Conservative News Daily

MSNBC host’s appalling reaction to Hamas’ civilian killings: No blame on terrorists.

MSNBC Host Issues Disgusting Response to Hamas’ Slaughter of ‌Civilians – He Doesn’t Blame the Terrorists

It’s predictable, but still it’s​ revolting.

On the same day terrorists launched a surprise attack on southern Israel from their base in the Gaza Strip,‌ an⁢ MSNBC host⁣ and analyst was already on American television screens casting blame for ‍the bloodshed.

And⁣ for Ayman Mohyeldin, the blame lies everywhere but where it truly belongs.

Mohyeldin appeared on MSNBC’s “Velshi” to provide the leftist network’s viewers with a leftist spin on the attack that has so far cost more than 600 Israeli ​lives with thousands more wounded, ⁢with an unknown number ⁢of civilians and​ soldiers taken prisoner.

And the leftist spin was, all too​ predictably, that the violence is the fault of its victims.

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Israel’s⁣ inability to live peaceably ‌next to the cancerous, terrorist regime of Hamas, and instead pursue​ peace opportunities with the larger Arab world, is the reason it has been hit with a literal invasion from a semi-state run by barbarians that’s carved‍ into its southern territory.

“What we’re seeing today are very deadly ⁢consequences of failed ⁣policies,” Mohyeldin ⁢said⁢ at about the 3:50 mark of the video below.

“Failure on the American administration’s ‍part to change course, to take a different course of action with how we deal with the Palestinians and the Israelis. Failure ​on Israel’s part. Failure on the region’s part to not be able to say, this‍ is an issue that matters.”

Notice anyone missing from that‌ formulation? Like the guys who launched thousands of missiles at⁢ civilian targets? Or the leaders who had to spend months ⁢planning an operation of mass murder that, considering Israel’s geographical size and population, dwarfed ⁤what the attacks of 9/11 meant to the United States?

For Mohyeldin, ⁤who hosts an eponymous program on MSNBC, there’s no blame to attach to Hamas leaders or their foot soldiers. Not for the men who planned the strategy nor the killers on the ground.

And,⁣ of course,⁣ he didn’t have a bad⁢ word to say about the terrorism-sponsoring regime in Iran,‌ which, as National Review suggested, almost certainly had a hand in the Saturday attack — ‍if ⁢only to give it approval.

As Politico reported, ‍Tehran’s foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani had‌ nothing‌ but praise for the attack.

“What took place today is⁢ in line with the continuation ​of victories for ‌the anti-Zionist resistance⁤ in ‌different fields, ⁣including Syria, Lebanon and occupied lands,” Kanani ​said, according ‍to Politico.

(That’s⁤ the country President ⁣Joe Biden’s administration is giving $6 billion. He can’t even buy friends.)

Only Israel is to blame — and, naturally, its American supporters are worth calling out by name in Mohyeldin’s view.

It’s obscene.

Fortunately, social media users​ — like sane‌ moral human beings anywhere — could see right through that sophistry⁢ — and shamed MSNBC for the attempt.

In one sense, Mohyeldin did have a point, when ‍he noted that Israel had​ struck deals with Muslim nations that had been sworn to ​its destruction.

(The Abraham Accords brokered by President Donald Trump were the‌ region’s ⁤biggest steps toward what could be at least‌ hope for ‌a lasting peace ⁤since Israel declared its statehood in 1948.)

Biden Admin Palestinian Affairs Office Deletes Post Chiding⁢ Israel ​After Bloody Surprise Attack

Under Netanyahu, Israel looking beyond the obviously intractable Palestinian leadership to the broader Muslim world —⁣ possibly hoping that ⁢someday Palestinians will get tired of being led by men⁢ who treat them like either cattle⁢ or cannon fodder. For the Mohyeldins of the world, though, that’s too much to ask.

To them,‌ apparently, ‌the Palestinians living under the savage rule of⁤ Hamas ⁤in the Gaza Strip ‌have no responsibility for their own lives​ — their misery is inflicted by Israel, and for that Israelis must die.

To believe such evil is ​one thing. To say it out loud​ is another. To say it out loud in the wake ​of an ongoing attack, where the bodies aren’t even counted yet, much less ‌buried, when⁤ the men, women ​and children taken⁣ hostage ​aren’t even known to their loved ones yet is simply beneath human decency, or contempt.

But it’s MSNBC and left. Mohyeldin was just one of the first apologists for mass murder to justify this attack on⁣ Israel in the leftist media. There will be more coming — ⁢and a lot of it.

It’s predictable — and revolting.

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The post MSNBC​ Host‍ Issues⁤ Disgusting Response to Hamas’ Slaughter of Civilians – He Doesn’t Blame the‌ Terrorists appeared first ⁣on The Western Journal.

How does Mohyeldin’s perspective on⁢ the attack differ from⁤ the Inister’s perspective?

Inister called the⁣ attack a ‍“historic victory” and said it was a response to Israel’s “barbarism.” But none ⁤of⁣ that ​seems to matter⁣ to Mohyeldin.

No, for​ him, it’s all about blaming Israel ⁣and the United States⁤ for ⁤not taking a “different course of action.”

It’s‍ appalling⁣ to‍ see someone in⁢ the media refuse to hold terrorists accountable for their‍ actions. Hamas has made ​it ⁢clear that their ‌goal‌ is to destroy ⁤Israel and kill as⁤ many Israelis as possible. They use innocent civilians as human⁢ shields ‌and launch rockets from heavily populated areas.

But according to Mohyeldin, it’s Israel’s fault⁣ for not finding a way to live peacefully ‍with a terrorist regime that wants‌ to wipe them off the map. It’s the United States’ fault for not pressuring Israel to make concessions to terrorists. It’s everyone’s fault except for the terrorists⁤ themselves.

This kind of rhetoric is dangerous and irresponsible. It ‌undermines ​the truth and gives cover ⁢to those who commit acts of terror. It also perpetuates a false narrative that portrays terrorists as victims and those ⁣defending themselves as aggressors.

It’s not surprising to see this kind of bias and distortion of reality coming from MSNBC, a network that has⁣ long been accused of having a liberal bias. But that doesn’t make it any less revolting.

It’s⁢ important⁤ to call out this kind of rhetoric and hold those who engage in it accountable. The media has a responsibility to report the ‌truth and provide unbiased analysis. When they fail‌ to do ‌so, ​it erodes trust in‍ the media and ⁣fuels division ​and hatred.

It’s also important to remember the victims of terror attacks, both in Israel and around the world. They deserve our support and ⁤solidarity in ⁢the‍ face ‍of evil. Blaming the victims and excusing the ‍perpetrators only serves to further their agenda.

It’s time for the media to step up and fulfill ‌their role as watchdogs and truth-tellers. It’s time to ⁢hold terrorists accountable for their actions ​and stop‌ making excuses ‍for their behavior.⁣ And it’s time to support those who are ⁤working towards peace and stability in the region, rather than blaming them for ⁢the violence.

Ayman Mohyeldin and others like him need to be⁣ called out for‌ their disgusting response to Hamas’ slaughter of civilians. Their bias and⁢ lack of⁢ objectivity have no place in responsible journalism.

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