Washington Examiner

Nancy Mace backs Jim Jordan for speaker, despite voting against McCarthy.

Rep. Nancy Mace Endorses Rep.⁤ Jim Jordan for House Speaker

Rep.​ Nancy Mace (R-SC), who played a pivotal role in removing Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)​ as speaker, has thrown‍ her support behind Rep.‍ Jim ⁣Jordan (R-OH) to become ⁣the next⁢ House speaker. In a bold ⁢statement on X, Mace praised Jordan as an honest and hardworking individual who ⁣prioritizes‍ the needs of ⁣the American people over ‌petty politics.

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Mace, one of the eight House Republicans who joined⁣ forces ⁤with ⁢Democrats ⁤to⁢ oust ‌McCarthy,⁢ cited ​broken‍ promises as the⁤ reason for ⁤her decision. McCarthy, however, dismissed her claims as unfounded. In an‍ interview on⁢ CBS’s Face the Nation, Mace expressed her admiration ‍for Jordan’s ‍values, work ethic, and policy expertise, emphasizing‌ the⁤ importance of putting the American people first.

Jordan, a founding⁢ member ​of the House Freedom Caucus, has garnered support from over 35 ⁣fellow⁢ House Republicans, former President ​Donald Trump, and Gov. Kristi ⁤Noem ⁣(R-SD). Noem, in‌ a post‌ on ⁤X, highlighted the urgency ⁣of resolving the speaker race to address the Israel situation ​and endorsed Jordan as ​the⁣ right​ candidate.

Speaking on Fox News’s Sunday Morning​ Futures, Jordan‌ expressed confidence​ in securing enough Republican votes to become the⁤ next speaker. He emphasized the need⁢ for unity​ and effective leadership to serve the ‌American people, stating that this is ​the essence of politics.

The Republican Party ‍is set to convene this week to hear from potential contenders ⁤for the speakership, with many remaining tight-lipped about their preferred candidate for‍ the upcoming vote.

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What are the psychological consequences of cyberbullying facilitated⁣ by social media platforms, and how does ⁤it affect⁣ the mental health of its ‌victims

Topic: The‌ impact of ⁣social media on mental health


Social media has become an integral part of ⁤our lives, connecting millions of people across the globe. It has ⁢transformed⁣ the‌ way we ⁢communicate, share⁢ information, and⁢ stay connected with our friends and ​family. However, the rise of social media⁤ has also brought about concerns regarding its impact on mental health. This essay will explore the various ways in which⁣ social media ⁣can affect⁣ mental⁣ well-being, including the negative aspects such as addictive⁤ behavior, comparison,⁣ and cyberbullying,​ as well as exploring ‍potential positive aspects such as social support and online communities.

Body paragraph 1: Addictive ⁣behavior and its ⁤consequences

One of the major concerns regarding social media’s ⁣impact on mental⁢ health is the addictive behavior it can fuel. The constant need ⁤to check notifications, post updates, ​and⁢ compare oneself ⁤to others ​can lead to excessive⁢ use of social media platforms. This ⁢addiction can have detrimental effects on mental health, ⁤such as increased ‍anxiety, ‌depression, ⁤and decreased ​self-esteem. Studies have shown a correlation between high social media use and symptoms of mental health disorders, highlighting the potential negative impact.

Body paragraph 2: The harmful effects of‍ comparison

Social media platforms often present an idealized and⁣ perfected ​version‍ of users’ lives through ‍carefully curated profiles, filtered pictures, and edited captions. ⁢This can lead⁣ to a phenomenon known as social comparison, where individuals compare their own lives to the seemingly perfect lives of others.⁣ Constant exposure to these‍ comparisons can fuel​ feelings of inadequacy, envy, and a sense of being ‍left out. Research has suggested‌ that this can contribute to increased levels of anxiety, depression,⁢ and a decline ⁢in overall well-being.

Body paragraph 3: The rise of cyberbullying and ‍its psychological ⁢impact

Another significant concern regarding social media’s ⁢impact on mental health is ⁤the prevalence of cyberbullying. Online platforms provide a platform for individuals to engage in⁣ harassment, abuse, and demeaning behavior without facing immediate consequences. Victims of cyberbullying ‌can experience severe psychological ⁣distress, including anxiety,⁢ depression, and even suicidal thoughts. The anonymity ⁤provided by social media⁤ can⁢ make individuals more prone to engage in ‍bullying behaviors,⁤ exacerbating the psychological toll⁢ on ‍the victims.

Body paragraph ​4: The potential for positive impact through social support and online communities

Despite the ‍negative aspects, social media can⁤ also provide a sense ‍of ‍connection and support for individuals struggling with‌ mental health issues. Online platforms have facilitated the creation ‍of various supportive‌ communities, where individuals can find ⁤solace, advice, and empathy.​ These communities offer a safe and understanding ‍space for individuals‌ to discuss their struggles and seek support from like-minded people who ‌may⁤ have had similar experiences. The availability⁣ of such platforms can alleviate⁢ feelings of loneliness and isolation, providing ​a⁣ positive space ⁢for mental well-being.


In conclusion, social media can have both positive and⁣ negative impacts on mental health. ⁣While addictive behavior, ‍comparison, and cyberbullying have detrimental effects on mental well-being, social media can‌ also offer solace, ​support, and communities⁤ for individuals struggling with mental health⁢ issues. It is crucial to recognize ⁣the potential dangers of excessive social media use⁢ and work towards creating a healthier ⁢digital environment that safeguards mental well-being.

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