Myanmar faces turmoil, global leaders urge action

Protesters hold up the three-finger salute during a demonstration against the military coup in Yangon on July 29, 2021. (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:11 PM PT – Saturday, July 31, 2021

It has been almost six months since the Myanmar military, the Tatmadaw, has seized power. Since the coup, the United Nations have called it a “multifaceted crisis.”

British Diplomat Barbara Woodward explained, “what started as a political coup has now become a multifaceted crisis with political, economic, health and humanitarian dimensions.”

Woodward said the conflict has escalated, with more than 5,000 people detained. She added the spread of COVID-19 was also concerning.

“The coup has resulted in a near total collapse of the healthcare system and healthcare workers are being attacked and arrested,” she expressed. “The virus is spreading through the population very fast indeed, by some estimates in the next two weeks, half of the population of Myanmar could be infected with COVID.”

The country, which is located in Southeast Asia, has been struggling to gain back control since the military took control and declared a year-long state of emergency. Protests since then have involved government workers, teachers, lawyers and students.

In addition, COVID-19 has surged through the country, with unrest stemming from residents and activists who have said the military has been using the pandemic to “consolidate power and crush oppression.” Medical oxygen supplies have reportedly ran low and the government has stopped distributing personal protection equipment and masks.

According to reports, anyone who showed support for the democracy movement have not been allowed to be treated in hospitals. This comes as a senior U.S. diplomat has reportedly asked the U.N. Security Council to press the Myanmar military to “stop violence” as well as suggested with COVID-19, a delay in action could cause more deaths.

The U.S. ambassador said the military crackdown from the coup has displaced “hundreds of thousands of people and up to 2.8 million additional people may be facing food shortages.” Many are calling for action and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been set to meet with Southeast Asian officials next week to discuss impending topics, including the crisis in the country.

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