁣ fight must continue,” she said.

Her daughter, Alicia Konen, who is now 16, echoed her ⁣mom’s sentiments, saying she’s ready to ⁢put‍ the experience, ⁣which she described as “evil” and “horrible,” behind her.

According to the Center ⁢for American Liberty and allegations​ in the lawsuit, Alicia was⁤ recruited to join ​an “Equality Club,” where she was taught about bisexuality, transgender ‌identities, and other LGBT concepts when she ⁢was​ in the sixth grade.

Alicia began ​to⁣ use a male name and pronouns and​ wore a chest binder under boy’s clothes.

School staff finally ⁣called a meeting the last day before‍ winter break during ​Alicia’s ⁢seventh‍ grade year and demanded ‍that Ms. Konen refer to her daughter by a male name and male pronouns, she said.

“I was definitely intimidated,” she said.

Ms. Konen recalls feeling​ awkward​ and⁣ stressed⁣ when she was⁤ tagging Alicia’s Christmas gifts.

She wanted to be supportive to her daughter but wasn’t⁣ ready to call her ‌by a⁤ male name and pronouns, so she wrote “Baby” and “Sweetheart” instead.

“I was an emotional ⁤wreck‍ trying to process⁢ everything. I‍ was scared to mess up or to use the ⁤wrong pronouns,” she said. “I never used‌ the male pronouns, and I⁣ never ‍used‍ the name.”

Ms. Konen warned parents to “be vigilant,” talk to ‌teachers, and pay attention to what’s happening at local school⁣ board⁢ meetings.

About ‍200 ‌parental rights demonstrators marched through​ downtown Los Angeles to protest secret‍ gender transitions‍ in California public schools on Aug. 22, 2023. (Courtesy⁢ of Hasmik​ Bezirdshyan)

“Don’t be afraid ⁤to ask questions. Don’t‌ be ⁤afraid to show your ​values and your opinions,”‍ she said.

She also urged parents ⁤to ‍get more engaged in their children’s ⁢lives.

“We need to fight for our kids, because if we don’t fight for our‌ kids, ‌they’ll fight for our kids,” she said. “Be close ​to your child, because‌ somebody wants to get closer.”

‘I Wanted to Tell ⁤My Mom’

Alicia’s social gender ⁢transition began when she went to ‍see a school counselor because she ⁣was feeling depressed, she told​ The Epoch ⁣Times.

“I⁢ was told by the counselor—it was brought up that I was sad because I ​wasn’t who I was supposed to be, and that’s kind⁤ of where it all‌ started,” she said.

Alicia was “pulled away” from her schoolwork, and the counselor who she said was working ‍with the school to “socially transition kids,” put her on a⁣ Gender Support Plan, ⁤known as a GSP, which required school staff to use a male name ‍and pronouns when ‍referring to her, and to allow her to‌ use the unisex ⁣teachers’ restroom instead of the ⁢girl’s facilities.

“I was ⁢advised by the school not‌ to tell my mom, and I was ⁣given articles on how to hide a social transition from my mom,” she said. “I was extremely ⁢confused, and honestly ⁣very ⁣scared. I wanted to tell my​ mom, and continually said I wanted to tell her, but ⁣I was ⁣encouraged⁢ to keep it a secret. … The school said that‌ my mother wouldn’t support me.”

But, throughout the ordeal which ⁣lasted for more than a year, Alicia believes her ‌mom would support her no ‌matter what.

“She loves​ me. She went through this whole fight for me, and that just shows⁤ really how much she supports⁤ me, how much she loves me,” ‍Alicia said. ‌“It was horrible what I went through,‌ and not a lot of people know how it feels to have⁣ to hide ⁣stuff from your mom, especially when you have as close ⁤of a bond as we do.”

A pedestrian sign⁣ outside of ‌an elementary school in ⁢Costa Mesa,⁣ Calif., on Aug. 21, 2023. (John Fredricks/The Epoch​ Times)

Alicia said she ​has felt better about herself‌ since she ⁣left middle school and entered ⁤high school ‌where she is “actually ​able to focus on my academics.”

And she is comfortable with her gender.

“I ⁣am 1,000 percent a girl. I am Alicia. That⁣ is who I am, and no one can ever change that,” she said. “I feel free finally. I feel like I’m not under control by anybody. I ‌can finally move forward with my life‍ and be happy.”

The Konens hope their high-profile‍ case ⁣will draw ‌attention and encourage‌ other families to challenge state ​and local school board policies that exclude parents from their children’s lives.

“I ⁤think that throughout the country there will be a lot more coming forward, realizing that they were never ​alone,” Ms.⁢ Konen said. “There are people ‍out there who ⁣are hurt.”

The settlement⁢ means ⁤they’re both able to talk more freely about⁣ their‍ experience and have considered writing a book.

“It is a complete ​passion of mine to⁤ continue to spread awareness,” ⁤she said.

Alicia said she feels “extremely bad,”⁣ for​ other children who were ​socially⁣ transitioned at school.

“That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to come out ⁣and ⁢speak‍ about this case, because I want to ⁢be a voice for the people who feel like ⁣they don’t have a voice.”

Ms. Konen said the school staff took advantage of her daughter’s ⁣young ‌mind and ​vulnerable state, which she called “a‌ form of brainwashing,” and didn’t tell her that Alicia ‌was having suicidal thoughts.

If parents are kept in the⁢ dark‍ about their children’s problems, they won’t be able to‍ help support them​ or get them the therapy they need, ‍she said.

“It’s extremely dangerous,” Ms. Konen‌ said, “What‍ if ‌something happens that is irreversible? … If a‍ child‍ only has the support‍ of schools, what happens when ‍they go‍ home? What happens when they have those bad days? What ‍happens when they’re confused at home?”

The best way to prevent youth⁣ suicides ⁢is for school staff and parents to work together,⁢ Ms. Konen said.

“If everyone’s included, then that is in ⁢the best interest of the⁤ child—not hiding it,” she said. “The⁤ secret stuff has to go.”

A spokesperson for ‌the Spreckels Union ‍School District was not immediately available⁣ for⁣ comment.

About 200 ​parental rights demonstrators marched through‍ downtown Los Angeles to protest secret gender transitions in California public schools on Aug. 22, 2023. (Courtesy of Hasmik Bezirdshyan)

‘Hard to Put a ⁤Dollar Value on It’

Eric Sell, a civil rights attorney at the Center for American Liberty who represented the Konens, told The Epoch Times the school district settled the case based⁣ on the underlying allegations in the lawsuit but hasn’t admitted‍ any fault or liability.

“What happened to Alicia, Jessica is hard ⁣to quantify. ⁤It’s hard to⁤ put a dollar value on⁤ it,” he said.

But the $100,00 settlement will serve as a deterrent for other school⁣ districts that continue ‌“to propagate⁤ these policies and practices ​that violate⁤ parental rights,”⁤ Sell added.

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