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New footage of Dem who triggered fire alarm released – Good luck explaining, Jamaal.

New Footage of Dem Who Pulled Fire Alarm Released – Good Luck ‍Explaining ⁢This, Jamaal

When Democratic Rep.⁤ Jamaal Bowman — a member ‌of the “squad” ⁢of far-left representatives — got caught ‌pulling the fire alarm in⁤ the Cannon House Office Building of the ​Capitol complex before the‌ vote​ on the continuing resolution that kept the ⁢government open, he swore it was ⁤a mistake.

The reason he did it,‍ Bowman said,⁢ was that he was rushing for a vote and thought the fire alarm was, instead, the security mechanism⁢ to open the ‌door.

Unfortunately for​ the New ‍York congressman, the door — as with the rest of the Capitol complex, one assumes — is under video​ surveillance, and the tale of the tape tells a markedly ⁤different story.

Just so we’re clear on the timeline of events ‌here: On‌ Sept. 30, Bowman pulled the ⁤alarm just ‌before the House passed the “stopgap bill” by a⁤ vote of 335-91. ‌It was signed later in the day by President​ Joe Biden, thus averting a government shutdown.

As The New York Times reported, Bowman’s decision‍ to pull ⁢the alarm‌ came “as his party was trying to delay ‌a vote on” the bill.

“The alarm was triggered at the same time that House Democrats⁢ at the ‍Capitol were stalling a vote on a spending ⁢measure to keep the government operating for another 45 days,” the Times noted. “Speaker Kevin⁣ McCarthy had unveiled the bill just⁤ minutes earlier, and‌ Democrats were scrambling‍ to read the bill and determine whether to support it.

“Later in the ​day, the⁤ bill passed 335 ‍to 91, with more Democrats voting for it than Republicans.”

It ‍worked, temporarily, leading ⁤to an​ evacuation of ‍the building — ​which ⁢didn’t sit well with Republicans.

Then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called the tactic‍ “a new low.”

However,‍ Bowman insisted that despite the fact his party‍ was trying to delay a vote on the bill, he was‌ actually⁢ rushing to vote on it. Honest!

“I want to personally clear up confusion surrounding today’s ‌events,” Bowman said in a statement. “Today, ‍as‍ I was rushing to make a‍ vote, I‍ came ⁢to a⁢ door that is usually open for votes but today would ​not open.

“I am embarrassed to admit that I activated⁢ the fire alarm, mistakenly ⁤thinking it would​ open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize‌ for any confusion this caused.

“But I want‍ to be very clear, this‌ was not me, in any ⁣way,⁣ trying to delay any ⁤vote,”​ the statement continued.⁣ “It was the ​exact​ opposite — I was trying urgently to get to a vote, which I ultimately did and joined ‍my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our ⁢government open.”

Right. Which is why a video ‍released Thursday shows Bowman ​removing the signs before pulling the​ alarm and then ⁤walking away from the door⁤ he‌ thought was going to ‌open:

“Emergency Exit Only!” the signs read, according to the New York​ Post. “Push until alarm sounds (3 seconds). ⁣Door will unlock in 30 seconds.”

As​ Florida​ GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz noted on social media,‌ “This is what lawyers would call ‘intent.’”

Nor was Gaetz ⁣alone in that assessment:

This video, by the by, was ⁣made public hours after⁤ Bowman pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of⁤ falsely pulling a fire⁤ alarm. Not quite Bob Menendez stuff, but damning nonetheless.

The⁢ Post ⁤reported that the charges will be withdrawn as ​part of an agreement‍ in which Bowman pays​ a $1,000 fine and writes a letter of apology.

As Greg Price, a⁢ conservative social media pundit who works in communications for the State Freedom Caucus Network, noted,‌ obstructing ‍official government proceedings ​is a charge ​brought against those involved ⁤in ​the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, as well as former President Donald Trump ‌by special counsel Jack⁤ Smith:

But Bowman is a‍ Democrat — a far-left Democrat‌ to boot, with a “squad” membership to prove it — so nothing‍ will​ happen ‌aside from the guilty plea.

Zip. Nada.

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What’s more, nobody’s going to bother to question⁢ Bowman’s flimsy, risible excuse that he was just trying to open a door … with a fire alarm. That’s doubly true⁣ when he walked away from said door.

This incident smelled from the beginning, and now ‍it’s absolutely impossible to ​believe.

Good⁢ luck ⁤explaining this one now⁤ that the footage is out, Jamaal.

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