New Jobs Report Shows ‘Stunning’ Decline for Native-Born Americans, Opposite for Foreign-Born Workers

The article discusses ⁤the ‌August 2024 jobs report issued ‍by the U.S.⁢ Department of Labor, highlighting the troubling findings regarding ⁢employment ​among native-born American workers. The report revealed that only ⁣142,000 jobs were added, falling short of the 160,000 predicted⁢ by economists. More alarming, native-born workers have⁣ suffered a net job loss of 1.3 million since August ⁣2023, while foreign-born⁤ workers gained over ‌1.2 million jobs in the same period. Economic commentators have pointed out that this indicates a significant shift in the labor market ‌towards immigrant workers, with one expert⁤ describing the ‍situation as “stunning” and demonstrating ​the impact of immigration on the U.S. economy. Furthermore, the trend shows a decline in full-time employment coupled with an increase in part-time jobs, suggesting that many American workers are being left behind in the economic recovery. The commentary suggests that current policies, particularly under President Biden’s administration, are contributing to a bifurcated society and a neo-feudalism where a small elite benefits at the expense of average⁢ American workers. The article asserts that ‌unless political changes occur, this trend will ⁣continue.

Powerful people — and the governments they control — cannot get results like these by accident.

On Friday, according to Fox Business, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a weaker-than-expected August jobs report. The addition of 142,000 jobs last month fell short of the expected 160,000 that some economists projected.

The devil hiding in the details, however, involved statistics pertaining to native-born American workers that one expert called “absolutely stunning.”

In short, native-born workers have experienced a net job loss of 1.3 million since August 2023.

Meanwhile, foreign-born workers have seen an increase in employment.

Readers who enjoy looking at tables and figures may find the relevant data here. Note the “employed” column.

“This is an absolutely stunning statistic and illustrates the huge impact immigration is having on the US economy,” investment advisor James DePorre wrote on the social media platform X. “We need foreign-born workers badly in certain areas but many of them are taking jobs from native-born workers.”

Economist E.J. Antoni agreed.

“Aug jobs report shows more pain for native-born Americans, who’ve lost more than 1.3 million jobs over the last year, while foreign-born workers have gained over 1.2 million jobs – the American worker has been left behind in this ‘recovery’…” Antoni posted.

Meanwhile, conservative commentator Greg Price also noted that the kinds of jobs created do not help struggling Americans.

In short, employers shed full-time jobs while adding part-time jobs.

Data like this helps explain why so many affluent liberals enjoy the comfortable illusion of a strong economy. If they read only the “jobs created” part of the establishment media’s headlines, of course they assume that all is well.

Moreover, we should expect the government to once again revise even those putrid and unacceptable job numbers downward.

Net job losses for native-born Americans is a result that almost defies belief.

Indeed, the open-border policies enacted by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris make sense only in the context of a sustained effort to impose a kind of neo-feudalism on the citizens of the United States. A bifurcated society, where the impoverished and disarmed many depend on the powerful few, seems to be the objective.

Unless Americans vote former President Donald Trump back into the White House, that program of subtle enslavement will continue.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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