Conservative News Daily

Hamas Attack: Americans Possibly Killed or Captured by Israel

Multiple Americans Likely ⁣Killed or Captured in Hamas‍ Assault: Israel

Whatever unfolds in ‌Israel over the days ahead in the wake of Saturday’s invasion of ⁢the country by Hamas terrorists, one ⁢thing is ⁢almost certain.

American​ lives⁢ will be among ‍those lost, and Americans could ‌well be among‌ those taken hostage.

And that’s⁢ going ​to make a bad situation ​even worse for the American public —⁤ and‌ the bunglers of President Joe Biden’s administration.

In⁣ an interview on ⁣CNN’s “State of the Union,” according to dermer-on-hamas-terror-attack-there-is-also-american-hostages/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Breitbart, Israel’s‍ Minister for Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer told host Dana​ Bash that there were “scores” ‌of hostages — including Americans — but details ⁢were scant.

“I could⁢ tell you there is also American hostages as part ‍of the number as well. I don’t‌ want to get into a ⁢specific⁤ number.

“But these are women and children,” he said. “They are⁢ elderly. They are Holocaust survivors. This is sick. It is a savage attack.”

When Bash pressed​ for ⁢more information,⁢ Dermer, a former Israeli ambassador to ⁢the United States who was born in‌ Florida,‍ suggested the nature of the close⁢ U.S.-Israeli relationship, with many citizens of Israel having American citizenship as well, makes it likely American citizens were directly victimized by the ​violence.

“We have a lot of dual citizens in⁣ Israel. ⁢I suspect there are⁤ several, but we’re still ​trying to sort ⁤through all of all this information after this horrific⁢ surprise attack and we’ll make sure to put that information out so that the loved ⁢ones of these people who ⁢were​ killed and who⁤ are held hostage, they know as quickly as possible,” he said.

And ‍on​ NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Secretary of State Antony Blinkin said the State Department has ‌had reports ⁢that Americans could be “among the dead.”

He‌ said there have​ been similar reports that Americans are‌ among the⁤ scores of Israeli ⁣service personnel and civilians ⁤who have been captured by Hamas.

“Any American anywhere‍ who’s⁤ being detained or held hostage — that’s going to be a ‍priority ⁤for the⁣ scope of‍ this administration,”​ he said.

Well, Americans can be forgiven ⁤for skepticism when it comes to a⁣ “priority for the ​scope” of the Biden White House. (Just as an aside, “priority⁣ for the scope” ‍is pretty much a meaningless phrase in ‍normal English. ⁢Maybe it means something pointed ‍in government-ese. But we get‌ the point. It’s going to ​be important.)

After all, this is ‌a‍ president who traded with Russian⁢ President Vladimir Putin to release ‍a known Russian arms ‌dealer — the kind of guy ​who’s​ known as the “merchant of death”‌ in​ international circles ⁣— to get back to the United States as a celebrity sports star who checked the ⁤right Democratic demographic boxes of being‌ a​ woman, black and gay. Meanwhile,⁢ he left behind a Marine veteran ‍ accused of espionage to rot in Russian prison cells.

This isn’t meant to be churlishly political at a time​ when ‌Israel, one⁤ of the ‍United ‍States’ closest allies, is⁤ in ​yet ​another ⁤battle for its existence, but any Americans being held hostage by Hamas better hope they or their supporters can drum up enough victimization bona fides to rate the Biden administration’s attention.

That’s especially true considering the murderous raiders behind this invasion are Palestinian terrorists — killers in the kind of ⁣cause causes Democrats love to⁢ celebrate at ‌the expense of human decency.

Just look at the way the fabled “squad” members managed⁤ to ‌condemn the attack but at almost the same time call for “de-escalation,” as though the Israeli government — already expected to tolerate pinpoint acts of ⁤terrorism on a regular basis — is supposed to let its citizens be subject to an outright ⁤act of war by a terrorist group posing as ⁢a quasi-government and do nothing about ​it.

On the Israeli side, the death toll is at ⁣least 600 ⁣ and rising. No Israeli government would deserve to hold power if it didn’t protect its people from an ‌attack like that.

Big-name⁢ Democrats haven’t exactly covered themselves⁢ in glory in recent years when ​it comes to ⁢their treatment ⁣of the dead. When Americans,‌ including a United ⁤States ambassador, were murdered in ​Benghazi,⁤ Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012,‌ the ⁢Barack Obama administration and its⁢ secretary of state, Hillary⁤ Clinton, manufactured a lie about an internet video no one had seen to explain their deaths.

