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Nashville cowboy passionately criticizes Biden and Harris in incredible street interview.

If this is the word on ‍the‌ street among many black‍ voters, Democratic hopes⁢ for 2024 just​ got dimmer.

In‌ a man-on-the-street interview by conservative activist and journalist ⁣ Benny Johnson, a black man in Nashville let loose with⁣ a stream of criticisms​ of President‍ Joe Biden ​and Vice President Kamala Harris that‌ should have had​ some ears​ burning in the D.C. ‍Beltway.

The language takes a bit of getting used to, but once‍ that’s ⁣out of the way, the message ⁢comes through loud and clear.

In his introduction to the video posted to YouTube on Sunday, ⁤Johnson said he was “reporting from Nashville, asking a question that‍ didn’t have⁢ anything to do with Donald Trump.”

“And one man just wanted to come and tell us what he thinks about our president, and it⁣ blew our minds,” Johnson said.

The contents of the‍ video make​ it ⁢easy to understand why.

It will blow minds⁢ in a certain city north of⁤ Richmond, too.

WARNING: The following⁢ video contains extremely graphic‍ language. It’s been bleeped over, ‌but it isn’t hard to figure ⁣out.

“Biden, that motherf***** losing his senses,” said the ⁣man, wearing the ⁣kind of cowboy ⁤hat that‍ goes better⁣ in Nashville than it would in any northern city.

Do ⁤you ​think Biden and Harris need ⁣to resign?

Do you ⁣think Biden and Harris need to resign?

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“That and Kamala Harris, she ⁢just a token, and I ​hate ‌to​ say it, she just ‍a token black ‍woman,” ⁣the⁢ man said. “I don’t give ⁣a damn. Like I’m gonna say this s***. She ‌just ⁢a token black woman.”

The video is spliced‍ with creatively edited scenes from ‌campaign ads, ⁤news footage and sitcoms to heighten the comedic value of the man’s comments, but he really didn’t need the help.⁣ He was on a roll.

“Biden tagged onto ‍that ‍and said, ‌‘You know what? I’m gonna win the black vote while having her.’”

Granted, as political‍ analysis, it’s ⁢maybe not as erudite as the Washington Post might be, but does anyone doubt Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) had‌ something similar ‍in mind when ⁤he singlehandedly saved ​ the Biden primary​ campaign in 2020 by delivering the black vote in South Carolina to the then-former vice president?

And as for​ Kamala Harris’ role? The man didn’t quite quote⁢ Shakespeare with “yon ⁢Cassius has a lean and hungry look,” but he got​ the idea of ⁣the‍ power-hungry former senator across​ pretty well.

“She felt like, ‘OK, we’re ‍gonna ⁢say Biden is incompetent, then I’m gonna be president,’” he said.

Instead, Biden is hanging on. And⁢ actually running for re-election —‍ even⁢ if it​ looks like he has trouble ‍walking half the time.

“Like, come on, man. That man too ⁣damn old. He a senior citizen,” ‌the man said. “We ​need to be talking about‍ Jello and senior citizen homes with⁤ his ⁣a**.”

As should be clear by now, the‌ man is no​ fan of the man and woman leading the​ executive⁣ branch at the moment.

“I’m not a political person at all,” he said. “But I will ‌say⁤ one thing: His a** needs⁤ to ‍go. And her a** needs to go.”

And ‍since discussing⁢ the Biden-Harris administration almost always leads in one direction, the man had ‍an opinion about former President Donald Trump — and it might ⁣not come as‌ a surprise at​ this point, though the verbiage might not⁢ be what most Trump⁢ supporters would ‍choose.

“I think ‌Trump⁢ should be president,” ‌he said. “And I’m a tell you why.

“Because we ​need somebody that’s an a**hole in the White House.

“We need somebody that’s ‌going to tell these foreign countries,‍ ‘F*** you. This is the ⁢way we gonna do it. And if you don’t like it, we’ll meet you on the battlefield.’”

Actually, Trump never said⁤ anything like that — ⁤his strong point was negotiation — which ‍is how he managed ‍to get Israel and historic enemies ​making⁤ some of the strongest ⁤strides toward peace in the ⁢Jewish state’s existence.

It’s how he worked with Mexico to put some controls ⁤on⁢ the illegal immigration ​flow — controls that were inanely destroyed by⁤ the incoming ‍Biden⁤ administration to create the crisis​ that’s now ⁤reaching all over far⁣ from the border states.

And it’s ⁤how he created​ one of the​ most successful presidential terms in ‍history, despite being handicapped by a ‌monstrously biased media, a relentless Democratic‌ opposition and a special counsel investigating what turned out to be a baseless hoax of “Russian ‌collusion.”

The bottom line, ⁤though, was the man’s ⁢obvious ‌loathing for the current White House occupant.

“The world ​we live in today is f****** crazy,” the man ⁢said. “And Biden ‍needs to sit his old a** down and eat some Jello somewhere.

“And Kamala Harris, Pamela, Kamala, whatever the⁢ f*** her name is, she needs ​to sit her a** down, too.”

Considering the black‍ voting ​bloc’s unflinching devotion to the Democratic cause, even a small crack⁤ in that ‍monolith would spell trouble for the Democratic ticket in‌ 2024.

If there is anything like this kind of disdain for Biden and Harris in the⁤ black community, and anything like ⁢this kind of support for Trump, if Trump is the GOP ⁤nominee, next year’s election is going to be ​one for the history books — in more ways than one.

The post Nashville Cowboy Goes Off on Biden, Harris ⁤in Amazing⁢ Man-on-the-Street​ Interview appeared first on The ​Western ⁣Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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