The federalist

My Children Will Not Get the Covid Shot No Matter What The CDC Recommends 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine advisory committee unanimously voted to add the Covid-19 shot to the growing list of recommended childhood vaccines this week. Most states follow this recommended immunization schedule when developing vaccine requirements for schools and childcare facilities. Unfortunately, not all vaccines are created equal.

Most of the standard scheduled shots have had decades, entire lifetimes to go through long-term trial-and-error. The Covid-19 shot did not even receive standard clinical trial evaluations, and this is just one factor in my family’s decision to avoid the new shot at all costs. 

Clinical research is necessary to determine if medical substances used to treat illnesses and diseases are safe. They have four phases that often span between five to seven years to ensure that drugs produce desired results and improve the health and wellness of patients safely and effectively.  

The information gathered during each phase is used to evaluate and improve treatments in order to determine if medicines should be approved for mass consumption. Thanks to the Emergency Use Authorization policy — spawned from 9/11 response and beyond — the federal government gave the FDA the power to fast-track drug production and availability without properly testing substances for life-altering and life-threatening side effects on a long-term scale. 

As we all know, this policy was utilized to create and market the Covid-19 vaccines. Now, the CDC has voted to add the shot to the list of recommended vaccines for children. This means that public schools will likely require them soon, and unfortunately, many private schools as well. 

Public Acceptance of Medical Tyranny 

While private schools became a trusted education alternative for families throughout the pandemic, masking and social distancing policies were put in place even at these institutions. I know this because my niece was placed in a Catholic school to avoid the Covid hysteria. My sister believed that this would afford her daughter not only a proper education but also the protected right to breathe freely. Sadly, that was not the case.   

Churches, synagogues, and other places of worship were not immune to fears of the virus. It was understandable at the start of the pandemic, but as time went on and more and more evidence revealed that Covid-19 wasn’t as deadly as predicted and childhood deaths from Covid were a rarity, these policies remained in place. 

Children have been continuously abused for the sake of adults who abandoned the ability to calculate personal risk. Lockdowns and other Covid policies have caused developmental delays, mental health issues, and physical ailments in children that will affect them for the rest of their lives.   

While the Nuremberg Code still exists and was designed to protect individuals from forced medical experimentation and/or coercion after WWII, these protections have been side-stepped and forgotten. Across the nation teachers, doctors, politicians, corporations, and celebrities have spent two years bullying, badgering, and harassing anyone who even dares to question these new vaccines. And now the CDC is focusing renewed efforts on children.   

But those of us who refuse to fall prey to schoolyard antics will not be moved by public opinions or ad

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