When Hillary Clinton⁤ herself⁢ was grilled on the ​cause of their deaths months later, she infamously‌ asked, “What difference, at this point, does it​ make?”

More recently Biden infuriated Gold ‍Star families when ⁣he was seen looking ‍at his watch while at​ a ceremony for the return of the bodies of ⁣the service ​personnel who⁢ had‌ died during his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in​ September ‌2021.

None of that bodes well for Americans who have​ been unfortunate enough to have fallen into Hamas’ hands. None of it bodes well for​ the families⁢ of Americans who might have died thanks to that same murderous⁣ crew.

The American public deserves better than an administration that can’t be trusted⁤ to‍ honor ⁢its ​dead. It deserves better than ⁣a president who can’t be trusted to get American⁤ citizens home if they’ve been taken unjustly ⁣into custody by a foreign ‍power — especially if that foreign power isn’t ‍even⁣ a legitimate government.

But the ‌Biden⁤ administration​ is what the American public has at the moment.

Any war in the ⁢Middle East is going to be bad. With‍ Biden in the‍ White House and Americans directly involved, as casualties or ⁤hostages, ​it’s going to be⁣ worse — for the United ⁢States ⁢and the world.

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The ‍post Multiple Americans ⁤Likely ‌Killed or Captured⁤ in Hamas Assault: ‌Israel appeared first‍ on The Western Journal.

What urgent⁣ and decisive action​ should the Biden administration take to secure the release of American ‌hostages held‍ by terrorists?

Spy ⁢in exchange for⁢ multiple American hostages. This is a ⁣president who ⁣has shown a ⁢lack ‌of‌ ‌urgency ⁡and‌ ‌action when it comes to ‌protecting American ‌lives⁡ abroad.

Now, it appears that Americans ‌have once⁡ again ⁣become victims of ⁢terrorism, this time at the hands of Hamas in Israel. The fact⁢ that American hostages are ⁢​women, children, and Holocaust survivors makes this attack even more heinous‌ and despicable.

It is ⁡imperative that the Biden administration ⁢take immediate and‌ decisive action to secure​ the release of these Americans. ⁢The lives and well-being of American‍ citizens must ​be a top priority⁢ for our government.

Secretary Blinkin’s words are ​promising, but the American ‍public has grown skeptical of promises and empty rhetoric. We need to see concrete action ⁣being taken to ensure ⁢the safety ⁣of our fellow citizens in Israel.

Furthermore, this‍ attack highlights the ⁤importance of a⁢ strong relationship between ‍the United States and ⁣Israel. With so many dual citizens⁤ residing in⁣ Israel, the U.S.‍ has ⁤a vested⁣ interest in the⁤ security and well-being of its‍ citizens living⁢ overseas.

Instead of weakening our alliance with⁤ Israel, as some critics of the‍ Biden administration suggest, we should‍ be strengthening⁤ our ties and working together to ⁤combat ‌terrorism ⁢and protect American lives.

The invasion by Hamas ‌⁢into Israel is not just an attack ⁢on one country, but a threat ⁢to global security. It is a reminder that terrorism knows no​ borders and can strike anywhere at any time.

The international community must stand united ​against these⁤ acts ‌of terror and ​support Israel in⁣ its efforts to defend its​ citizens and bring an end‌ to this crisis. We‌ cannot allow innocent lives to be lost and American⁣ citizens‌ to be held​ hostage.

If the Biden administration fails to act ‍swiftly and effectively, it will not only be‌ a failure of leadership but⁣ also a​ betrayal of ​the American people‌ who have placed their trust and safety in ​the hands‌ of our government.

We must demand accountability and action from our elected officials. The lives of ‌our fellow ‌Americans are at stake, and we cannot afford to ‍let politics or⁣ incompetence get in the way of their safety and freedom.

America ⁣needs strong ⁢and decisive leadership in times of crisis. We cannot afford ⁤to waver ⁤or falter in ⁤the face of‌ terrorism. The lives of American citizens ⁣must always be ​our top priority.

As we wait for more ‍information ⁤to ⁣emerge about ‍the extent of American casualties ⁢and hostages in Israel, let⁣ us pray⁢ for the safety and ​swift⁣ return of our fellow citizens. May they find strength in their darkest hour and⁤ may justice be served to those responsible for this‌ heinous act ‍of violence.

May we never ‍forget the importance of unity, solidarity, and unwavering support for our fellow Americans, both ​at home and abroad.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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