Netanyahu Promises ‘Full Force’ Response: Terrorists ‘Will Pay A Very Heavy Price For Their Aggression’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave brief remarks on Tuesday night about the ongoing Palestinian terrorist attacks, saying that the terror organizations were going to pay a heavy price for the attacks.

Netanyahu’s remarks came after Palestinian terrorist organizations fired hundreds of rockets at Israel over the last 48 hours, some of which have landed inside Israel, killing some and wounding dozens.

“We are in the midst of a major campaign — Operation Guardian of the Walls,” Netanyahu said. “Yesterday and today, the IDF attacked hundreds of Hamas & Islamic Jihad terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. We have eliminated dozens of terrorists, including senior commanders. We have bombed Hamas command centers and toppled buildings that serve the terrorist organizations.”

“We will continue to attack with full force,” he continued. “We have just finished a consultation and assessment of the situation with heads of the security establishment and we made decisions. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have paid — I tell you here — will pay a very heavy price for their aggression. I say here this evening — their blood in on their heads. Citizens of Israel, we stand united against a reprehensible enemy.”

On Monday night, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck more than 130 terrorist targets inside Gaza in response to the hundreds of rockets that terrorists launched. The IDF noted that the terrorist organizations were responsible for “all events transpiring in the Gaza Strip and emanating from it, and will bear the consequences for terror activity against Israeli civilians.”

Israel’s Iron Dome intercepted more than 90 percent of the rockets fired; many of the rockets that were fired fell on targets within Gaza.

“We will grieve for those who have been killed. We all pray for the wellbeing of the wounded,” Netanyahu concluded. “We all stand behind the IDF and the security forces. I ask everyone, without exception, to strictly follow the directives of the IDF Home Front Command and enter protected spaces, this saves lives. I tell you something else this evening: This campaign will take time. With determination, unity and strength, we will restore security to the citizens of Israel.”


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