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New Democrat Coalition Unveils Economic Agenda to Alleviate ‘American People’s Burdens’

The New​ Democrat ‌Coalition’s Economic‍ Agenda

The New⁣ Democrat Coalition, the second-largest⁢ congressional ⁢Democrat ⁢caucus, released its economic agenda on July 18.

The ⁤coalition, ⁢composed of liberal and centrist Democrats​ who take a pro-business and ​moderate stance ⁣on ‌economics, released⁤ the text​ of a‍ new ⁢plan that they said would “[outline] ⁣the ⁤next steps‌ necessary to further ⁢ease the economic burdens on⁤ the American‍ people.”

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It tied the​ proposal to ⁢ongoing price rises, saying ​that despite‌ a substantial decrease in the level of ⁣inflation compared​ to the​ previous year,​ “there is still more work ⁣to be ⁢done.”

Strengthening ‍U.S.⁤ Control of Global Supply Chains

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The⁣ plan ‍outlines​ steps‌ to​ strengthen and solidify ‌U.S. control⁣ of‌ global supply ‌chains—particularly in the Indo-Pacific—proposing that⁢ the United ⁣States “leverage diplomatic,⁤ economic, and trade leadership to ‍expand market access for U.S. goods, reduce ⁣costs for ⁤U.S.‍ consumers, work with our allies to​ address⁣ the‍ abuses‍ of non-market economies,​ and⁣ ensure the⁣ U.S. ​writes the rules ⁣for the ⁣global ⁢economy of the future.”

The proposal ⁤says⁤ that this would ‌assist⁣ in‌ bringing down costs for Americans.

Additionally, ‌it ⁣calls‍ for “trade policies to support​ American workers and lead‌ the ​global economy,“‌ specifically ⁤through the pursuit of reduced⁣ tariffs and new ‍trade agreements with “nations⁢ that share our values,” including the⁤ UK, Kenya, and Taiwan.

Getting More ⁤People‌ Back to Work

The proposal also ‍includes​ recommendations that the coalition‍ says will “get more​ people back to work.”

This includes funding, modernizing, ‌and⁣ using innovative approaches ⁤to workforce development, high-quality‌ job training⁢ to get more workers ⁤into​ in-demand⁢ fields ⁤and addressing workforce needs through ⁢skills ‍training.

The members ‌of the ⁤coalition endorsed the​ passage‌ of several pending ⁣bills that would ‌assist in growing STEM ‍fields, ⁣increasing ​the ​availability ‍of ‌U.S. nurses​ and⁢ doctors, and expanding ⁤apprenticeship programs.

Other Key Points

Moreover, they‌ called‌ for⁣ an end ‍to noncompete ​agreements—usually⁢ signed⁣ between an‌ outgoing ⁤employee and ⁣their⁣ employer promising⁢ not to compete in ‍a certain ‍geographical area or industry.

The plan also suggests that occupational ​licensing regulations⁣ be ‌eased.

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On immigration, it ‍suggests ⁣that bipartisan reform that‌ secures the ⁢border, changes the‌ immigration court system, ‍updates the asylum process, and provides ‌legal protections and a ‍”pathway to citizenship for‍ Dreamers” could⁢ assist in ‍kindling U.S. economic activity.

The⁤ coalition wants ​expanded access‍ to paid‍ family ‍medical⁢ leave and dependent care, including children ​and⁤ disabled adults, “so that more parents ‍and caretakers⁣ can maintain financial security⁢ and ‌remain in the⁣ workforce.”

It ⁣will also push​ for ⁣increasing‍ affordable housing ⁤through abolishing “discriminatory ‍zoning policies,” ‌strengthening ​the Low Income ⁣Housing Tax ⁤Credit, and ⁣having public-private ‌partnerships deal ⁤with any shortage ⁣of housing.

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