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Netanyahu: New phase in war against Hamas, our second fight for independence.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: ⁢”We Will Fight and Win”

In a bold declaration, Israeli Prime Minister⁢ Benjamin‌ Netanyahu announced that the country’s battle against Hamas has⁣ entered a new phase, as Israel fights for its very survival.

This comes in the wake of a horrific terrorist ⁢attack by Palestinian Islamic extremists on October 7, where over 1,400⁣ Israelis⁤ were massacred, more than 5,200 were wounded, and hundreds ⁣were taken hostage. The brutality of⁣ the attack was unimaginable, with‌ children beheaded, babies burned alive, and ⁤women raped so ⁢ violently that their bodies were‍ found with broken pelvises.

Israel⁢ responded with a series ‌of intense airstrikes on Hamas targets in northern Gaza, specifically targeting the terrorists’ underground tunnel⁣ network.​ The Israel ‌Defense ‌Forces ⁤(IDF) released ‍footage ⁤showing a larger ‍group​ of ground units entering ⁢Gaza, ⁣signaling a significant escalation in ⁤the conflict.

Netanyahu’s Determination

Netanyahu emphasized the clear goals of the war: ⁢to destroy ⁢Hamas’s military‌ and governing capabilities and to bring ⁤back the captives. He⁣ assured the families ⁢of the hostages that‍ Israel is​ doing everything possible to secure their loved ones’ release.

Addressing accusations of war crimes, Netanyahu vehemently defended the ‍IDF’s moral ​conduct, calling those who accuse Israeli soldiers hypocritical ⁣liars. He urged the civilian population in Gaza to evacuate to safer areas.

Furthermore, Netanyahu made ‍it clear that the airstrikes against ‍Hamas were just​ the beginning. Israel’s determination to eliminate the terrorist organization is unwavering.


He‌ declared, “We ‍have already eliminated ⁤countless terrorists, including arch-terrorists, and‌ destroyed numerous ⁢command posts ⁢and infrastructure. But ​we are only getting started. The war in Gaza ‍will be long and difficult, but we⁣ are prepared. This is⁤ our second​ war of​ independence, and we ⁤will fight ⁣to ⁢defend our homeland.”

Netanyahu’s ​words⁤ exuded⁢ confidence and⁤ determination: “We will fight on land, at sea, and in ⁤the ⁣air. We will destroy the ⁤enemy above and below‌ ground. ⁢We will fight, and we will win.​ This will be a victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, of​ life over death. We stand united, certain in the justice of ⁤our cause. This is ⁢the ​mission of our ‌lives, and it is ‌my personal mission‌ as ​well.”

In conclusion, Netanyahu expressed ‍his prayers for the ‍well-being of ‌Israeli soldiers and invoked divine protection: “May God⁢ strike down our enemies and crown our soldiers with deliverance and victory.”


Why is it important for the international community to support Israel ⁢in its fight against terrorism?


He ​reiterated his unwavering commitment to the safety and security of the Israeli people, stating, “We will ‌fight and‌ win. We will not rest until we have eliminated this evil from our lands.” Netanyahu also called on the international community to stand with Israel in its fight against terrorism, urging them to recognize the true face of Hamas and to support Israel’s ⁤right to defend itself.

Netanyahu’s strong words reflect the gravity of the situation and the determination of⁣ the Israeli people ⁢to defend their homeland. ⁢This is not just a battle⁤ against Hamas, ⁣but a⁤ fight for their very existence. The recent terrorist attack highlighted the brutal ​and ‍merciless nature of those who​ seek to destroy Israel, ‌but ​it ⁣has also galvanized the Israeli⁣ people to stand together and fight back.

The Israeli⁣ Defense Forces (IDF) have been ‌on high alert, ​tirelessly working to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure and neutralize the threat they pose. Israel’s intelligence capabilities have been crucial in tracking down Hamas ​leaders and disrupting ⁤their operations.⁢ The IDF’s airstrikes ‌have ⁤targeted not only Hamas militants but ‍also their weapons’ stockpiles, command centers, and underground tunnels.

Israel has also ​been working to expose the true nature of Hamas to the ⁣international community.⁢ The terrorist organization presents⁤ itself as a resistance movement fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people, but‌ in reality, it uses ⁢innocent civilians as human ⁢shields and perpetrates unspeakable ⁣acts of violence against both Israelis and their own people. Netanyahu urged the world not⁣ to be duped by‍ Hamas’s propaganda and to see them ⁣for what they truly are: a terrorist organization that ‍seeks to destroy Israel and spread chaos and violence in the region.

The international community ‌must‌ support Israel in its fight ⁢against ⁣terrorism.​ This is not just an Israeli issue; it is a‌ global problem. The‌ tactics used by Hamas are not limited ​to Israel alone, and if left ⁤unchecked, they will continue to pose a threat to ⁢security and stability worldwide.

Israel has the right to defend itself, just like any‍ other nation facing terrorism. The Israeli people deserve to live in peace and​ security, and it‍ is the duty ‌of the international community to support them in their fight against those who seek to harm them.

Netanyahu’s words serve as a reminder that Israel will not cower in ⁤the face of terrorism. They will fight with ‌every ounce of strength they have, and they will prevail. The Israeli people’s determination and resilience are unmatched,‌ and they will do whatever it takes to protect‌ their homeland and⁢ their people.

As the battle against Hamas rages on, it is ⁤imperative for the international community to stand firmly with Israel. The ⁢fight against terrorism knows ⁤no boundaries, and it is only through collective ​action and unwavering support that we can hope‌ to achieve victory ‍over those who seek to destroy ⁣our way of life. Israel’s fight is our fight, and⁤ we must join hands to ensure a safer and more secure​ world for all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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